



多年来,互联网上出现了许多不同的循环缓冲区实现和示例。我非常喜欢这个模块,可以GitHub上找到这个开源的 CBUF.h 模块。


CBUF.h 模块使用宏实现循环缓冲区,具体源码如下所示;

#if !defined( CBUF_H )
#define CBUF_H       /**< Include Guard                          *//* ---- Include Files ---------------------------------------------------- *//* ---- Constants and Types ---------------------------------------------- *//**
*   Initializes the circular buffer for use.
*/ #define CBUF_Init( cbuf )       cbuf.m_getIdx = cbuf.m_putIdx = 0/**
*   Returns the number of elements which are currently contained in the *  circular buffer.
*/#define CBUF_Len( cbuf )        ((typeof( cbuf.m_putIdx ))(( cbuf.m_putIdx ) - ( cbuf.m_getIdx )))/**
*   Appends an element to the end of the circular buffer
*/#define CBUF_Push( cbuf, elem ) (cbuf.m_entry)[ cbuf.m_putIdx++ & (( cbuf##_SIZE ) - 1 )] = (elem)/**
*   Retrieves an element from the beginning of the circular buffer
*/#define CBUF_Pop( cbuf )        (cbuf.m_entry)[ cbuf.m_getIdx++ & (( cbuf##_SIZE ) - 1 )]/**
*   Retrieves the i'th element from the beginning of the circular buffer
*/#define CBUF_Get( cbuf, idx )        (cbuf.m_entry)[( cbuf.m_getIdx + idx ) & (( cbuf##_SIZE ) - 1 )]/**
*   Retrieves the i'th element from the end of the circular buffer
*/#define CBUF_GetEnd( cbuf, idx )        (cbuf.m_entry)[( cbuf.m_putIdx - idx - 1 ) & (( cbuf##_SIZE ) - 1 )]/**
*   Determines if the circular buffer is empty
*/#define CBUF_IsEmpty( cbuf )    ( CBUF_Len( cbuf ) == 0 )/**
*   Determines if the circular buffer is full.
*/#define CBUF_IsFull( cbuf )     ( CBUF_Len( cbuf ) == ( cbuf##_SIZE ))/**
*   Determines if the circular buffer is currenly overflowed or underflowed.
*/#define CBUF_Error( cbuf )      ( CBUF_Len( cbuf ) > cbuf##_SIZE )#if defined( __cplusplus )template < class IndexType, unsigned Size, class EntryType >
class CBUF
public:CBUF(){m_getIdx = m_putIdx = 0;}IndexType Len() const   { return m_putIdx - m_getIdx; }bool IsEmpty() const    { return Len() == 0; }bool IsFull() const     { return Len() == Size; }bool Error() const      { return Len() > Size; }void Push( EntryType val )   {m_entry[ m_putIdx++ & ( Size - 1 )] = val;}EntryType Pop(){return m_entry[ m_getIdx++ & ( Size - 1 )];}private:volatile IndexType  m_getIdx;volatile IndexType  m_putIdx;EntryType           m_entry[ Size ];};#endif  // __cplusplus/* ---- Variable Externs ------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---- Function Prototypes ---------------------------------------------- *//** @} */#endif // CBUF_H


循环缓冲区的设置非常简单。首先,需要定义循环缓冲区的大小。这是通过定义宏 myQ_SIZE 来完成的,同时记住缓冲区大小需要是 2 的幂

然后通过创建一个 myQ 类型的变量来声明循环缓冲区。例如,如果 myQ_SIZE 定义为 64 字节,则可以定义 UART 的发送和接收缓冲区,如下面的图 1 所示。

图 1 – 定义循环缓冲区

在此示例中,myQ 被定义为静态以限制缓冲区的范围并声明为易失性,因为它们在中断内被修改。定义循环缓冲区只是第一步。为了分配缓冲区,必须将这些变量传递给 CBUF_INIT 宏,如下图 2 所示。

图 2 – 缓冲区初始化

除了这个初始设置之外,缓冲区相当简单且易于使用。例如,可以使用 CBUF_PUSH 将通过串行接口接收 UART接收的字符推送到循环缓冲区,如图 3 所示。

图 3 – 推入缓冲区

开发人员不仅希望将数据推送到循环缓冲区上,还希望从缓冲区弹出或获取数据。看到这一点的一个简单示例是需要获取字符并通过 UART 传输的串行发送器。图 4 中可以看到一个示例传输函数。

图 4 – 从缓冲区弹出数据

在健壮的应用程序中,还应检查循环缓冲区长度和溢出状态。CBUF 模块确实提供了能够检查这些重要指标的宏。

要记住的一个重要问题是,如果需要对 CBUF 本身进行任何调试,这是不可能的。无法为宏设置断点,因此如果出现问题,则需要对模块进行功能化以逐步执行和调试。



到目前为止,CBUF 模块已被证明是这样一个模块,所以在这里,我强烈推荐一下这个模块。好了,今天的文章就到这里,我们下期再见。


*   Since this code originated from code which is public domain, I
*   hereby declare this code to be public domain as well.
*   @file   CBUF.h
*   @brief  This file contains global definitions for circular buffer
*           manipulation.
*   These macros implement a circular buffer which employs get and put
*   pointers, in such a way that mutual exclusion is not required
*   (assumes one reader & one writer).
*   It requires that the circular buffer size be a power of two, and the
*   size of the buffer needs to smaller than the index. So an 8 bit index
*   supports a circular buffer upto ( 1 << 7 ) = 128 entries, and a 16 bit index
*   supports a circular buffer upto ( 1 << 15 ) = 32768 entries.
*   The basis for these routines came from an article in Jack Ganssle's
*   Embedded Muse: http://www.ganssle.com/tem/tem110.pdf
*   In order to offer the most amount of flexibility for embedded environments
*   you need to define a macro for the size.
*   First, you need to name your circular buffer. For this example, we'll
*   call it myQ.
*   The size macro that needs to be defined will be the name of the
*   circular buffer followed by _SIZE. The size must be a power of two
*   and it needs to fit in the get/put indicies. i.e. if you use an
*   8 bit index, then the maximum supported size would be 128.
*   The structure which defines the circular buffer needs to have 3 members
*   m_getIdx, m_putIdx, and m_entry.
*   m_getIdx and m_putIdx need to be unsigned integers of the same size.
*   m_entry needs to be an array of xxx_SIZE entries, or a pointer to an
*   array of xxx_SIZE entries. The type of each entry is entirely up to the
*   caller.
*   #define myQ_SIZE    64
*   volatile struct
*   {
*       uint8_t     m_getIdx;
*       uint8_t     m_putIdx;
*       uint8_t     m_entry[ myQ_SIZE ];
*   } myQ;
*   You could then use
*       CBUF_Push( myQ, 'x' );
*   to add a character to the circular buffer, or
*       ch = CBUF_Pop( myQ );
*   to retrieve an element from the buffer.
*   If you happen to prefer to use C++ instead, there is a templatized
*   version which requires no macros. You just declare 3 template parameters:
*       - The type that should be used for the index
*       - The size of the circular buffer
*       - The type that should be used for the entry
*   For example:
*       CBUF< uint8_t, 64, char >   myQ;









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