
Game Development is the art of creating games and describes the design, development and release of a game. It may involve concept generation, design, build, test and release. While you create a game, it is important to think about the game mechanics, rewards, player engagement and level design.

游戏开发是创造游戏的艺术,它描述了游戏的设计,开发和发布。 它可能涉及概念的生成,设计,构建,测试和发布。 在创建游戏时,考虑游戏机制,奖励,玩家参与度和关卡设计非常重要。

A game developer could be a programmer, a sound designer, an artist, a designer or many other roles available in the industry.


Game Development can be undertaken by a large Game Development Studio or by a single individual. It can be as small or large as you like. As long as it lets the player interact with content and is able to manipulate the game’s elements, you can call it a ‘game’.

游戏开发可以由大型游戏开发工作室或单个人员进行。 大小可以根据您的喜好选择。 只要它允许玩家与内容进行交互并能够操纵游戏元素,您就可以将其称为“游戏”。

To get involved in the Game Development process, you do not need to write code. Artists may create and design assets, while a Developer might focus on programming a health bar. A Tester may get involved to see that the game works as expected.

要参与游戏开发过程,您无需编写代码。 艺术家可以创建和设计资产,而开发人员可以专注于编写健康栏。 测试人员可能会参与其中,以查看游戏是否按预期工作。

To resolve problems that game frameworks had, tools like libGDX and OpenGL were developed. They helped game development to be a lot faster and easier, providing lots of pre-made functions and features. However, it was still hard to enter the industry or understand a framework for someone coming from a non-programmer background, a common case in the game development scene.

为了解决游戏框架存在的问题,开发了libGDX和OpenGL之类的工具。 他们帮助游戏开发变得更快,更轻松,并提供了许多预制的功能。 但是,仍然很难进入行业或为非程序员背景的人了解框架(这是游戏开发领域的常见情况)。

That was when game engines like Construct, Game Maker, Unity and Unreal were developed. Generally, an engine has everything that a framework had, but with a more friendly approach by using a graphic user interface (GUI) and helping with the graphic development of the game.

那时开发了诸如Construct,Game Maker,Unity和Unreal等游戏引擎。 通常,引擎具有框架拥有的所有内容,但是通过使用图形用户界面(GUI)并帮助游戏进行图形开发,可以采用更友好的方法。

In some cases, like Game Maker and Construct, the amount of pre-made functions are so big that people with no previous programming skills could build a game from scratch, really expanding the scene and making game development accessible for almost anyone.

在某些情况下,例如Game Maker和Construct,预制功能的数量如此之大,以至于那些没有任何编程技能的人都可以从头开始制作游戏,从而真正扩大了游戏场景,并使几乎任何人都可以进行游戏开发。

游戏引擎 (Game Engines)

Many developers choose to develop a game using a Game Development Engine.


Game Engines can make the process of creating a game much easier and enable developers to reuse lots of functionality. It also takes care of rendering for 2D and 3D Graphics, physics and collision detection, sound, scripting and much more.

游戏引擎可以使创建游戏的过程变得更加轻松,并使开发人员可以重用许多功能。 它还负责2D和3D图形的渲染,物理和碰撞检测,声音,脚本等。

Some Game Engines have a very steep learning curve such as CryEngine or Unreal Engine. Yet, other tools are very accessible to beginners and some do not even need you to be able to write code to create your game, e.g. Construct 2.

某些游戏引擎的学习曲线非常陡峭,例如CryEngine或Unreal Engine。 但是,其他工具非常适合初学者使用,有些甚至不需要您能够编写代码来创建游戏,例如Construct 2。

The Unity Game Engine ranges somewhere in the middle, while it is beginner friendly, some popular and commercial games have been built using Unity (e.g. Overcooked, Superhot).


The BuildBox game engine is basically for developing hypercasual games.


典型的游戏引擎 (Typical Game Engines)

  • CryEngine低温引擎
  • Unreal Engine虚幻引擎
  • Unity Game EngineUnity游戏引擎
  • Game Maker游戏制作人
  • Construct 2 or 3构造2或3
  • Twine缠绕
  • Source资源
  • Frostbite冻疮
  • BuildboxBuildbox

更多信息 (More Information)

  • Awesome-List of GameDev resources


  • Game Programming Books


  • libGDX Framework


  • OpenGL Framework


  • Construct Game Engine


  • Game Maker Engine


  • Unity3D Engine


  • Unreal Engine


  • BuildBox


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-is-game-development/



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