


my_name = "Bryson"

my_age = 43

your_name = input("What is your name? ")

your_age = input("How old are you? ")

print("My name is", my_name, ", and I am", my_age, "years old.")

print("Your name is", your_name, ", and you are", your_age, ".")

print("Thank you for buying my book,", your_name, "!")




操作符:+ 、-、*、 /、 **求幂、 ()分组



语法错误:Syntax Error,语法就是语句要遵守的规则




# AtlantaPizza.py – a simple pizza cost calculator

# Ask the person how many pizzas they want, get the number with eval()


number_of_pizzas = eval( input("How many pizzas do you want: ") )

# Ask for the menu cost of each pizza

cost_per_pizza = eval( input("How much does each pizza cost: ") )

# Calculate the total cost of the pizzas as our subtotal

subtotal = number_of_pizzas * cost_per_pizza

# Calculate the sales tax owed, at 8% of the subtotal

tax_rate = 0.08 # we store 8% as the decimal value 0.08

sales_tax = subtotal * tax_rate

# Add the sales tax to the subtotal for the final total

total = subtotal + sales_tax

# Show the user the total amount due, including tax

print("The total cost is $", total)

print("This includes $", subtotal, "for the pizza and")

print("$", sales_tax, "in sales tax.")


# SayMyName.py - prints a screen full of the user's name
# Ask the user for their name
name = input("What is your name? ")
# Print their name 100 times
for x in range(100):# Print their name followed by a space, not a new lineprint(name, end = " ")

sep, end, file and flush, if present, must be given as keyword arguments.




# SpiralMyName.py - prints a colorful spiral of the user's nameimport turtle # Set up turtle graphicst = turtle.Pen()
colors = ["red", "yellow", "blue", "green"]# Ask the user's name using turtle's textinput pop-up windowyour_name = turtle.textinput("Enter your name", "What is your name?")# Draw a spiral of the name on the screen, written 100 timesfor x in range(100):t.pencolor(colors[x%4]) # Rotate through the four colorst.penup()   # Don't draw the regular spiral linest.forward(x*4)  # Just move the turtle on the screent.pendown() # Write the user's name, bigger each timet.write(your_name, font = ("Arial", int( (x + 4) / 4), "bold") )t.left(92)  # Turn left, just as in our other spirals

文本对话框:turtle.textinput("Enter your name", "What is your name?")



# ColorSpiralInput.py
import turtle                       # Set up turtle graphics
t = turtle.Pen()
# Set up a list of any 8 valid Python color names
colors = ["red", "yellow", "blue", "green", "orange", "purple", "white", "gray"]
# Ask the user for the number of sides, between 1 and 8, with a default of 4
sides = int(turtle.numinput("Number of sides","How many sides do you want (1-8)?", 4, 1, 8))
# Draw a colorful spiral with the user-specified number of sides
for x in range(360):t.pencolor(colors[x % sides])   # Only use the right number of colorst.forward(x * 3 / sides + x)    # Change the size to match number of sidest.left(360 / sides + 1)         # Turn 360 degrees / number of sides, plus 1t.width(x * sides / 200)        # Make the pen larger as it goes outward

数字对话框:int(turtle.numinput("Number of sides",  "How many sides do you want (1-8)?", 4, 1, 8))


# Ask the user to enter a math problem
problem = input("Enter a math problem, or 'q' to quit: ")
# Keep going until the user enters 'q' to quit
while (problem != "q"):# Show the problem, and the answer using eval()print("The answer to ", problem, "is:", eval(problem) )# Ask for another math problemproblem = input("Enter another math problem, or 'q' to quit: ")# This while loop will keep going until you enter 'q' to quit




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