package com.yz.yrh.integration;import java.util.regex.Pattern;/*** Created by Administrator on 2017/5/12.*/
public class RegexTest {public static void main(String [] args){String content="<p align=\"center\">  \t<b><span>耶稣就是答案</span></b>  </p>  <p align=\"center\">  \t<strong>作者:道格·巴契勒\n" +"\n" +"</strong>  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t<br />  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tC Em F Dm Am  </p>  <p \n" +"\n" +"align=\"left\">  \tWhen I gaze up at the countless stars or on an endless sea,  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t当我凝视无\n" +"\n" +"垠的星空和无际的海洋  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tE E7 Am D7 G G7  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tMy mind may swim \n" +"\n" +"with questions, bewildering to me,  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t无数问号,在我心海里聚集彷徨,  </p>  <p \n" +"\n" +"align=\"left\">  \tF Dm Em Am F G7 C  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tBut then I look into Your book and seek Your face \n" +"\n" +"in prayer,  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t当我打开圣经,在祷告中寻求主面,  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tF Dm C Am \n" +"\n" +"F G7 C C7  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tI’m satisfied remembering Your loving grace and care.  </p>  <p \n" +"\n" +"align=\"left\">  \t祢的慈恩与眷顾,总使我饱足欢畅  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t<br />  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t\n" +"\n" +"<b>副歌</b>  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tF G7 C Am F G Em  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tWhatever questions I may \n" +"\n" +"have whether great or small,  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t尽管心中装满问号,或大或小  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tF \n" +"\n" +"G7 G Em Am  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tI know Jesus died to save me, and that He forgave me,  </p>  <p \n" +"\n" +"align=\"left\">  \t但我知救赎的主、赦我罪,将我恩膏!  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tF G7 C A A7 F G7 C  </p>  <p \n" +"\n" +"align=\"left\">  \tJesus is the answer to it all --- Jesus is the answer to it all.  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t耶\n" +"\n" +"稣是所有疑问的答案 耶稣是所有疑问的答案  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tC Em F Dm Am  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tI \n" +"\n" +"have so many questions, I wonder in my heart,  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t许许多多的问题 在我心中辗转:  \n" +"\n" +"</p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tE E7 AM D7 G G7  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tHow something comes from nothing? \n" +"\n" +"When did forever start?  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t无中怎能生有? 何处是永恒之源?  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t\n" +"\n" +"F Dm Em F G7 C  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tWhy can’t I see Your glory? Where is the Promised Land?  </p>  <p \n" +"\n" +"align=\"left\">  \t为何祢的荣光我不得见, 哪里有应许的地土山川?  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tF Dm C Am F G7 C C7  </p>  \n" +"\n" +"<p align=\"left\">  \tI’ll trust that You will lead me there if I can take you hand.  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t\n" +"\n" +"我相信只要抓紧祢的手,就必见到主面。  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t<br />  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t<b>副歌\n" +"\n" +"</b>  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tF G7 C Am F G Em  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tWhatever questions I may have \n" +"\n" +"whether great or small,  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t尽管心中装满问号,或大或小  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tF \n" +"\n" +"G7 G Em Am  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tI know Jesus died to save me, and that He forgave me,  </p>  <p \n" +"\n" +"align=\"left\">  \t但我知救赎的主、赦我罪,将我恩膏!  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \tF G7 C A A7 F G7 C  </p>  <p \n" +"\n" +"align=\"left\">  \tJesus is the answer to it all --- Jesus is the answer to it all.  </p>  <p align=\"left\">  \t耶\n" +"\n" +"稣是所有疑问的答案 耶稣是所有疑问的答案!  </p>\n" +"<span style=\"color:#E53333;\">我们会定期发布视频和文章,便于手机上网者阅读和收看!</span>";//java替换html中的样式content=content.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]*=\".*\""," ");System.out.println(content);}}


<p  >     <strong>作者:道格·巴契勒</strong>  </p>  <p  >      C Em F Dm Am  </p>  <p >    当我凝视无垠的星空和无际的海洋  </p>  <p  >    My mind may swim with questions, bewildering to me,  </p>  <p  >      无数问号,在我心海里聚集彷徨,  </p>  <p >   But then I look into Your book and seek Your face in prayer,  </p>  <p  >    F Dm C Am F G7 C C7  </p>  <p  >    I’m satisfied remembering Your loving grace and care.  </p>  <p >   <b>副歌</b>  </p>  <p  >      Whatever questions I may have whether great or small,  </p>  <p  >   F G7 G Em Am  </p>  <p  >   I know Jesus died to save me, and that He forgave me,  </p>  <p >     F G7 C A A7 F G7 C  </p>  <p >      耶稣是所有疑问的答案 耶稣是所有疑问的答案  </p>  <p  >      I have so many questions, I wonder in my heart,  </p>  <p  >      许许多多的问题 在我心中辗转:  </p>  <p  >     How something comes from nothing? When did forever start?  </p>  <p  >      F Dm Em F G7 C  </p>  <p  >     Why can’t I see Your glory? Where is the Promised Land?  </p>  <p >     F Dm C Am F G7 C C7  </p>  <p  >    我相信只要抓紧祢的手,就必见到主面。  </p>  <p  >      <b>副歌</b>  </p>  <p  >      Whatever questions I may have whether great or small,  </p>  <p  >   F G7 G Em Am  </p>  <p  >   I know Jesus died to save me, and that He forgave me,  </p>  <p >     F G7 C A A7 F G7 C  </p>  <p >      耶稣是所有疑问的答案 耶稣是所有疑问的答案!  </p>
<span  >我们会定期发布视频和文章,便于手机上网者阅读和收看!</span>



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