
资源分类:微软代码示例               更新日期:2008-10-11


语言:英文  授权形式:免费

微软 Scott Mitchell 为大家准备的 ASP.NET 2.0 三层架构应用程序系列教程,共35讲,分别有C#和VB.NET版本。

Tutorial 1: Creating a Data Access LayerTutorial 2: Creating a Business Logic LayerTutorial 3: Master Pages and Site Navigation
Basic Reporting
Tutorial 4: Displaying Data With the ObjectDataSourceTutorial 5: Declarative ParametersTutorial 6: Programmatically Setting the ObjectDataSource's Parameter Values
Tutorial 7: Master/Detail Filtering With a DropDownListTutorial 8: Master/Detail Filtering With Two DropDownListsTutorial 9: Master/Detail Filtering Across Two PagesTutorial 10: Master/Detail Using a Selectable Master GridView with a Details DetailView
Custom Formatting
Tutorial 11: Custom Formatting Based Upon DataTutorial 12: Using TemplateFields in the GridView ControlTutorial 13: Using TemplateFields in DetailsViewTutorial 14: Using the FormView's TemplatesTutorial 15: Displaying Summary Information in the GridView's Footer
Editing, Inserting, and Deleting Data
Tutorial 16: An Overview of Inserting, Updating, and Deleting DataTutorial 17: Examining the Events Associated with Inserting, Updating, and DeletingTutorial 18: Handling BLL-Level and DAL-Level Exceptions in an ASP.NET PageTutorial 19: Adding Validation Controls to the Editing and Inserting InterfacesTutorial 20: Customizing the Data-Modification InterfaceTutorial 21: Implementing Optimistic ConcurrencyTutorial 22: Adding Client-Side Confirmation when DeletingTutorial 23: Limiting Data-Modification Functionality Based on the User
Paging and Sorting
Tutorial 24: Paging and Sorting Report DataTutorial 25: Efficiently Paging Through Large Amounts of DataTutorial 26: Sorting Custom-Paged DataTutorial 27: Creating a Customized Sorting User Interface
Custom Button Actions
Tutorial 28: Adding and Responding to Buttons to a GridView
Displaying Data with the DataList and Repeater
Tutorial 29: Displaying Data with the DataList and Repeater ControlsTutorial 30: Formatting the DataList and Repeater Based upon DataTutorial 31: Showing Multiple Records per Row with the DataList ControlTutorial 32: Nested Data Web Controls
Filtering Scenarios with the DataList and Repeater
Tutorial 33: Master/Detail Filtering with a DropDownListTutorial 34: Master/Detail Filtering Across Two PagesTutorial 35: Master/Detail Using a Bulleted List of Master Records with a Details DataList

下载说明:每次课程之后都会有相应的代码,最终课程代码:Visual C# 版本 Visual Basic 版本


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