
方法 描述
d3.keys(object) 获得对象的key
d3.values(object) 获得对象的value
d3.entries(object) 获得对象的key和value


方法 描述
d3.map([object[, key]]) 创建map,可以将数组传入,然后根据key参数方法指定key
map.has(key) returns true if the map contains the given key.
map.get(key) get the value for the given key.
map.set(key, value) set the value for the given key.
map.remove(key) remove the entry for given key.
map.clear() remove all entries.
map.keys() get the array of keys.
map.values() get the array of values.
map.entries() get the array of entries (key-values objects).
map.each(function) call a function for each entry.
map.empty() returns false if the map has at least one entry.
map.size() compute the number of entries.


方法 描述
d3.set create a new, empty set.
set.has returns true if the set contains the given value.
set.add add the given value.
set.remove remove the given value.
set.clear remove all values.
set.values get the array of values.
set.each call a function for each value.
set.empty returns true if the set has at least one value.
set.size compute the number of values.


方法 描述
d3.nest() create a new nest generator.
nest.key(key) add a level to the nest hierarchy.
nest.sortKeys(comparator) sort the current nest level by key.
nest.sortValues(comparator) sort the leaf nest level by value.
nest.rollup(function) specify a rollup function for leaf values.
nest.map(array) generate the nest, returning a map.
nest.object(array) generate the nest, returning an associative array.
nest.entries(array) generate the nest, returning an array of key-values tuples.

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