


If you look at a software solution like a race across the ocean through a narrow canyon of icebergs, then companies start out by charting the maze. They have a goal (the finish line) and set checkpoints (milestones). They analyze where the currents are, where the glaciers are stable and where they drift, the weather conditions, the water temperature, the wind speed, right down to the native sea-life. Then, they try to pilot a supertanker through the maze and get to the end as quickly as possible. Many seasoned project managers in their skipper-hats will attest that making small course corrections early on can save a lot of effort and time when aiming the supertanker for a narrow channel across the ocean. So, they have to make certain the channel they are aiming for is the right channel. In a sense, project managers and architects are not only responsible for steering the ship, but also for predicting the future. If the finish line should move halfway through the race, it either takes a lot longer to reach it, or the supertanker simply runs out of fuel (funding) and is dead in the water.

What is 2D?(continued)

2D Stands for Differential Development. 2D is a stronger, more powerful approach to developing applications that leverage bleeding edge technology, the opinions of some very progressive thinkers and ardently rejects the notion of freezing any part of the design. It is important to know that the concepts embraced by 2D are not unproven or experimental. 2D seeks to synergistically unite compatible methodologies from a broad spectrum of leading IT experts. Much of what 2D advocates has been in practice and successfully implemented within the industry. 2D seeks to make a supertanker-sized jet-ski that can handle the load of corporate business needs and efforlessly zip across the turbulent waters of changing requirements. It can also be a lot of fun to ride.



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