
WPF Diagram Designer - Part 4

分组:Group, Ungroup


public interface IGroupable
Guid ID { get; }
Guid ParentID { get; set; }
bool IsGroup { get; set; }


private void Group_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
var items = from item in this.SelectionService.CurrentSelection.OfType<DesignerItem>()
where item.ParentID == Guid.Empty
select item;

Rect rect = GetBoundingRectangle(items);

DesignerItem groupItem = new DesignerItem();
groupItem.IsGroup = true;
groupItem.Width = rect.Width;
groupItem.Height = rect.Height;
Canvas.SetLeft(groupItem, rect.Left);
Canvas.SetTop(groupItem, rect.Top);
Canvas groupCanvas = new Canvas();
groupItem.Content = groupCanvas;
Canvas.SetZIndex(groupItem, this.Children.Count);

foreach (DesignerItem item in items)
item.ParentID = groupItem.ID;



internal void SelectItem(ISelectable item)

internal void AddToSelection(ISelectable item)
if (item is IGroupable)
List<IGroupable> groupItems = GetGroupMembers(item as IGroupable);

foreach (ISelectable groupItem in groupItems)
groupItem.IsSelected = true;
item.IsSelected = true;

对齐:Align (Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Centered horizontal, Centered vertical)、Distribute (horizontal, vertical)

private void AlignLeft_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
var selectedItems = from item in SelectionService.CurrentSelection.OfType<DesignerItem>()
where item.ParentID == Guid.Empty
select item;

if (selectedItems.Count() > 1)
double left = Canvas.GetLeft(selectedItems.First());

foreach (DesignerItem item in selectedItems)
double delta = left - Canvas.GetLeft(item);
foreach (DesignerItem di in SelectionService.GetGroupMembers(item))
Canvas.SetLeft(di, Canvas.GetLeft(di) + delta);

private void AlignHorizontalCenters_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
var selectedItems = from item in SelectionService.CurrentSelection.OfType<DesignerItem>()
where item.ParentID == Guid.Empty
select item;

if (selectedItems.Count() > 1)
double center = Canvas.GetLeft(selectedItems.First()) + selectedItems.First().Width / 2;

foreach (DesignerItem item in selectedItems)
double delta = center - (Canvas.GetLeft(item) + item.Width / 2);
foreach (DesignerItem di in SelectionService.GetGroupMembers(item))
Canvas.SetLeft(di, Canvas.GetLeft(di) + delta);

排序:Order (Bring forward, Bring to top, Send backward, Send to back)

private void BringForward_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
List<UIElement> ordered = (from item in SelectionService.CurrentSelection
orderby Canvas.GetZIndex(item as UIElement) descending
select item as UIElement).ToList();

int count = this.Children.Count;

for (int i = 0; i < ordered.Count; i++)
int currentIndex = Canvas.GetZIndex(ordered[i]);
int newIndex = Math.Min(count - 1 - i, currentIndex + 1);
if (currentIndex != newIndex)
Canvas.SetZIndex(ordered[i], newIndex);
IEnumerable<UIElement> it = this.Children.OfType<UIElement>().Where(item => Canvas.GetZIndex(item) == newIndex);

foreach (UIElement elm in it)
if (elm != ordered[i])
Canvas.SetZIndex(elm, currentIndex);

序列化:Open, Save


XElement serializedItems = new XElement("DesignerItems",
from item in designerItems
let contentXaml = XamlWriter.Save(((DesignerItem)item).Content)
select new XElement("DesignerItem",
new XElement("Left", Canvas.GetLeft(item)),
new XElement("Top", Canvas.GetTop(item)),
new XElement("Width", item.Width),
new XElement("Height", item.Height),
new XElement("ID", item.ID),
new XElement("zIndex", Canvas.GetZIndex(item)),
new XElement("IsGroup", item.IsGroup),
new XElement("ParentID", item.ParentID),
new XElement("Content", contentXaml)


private void Open_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
foreach (XElement connectionXML in connectionsXML)
Guid sourceID = new Guid(connectionXML.Element("SourceID").Value);
Guid sinkID = new Guid(connectionXML.Element("SinkID").Value);

String sourceConnectorName = connectionXML.Element("SourceConnectorName").Value;
String sinkConnectorName = connectionXML.Element("SinkConnectorName").Value;

Connector sourceConnector = GetConnector(sourceID, sourceConnectorName);
Connector sinkConnector = GetConnector(sinkID, sinkConnectorName);

Connection connection = new Connection(sourceConnector, sinkConnector);
Canvas.SetZIndex(connection, Int32.Parse(connectionXML.Element("zIndex").Value));

常用功能:Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete,Print

private void Cut_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
private void Print_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)

PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog();

if (true == printDialog.ShowDialog())
printDialog.PrintVisual(this, "WPF Diagram");

本文转自 jingen_zhou 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/zhoujg/517448,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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