
// Created by 许加权 on 2021/7/10.
//#ifndef C11LEARN_LIST_H
#define C11LEARN_LIST_H
template<typename T>
class List
{protected:class Node{public:Node *pre;Node *next;T key;Node(){}Node(const T key):key(key){}};private:Node* Nil;int size;
public:List();virtual ~List();List(const List<T> & list);const List<T> & operator=(const List<T> & list);const List<T> & operator+(const List<T> & list);const List<T> & operator-(const List<T> & list);List<T> merge(const List<T> & list);List<T> except(const List<T> & list);List<T> intersect(const List<T> & list);void add(const T key);void insert(const T key,int position);bool remove(const T key);bool remove_all(const T key);bool remove_at(int index);bool contain(const T &key);T operator[](int index) const;T & operator[] (int index);bool empty();void clear();int length() const;int length();void sort(bool ascending = true);void sort(void(*f)(T *array,int length));const List<T> & distinct();
private:Node* search(const T & key);
//    Node* search01(const T & key);Node* get(int index)const;void add(Node* node);bool remove(Node* node);void quick_sort(T*array,int start,int end,bool ascending = true);int partition(T*array,int start,int end,bool ascending);
};template<typename T>
{Nil = new Node();Nil->next = Nil;Nil->pre = Nil;size = 0;
template<typename T>
List<T>::~List(){clear();delete Nil;
template<typename T>
List<T>::List(const List<T> & list)
{Nil = new Node();Nil->next = Nil;Nil->pre = Nil;size = 0;Node * current = list.Nil->next;while (current != list.Nil){add(current->key);current = current->next;}
template<typename T>
const List<T>& List<T>::operator=(const List<T> & list){if(&list == this)return *this;clear();Node * current = list.Nil->next;while (current != list.Nil){add(current->key);current = current->next;}return *this;
template<typename T>
List<T> List<T>::merge(const List<T> & list)
{List<T> temp(*this);temp.distinct();Node* current = list.Nil->next;while (current!=list.Nil){if(!temp.contain(current->key)){temp.add(current->key);}current = current->next;}return temp;
template<typename T>
List<T> List<T>::except(const List<T> & list){List<T> temp(*this);temp.distinct();Node* current = list.Nil->next;while (current!=list.Nil){if(temp.contain(current->key)){temp.remove(current->key);}current = current->next;}return temp;
template<typename T>
List<T> List<T>::intersect(const List<T> & list){List<T> temp;Node* current = list.Nil->next;while (current!=list.Nil){if(contain(current->key)){temp.add(current->key);}current = current->next;}temp.distinct();return temp;
template<typename T>
const List<T> & List<T>::distinct(){if(size == 0) return *this;T* array = new T[size];int index = 0;Node* current = Nil->next;while (current!=Nil){array[index] = current->key;current =current->next;index++;}quick_sort(array,0,size-1);T current_key = array[0];for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i) {if(current_key == array[i]){remove(current_key);}else{current_key = array[i];}}delete[] array;return *this;
template<typename T>
void List<T>::add(const T key)
{Node* node = new Node(key);size++;add(node);
template<typename T>
void List<T>::add(Node* node){if(Nil->next == Nil){Nil->pre = node;Nil->next = node;node->pre = Nil;node->next = Nil;}else{Nil->pre->next = node;node->pre = Nil->pre;node->next = Nil;Nil->pre = node;}
template<typename T>
void List<T>::insert(const T key,int position)
{if(position<0 || position>size)throw "out of bound";if(position == size || size == 0){add(key);}else{Node* node = new Node(key);Node* current = get(position);current->pre->next = node;node->pre = current->pre;node->next = current;current->pre = node;size++;if(position == 0){Nil->next = node;}}
template<typename T>
bool List<T>::remove(const T key){Node *result =  search(key);if(result!= Nil){remove(result);return true;}return false;
template<typename T>
bool List<T>::contain(const T& key){return search(key) != Nil;
template<typename T>
bool List<T>::empty(){return Nil->next == Nil;
template<typename T>
typename List<T>::Node* List<T>::search(const T &key) {Node * current = Nil->next;while (current != Nil && current->key!=key){current = current->next;}return current;
//template<typename T>
//typename List<T>::Node* List<T>::search01(const T &key) {//    Nil->key = key;
//    Node * current = Nil->next;
//    while (current->key!=key)
//    {//        current = current->next;
//    }
//    return current;
template<typename T>
bool List<T>::remove(Node* node){if(empty()) return false;node->pre->next = node->next;node->next->pre = node->pre;size --;delete node;return true;
template<typename T>
void List<T>::clear(){Node* current = Nil->next;while (current!= Nil){Node * temp = current;current = current->next;delete temp;}Nil->next = Nil;Nil->pre = Nil;size = 0;
template<typename T>
int List<T>::length() const  {return size;
template<typename T>
int List<T>::length()  {return size;
template<typename T>
T List<T>::operator[](int index) const{return get(index)->key;
template<typename T>
T & List<T>::operator[] (int index){return get(index)->key;
template<typename T>
typename List<T>::Node* List<T>::get(int index) const{if(index>=size || index < 0) throw "Index out of bounds";Node * current;if(index>=size/2){index = size - index - 1;current = Nil->pre;while (index-->0){current = current->pre;}}else{current = Nil->next;while (index-->0){current = current->next;}}return current;
template<typename T>
bool List<T>::remove_at(int index){if(index>=size) return false;return remove(get(index));
template<typename T>
void List<T>::quick_sort(T*array,int start,int end,bool ascending){if(start<end){int k = partition(array,start,end,ascending);quick_sort(array,start,k-1,ascending);quick_sort(array,k+1,end,ascending);}
template<typename T>
int List<T>::partition(T*array,int start,int end,bool ascending){T key = array[end];int p = start - 1;T temp;for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {if((array[i] <= key && ascending) ||(array[i] >= key && !ascending) ){p++;temp = array[p];array[p] = array[i];array[i] = temp;}}array[end] = array[p+1];array[p+1] = key;return p+1;
template<typename T>
void List<T>::sort(bool ascending){if(size == 0) return;T*array = new T[size];Node* current = Nil->next;int index = 0;while (current!=Nil){array[index] = current->key;current = current->next;index++;}quick_sort(array,0,size - 1,ascending);int length = size;clear();for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {add(array[i]);}delete[] array;
template<typename T>
void List<T>::sort(void(*f)(T *array,int length)){if(size == 0) return;T*array = new T[size];Node* current = Nil->next;int index = 0;while (current!=Nil){array[index] = current->key;current = current->next;index++;}f(array,size);int length = size;clear();for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {add(array[i]);}delete[] array;
template<typename T>
const List<T> & List<T>::operator+(const List<T> & list){Node* current =  list.Nil->next;while (current!=list.Nil){add(current->key);current = current->next;}return *this;
template<typename T>
const List<T> & List<T>::operator-(const List<T> & list){Node* current =  list.Nil->next;while (current!=list.Nil){remove_all(current->key);current = current->next;}return *this;
template<typename T>
bool List<T>::remove_all(const T key){Node* current = Nil->next;bool success = false;while (current!=Nil){if(current->key == key){success = true;Node* node = current;current = current->next;node->pre->next = node->next;node->next->pre = node->pre;size --;delete node;}else{current = current->next;}}return success;
#endif //C11LEARN_LIST_H


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