SimpleTimeZone类setEndRule()方法 (SimpleTimeZone Class setEndRule() method)



    public void setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd, int en_time);
public void setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd, int en_dow, int en_time);
public void setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd,int en_dow, int en_time, boolean status);

  • setEndRule() method is available in java.util package.


  • setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd, int en_time) method is used to set the ending rule of DST(Daylight Savings Time) to the given fixed date (dd) in a month.

    setEndRule(int en_mm,int en_dd,int en_time)方法用于将DST(夏令时)的结束规则设置为一个月中的给定固定日期(dd)。

  • setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd,int en_dow, int en_time) method is used to set the end rule of DST(Daylight Savings Time).

    setEndRule(int en_mm,int en_dd,int en_dow,int en_time)方法用于设置DST(夏令时)的结束规则。

  • setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd, int en_dow, int en_time, boolean status) method is used to set the ending rule of DST(Daylight Savings Time) to the earlier weekday (dow) or after the given date (dd) in a month.

    setEndRule(int en_mm,int en_dd,int en_dow,int en_time,布尔状态)方法用于将DST(夏令时)的结束规则设置为较早的工作日(dow)或一个月中给定日期(dd)之后。

  • These methods may throw an exception at the time of setting end rule.


    IllegalArgumentException: This exception may throw when any one of the parameters is not in a range.

    IllegalArgumentException :当任何一个参数不在范围内时,可能引发此异常。

  • These are non-static methods and it is accessible with the class object only and if we try to access these methods with the class name then we will get an error.




  • In the first case, setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd,int en_time)

    在第一种情况下, setEndRule(int en_mm,int en_dd,int en_time)

    • int en_mm – represents the DST ending month.
    • int en_mm –表示夏令时结束的月份。
    • int en_dd – represents the DST ending day of month.
    • int en_dd –表示夏令时结束的月份。
    • int en_time – represents the DST ending time.
    • int en_time –表示DST的结束时间。
  • In the second case, setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd,int en_dow,int en_time),

    在第二种情况下, setEndRule(int en_mm,int en_dd,int en_dow,int en_time)

    • int en_mm – represents the DST ending month.
    • int en_mm –表示夏令时结束的月份。
    • int en_dd – represents the DST ending day of month.
    • int en_dd –表示夏令时结束的月份。
    • int en_dow – represents DST last day of week.
    • int en_dow –表示夏令时。
    • int en_time – represents the DST ending time.
    • int en_time –表示DST的结束时间。
  • In the second case, setEndRule(int en_mm, int en_dd,int en_dow,int en_time,boolean status),

    在第二种情况下, setEndRule(int en_mm,int en_dd,int en_dow,int en_time,布尔值状态)

    • int en_mm – represents the DST ending month.
    • int en_mm –表示夏令时结束的月份。
    • int en_dd – represents the DST ending day of month.
    • int en_dd –表示夏令时结束的月份。
    • int en_dow – represents DST last day of week.
    • int en_dow –表示夏令时。
    • int en_time – represents the DST ending time.
    • int en_time –表示DST的结束时间。
    • boolean status – sets to true then this rule selects first en_dow on or after en_dd otherwise this rule selects last en_dow on or before en_dd.
    • 布尔状态 –设置为true,然后此规则选择在en_dd或之后的第一个en_dow,否则该规则选择在en_dd或之前的最后一个en_dow。

Return value:


In all cases, the return type of the method is void – It returns nothing.

在所有情况下,该方法的返回类型均为空 –它不返回任何内容。



// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of setEndRule() method of SimpleTimeZone
import java.util.*;
public class SetEndRuleOfSimpleTimeZone {public static void main(String args[]) {// Instantiates SimpleTimeZone object
SimpleTimeZone s_tz1 = new SimpleTimeZone(360, "FRANCE");
SimpleTimeZone s_tz2 = new SimpleTimeZone(760, "JAPAN");
SimpleTimeZone s_tz3 = new SimpleTimeZone(39800000, "US",
Calendar.APRIL, 6, -Calendar.MONDAY, 7200000, Calendar.OCTOBER, -1,
Calendar.MONDAY, 7200000, 3600000);
// By using setEndRule() method is used to
// set the DST end rule to a constant date
s_tz1.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY, 3800000);
// By using setEndRule() method is used to
// set the DST end rule to a weekday before
// or after the given date
s_tz2.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY, 2, 3800000, false);
// By using setEndRule() method is used to
// set the DST end rule
s_tz3.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY, 2, 3800000);
// Display SimpleTimeZone
System.out.print("s_tz1.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,3800000): ");
System.out.print("s_tz2.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,3800000,false): ");
System.out.print("s_tz3.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,2,3800000): ");



s_tz1.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,3800000): java.util.SimpleTimeZone[id=FRANCE,offset=360,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=false,startYear=0,startMode=0,startMonth=0,startDay=0,startDayOfWeek=0,startTime=0,startTimeMode=0,endMode=1,endMonth=5,endDay=2,endDayOfWeek=0,endTime=3800000,endTimeMode=0]
s_tz2.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,3800000,false): java.util.SimpleTimeZone[id=FRANCE,offset=360,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=false,startYear=0,startMode=0,startMonth=0,startDay=0,startDayOfWeek=0,startTime=0,startTimeMode=0,endMode=1,endMonth=5,endDay=2,endDayOfWeek=0,endTime=3800000,endTimeMode=0]
s_tz3.setEndRule(Calendar.JUNE, Calendar.MONDAY,2,3800000): java.util.SimpleTimeZone[id=FRANCE,offset=360,dstSavings=3600000,useDaylight=false,startYear=0,startMode=0,startMonth=0,startDay=0,startDayOfWeek=0,startTime=0,startTimeMode=0,endMode=1,endMonth=5,endDay=2,endDayOfWeek=0,endTime=3800000,endTimeMode=0]


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