一、linux 与 windows 文件传输:rz/sz
ZModem is a full-duplex file transfer protocol that supports fast data transfer rates and effective error detection. ZModem is very user friendly, allowing either the sending or receiving party to initiate a file transfer. ZModem supports multiple file (”batch”) transfers, and allows the use of wildcards when specifying filenames. ZModem also supports resuming most prior ZModem file transfer attempts.




注意:单独用rz会有两个问题:上传中断、上传文件变化(md5不同),解决办法是上传是用rz -be,并且去掉弹出的对话框中“Upload files as ASCII”前的勾选。
-b binary 用binary的方式上传下载,不解释字符为ascii
-e 强制escape 所有控制字符,比如Ctrl+x,DEL等

运行命令sz file1 file2就是发文件到windows上(保存的目录是可以配置) 比ftp命令方便多了,而且服务器不用再开FTP服务了


Ascii or Binary? The general rule of thumb is if you can view the file in a text editor like notepad (ie. .html, .js, .css files etc) you should upload in ASCII mode, most

others (including images, sound files, video, zip files, executable’s etc) should be uploaded in Binary.
Exceptions to the Rule It seems all things related to computers have exceptions to the rules. Yes, this is yet another case of it.
If your text files contain international characters (ie. Chinese or Japanese text), they are to be uploaded as binary. The reason is that ascii takes into account differences

between DOS and UNIX files (7 bits) but it doesn’t do well with text using higher bits.
Why Does It Matter What Mode You Transfer Files With? If you upload images etc. as ascii you’ll end up with corrupted files. Some browsers seem capable of figuring it out, but

not all… and not all the time. Netscape is much more picky, so you’d end up with broken or missing pictures for your Netscape users. (Yup, I learned this the hard way)
Same thing with uploading text files as binary. While this is less important for html files, scripts will have a HUGE problem with it and will just not work. This is the most

common cause of the “Server 500 Error - Malformed Headers”, and other equally unlovely errors that have caused many a webmaster to bang their heads against their computers.
So What Does Uploading In ASCII Do? I’d wondered this for a while and finally decided to learn why uploading in ascii is so important for some file types. What I found out is

that different Operating System’s use different ways to specify that a line has ended. So if you’re using a different operating system than your server (which is very likely),

the files will have extra characters at the end of each line that the server doesn’t recognize. So it’ll usually print them out resulting in script errors.
Setting Your FTP Program to “Auto”Most FTP programs have the option to set your upload to auto. What this usually does is compare the file type you’re transferring against a

list of known file types and set it to binary or ascii upload on its own.
By default, most FTP programs will have a pre-set list of files to be transferred in ascii and will upload / download everything else in binary. (These settings are in different

places depending on the program you are using. Check the “Read Me” file or their Website if you can’t find it.) Be sure to double check that the files you want to transfer are

in the appropriate list.
SummaryASCII? Files .htm .html .shtml .php .pl .cgi .js .cnf .css .forward .htaccess .map .pwd .txt .grp .ctl
Binary Files .jpg .gif .png .tif .exe .zip .sit .rar .ace .class .mid .ra .avi .ocx .wav .mp3 .au

options -> session -> Xmodem/Zmodem -> upload / download -> ok

然后确认一下系统中是否有 sz rz 这两个命令(FreeBSD下命令是 lrz、lsz)
如果有就跳过这里,如果没有,则安装lrzsz 在网上可以很容易找到,比如说http://download.chinaunix.net/down.php?id=12772&ResourceID=6293&site=1
下载之后是常规安装方法,解压,configure;make;make install


shell> sz /etc/rc.local

[root@test root]# sz /etc/rc.local
Starting zmodem transfer. Press Ctrl+C to cancel.
Transferring rc.local…
100% 464 bytes 464 bytes/s 00:00:01 0 Errors

shell> rz








options->session options ->Terminal->Xmodem/Zmodem 下

或者在Transfer->Zmodem Upoad list弹出文件选择对话框,选好文件后按Add按钮。然后OK窗口自动关闭。然后在linux下选中存放文件的目录,输入rz命令。liunx就把那个文件上传到这个目录下了。

sz filename

rz,sz是Linux/Unix同Windows进行ZModem文件传输的命令行工具windows端需要支持ZModem的telnet/ssh客户端,SecureCRT就可以用SecureCRT登陆到Unix/Linux主机(telnet或ssh均可)O 运行命令rz,即是接收文件,SecureCRT就会弹出文件选择对话框,选好文件之后关闭对话框,文件就会上传到当前目录 O 运行命令sz file1 file2就是发文件到windows上(保存的目录是可以配置) 比ftp命令方便多了,而且服务器不用再开FTP服务了



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