我已经在我的symfony包的Res​​ources / config / doctrine文件夹中使用yml-syntax创建了一个实体:


type: entity

table: tr_translations



type: string

column: idCodes

associationKey: id


type: string

column: idCatalogues

associationKey: id



type: text



targetEntity: Code

inversedBy: tr_codes


name: idCodes

referencedColumnName: id


targetEntity: Catalogue

inversedBy: tr_catalogues


name: idCatalogues

referencedColumnName: id



// create a new package and catalogue for the import

$package = new Package();


$catalogue = new Catalogue();





// load the file, and create a new code/translation combination for every message

$fileCatalogue = $loader->load($this->getFile(), $this->getLocale());

foreach ($fileCatalogue->all()['messages'] as $key => $message) {

$code = new Code();





$translate = new Translation();





$this->em->flush(); //FIXME no flush in between, if possible



// save all the changes to the database



Doctrine\ORM\ORMException : Entity of type

Sulu\Bundle\TranslateBundle\Entity\Translation has identity through a

foreign entity Sulu\Bundle\TranslateBundle\Entity\Code, however this

entity has no identity itself. You have to call

EntityManager#persist() on the related entity and make sure that an

identifier was generated before trying to persist

‘Sulu\Bundle\TranslateBundle\Entity\Translation’. In case of Post

Insert ID Generation (such as MySQL Auto-Increment or PostgreSQL

SERIAL) this means you have to call EntityManager#flush() between both

persist operations.


不幸的是,根据Doctrine Docs,您必须调用flush来获取外键的ID:

Generated entity identifiers / primary keys are guaranteed to be

available after the next successful flush operation that involves the

entity in question. You can not rely on a generated identifier to be

available directly after invoking persist. The inverse is also true.

You can not rely on a generated identifier being not available after a

failed flush operation.


来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191030/1968810.html


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