

define('HDOM_TYPE_ELEMENT', 1);

define('HDOM_TYPE_COMMENT', 2);

define('HDOM_TYPE_TEXT', 3);

define('HDOM_TYPE_ENDTAG', 4);

define('HDOM_TYPE_ROOT', 5);

define('HDOM_TYPE_UNKNOWN', 6);

define('HDOM_QUOTE_DOUBLE', 0);

define('HDOM_QUOTE_SINGLE', 1);

define('HDOM_QUOTE_NO', 3);

define('HDOM_INFO_BEGIN', 0);

define('HDOM_INFO_END', 1);

define('HDOM_INFO_QUOTE', 2);

define('HDOM_INFO_SPACE', 3);

define('HDOM_INFO_TEXT', 4);

define('HDOM_INFO_INNER', 5);

define('HDOM_INFO_OUTER', 6);


// helper functions

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// get html dom form file

function file_get_html() {

$dom = new simple_html_dom;

$args = func_get_args();

$dom->load(call_user_func_array('file_get_contents', $args), true);

return $dom;


// get html dom form string

function str_get_html($str, $lowercase=true) {

$dom = new simple_html_dom;

$dom->load($str, $lowercase);

return $dom;


// dump html dom tree

function dump_html_tree($node, $show_attr=true, $deep=0) {

$lead = str_repeat(' ', $deep);

echo $lead.$node->tag;

if ($show_attr && count($node->attr)>0) {

echo '(';

foreach($node->attr as $k=>$v)

echo "[$k]=>\"".$node->$k.'", ';

echo ')';


echo "\n";

foreach($node->nodes as $c)

dump_html_tree($c, $show_attr, $deep+1);


// get dom form file (deprecated)

function file_get_dom() {

$dom = new simple_html_dom;

$args = func_get_args();

$dom->load(call_user_func_array('file_get_contents', $args), true);

return $dom;


// get dom form string (deprecated)

function str_get_dom($str, $lowercase=true) {

$dom = new simple_html_dom;

$dom->load($str, $lowercase);

return $dom;


// simple html dom node

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class simple_html_dom_node {

public $nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_TEXT;

public $tag = 'text';

public $attr = array();

public $children = array();

public $nodes = array();

public $parent = null;

public $_ = array();

private $dom = null;

function __construct($dom) {

$this->dom = $dom;

$dom->nodes[] = $this;


function __destruct() {



function __toString() {

return $this->outertext();


// clean up memory due to php5 circular references memory leak...

function clear() {

$this->dom = null;

$this->nodes = null;

$this->parent = null;

$this->children = null;


// dump node's tree

function dump($show_attr=true) {

dump_html_tree($this, $show_attr);


// returns the parent of node

function parent() {

return $this->parent;


// returns children of node

function children($idx=-1) {

if ($idx===-1) return $this->children;

if (isset($this->children[$idx])) return $this->children[$idx];

return null;


// returns the first child of node

function first_child() {

if (count($this->children)>0) return $this->children[0];

return null;


// returns the last child of node

function last_child() {

if (($count=count($this->children))>0) return $this->children[$count-1];

return null;


// returns the next sibling of node

function next_sibling() {

if ($this->parent===null) return null;

$idx = 0;

$count = count($this->parent->children);

while ($idxparent->children[$idx])


if (++$idx>=$count) return null;

return $this->parent->children[$idx];


// returns the previous sibling of node

function prev_sibling() {

if ($this->parent===null) return null;

$idx = 0;

$count = count($this->parent->children);

while ($idxparent->children[$idx])


if (--$idx<0) return null;

return $this->parent->children[$idx];


// get dom node's inner html

function innertext() {

if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER])) return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER];

if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);

$ret = '';

foreach($this->nodes as $n)

$ret .= $n->outertext();

return $ret;


// get dom node's outer text (with tag)

function outertext() {

if ($this->tag==='root') return $this->innertext();

// trigger callback

if ($this->dom->callback!==null)

call_user_func_array($this->dom->callback, array($this));

if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_OUTER])) return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_OUTER];

if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);

// render begin tag

$ret = $this->dom->nodes[$this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]]->makeup();

// render inner text

if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER]))

$ret .= $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER];

else {

foreach($this->nodes as $n)

$ret .= $n->outertext();


// render end tag

if(isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_END]) && $this->_[HDOM_INFO_END]!=0)

$ret .= ''.$this->tag.'>';

return $ret;


// get dom node's plain text

function text() {

if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER])) return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER];

switch ($this->nodetype) {

case HDOM_TYPE_TEXT: return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);

case HDOM_TYPE_COMMENT: return '';

case HDOM_TYPE_UNKNOWN: return '';


if (strcasecmp($this->tag, 'script')===0) return '';

if (strcasecmp($this->tag, 'style')===0) return '';

$ret = '';

foreach($this->nodes as $n)

$ret .= $n->text();

return $ret;


function xmltext() {

$ret = $this->innertext();

$ret = str_ireplace('

$ret = str_replace(']]>', '', $ret);

return $ret;


// build node's text with tag

function makeup() {

// text, comment, unknown

if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) return $this->dom->restore_noise($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT]);

$ret = 'tag;

$i = -1;

foreach($this->attr as $key=>$val) {


// skip removed attribute

if ($val===null || $val===false)


$ret .= $this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][$i][0];

//no value attr: nowrap, checked selected...

if ($val===true)

$ret .= $key;

else {

switch($this->_[HDOM_INFO_QUOTE][$i]) {

case HDOM_QUOTE_DOUBLE: $quote = '"'; break;

case HDOM_QUOTE_SINGLE: $quote = '\''; break;

default: $quote = '';


$ret .= $key.$this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][$i][1].'='.$this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][$i][2].$quote.$val.$quote;



$ret = $this->dom->restore_noise($ret);

return $ret . $this->_[HDOM_INFO_ENDSPACE] . '>';


// find elements by css selector

function find($selector, $idx=null) {

$selectors = $this->parse_selector($selector);

if (($count=count($selectors))===0) return array();

$found_keys = array();

// find each selector

for ($c=0; $c

if (($levle=count($selectors[0]))===0) return array();

if (!isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN])) return array();

$head = array($this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]=>1);

// handle descendant selectors, no recursive!

for ($l=0; $l

$ret = array();

foreach($head as $k=>$v) {

$n = ($k===-1) ? $this->dom->root : $this->dom->nodes[$k];

$n->seek($selectors[$c][$l], $ret);


$head = $ret;


foreach($head as $k=>$v) {

if (!isset($found_keys[$k]))

$found_keys[$k] = 1;



// sort keys


$found = array();

foreach($found_keys as $k=>$v)

$found[] = $this->dom->nodes[$k];

// return nth-element or array

if (is_null($idx)) return $found;

else if ($idx<0) $idx = count($found) + $idx;

return (isset($found[$idx])) ? $found[$idx] : null;


// seek for given conditions

protected function seek($selector, &$ret) {

list($tag, $key, $val, $exp, $no_key) = $selector;

// xpath index

if ($tag && $key && is_numeric($key)) {

$count = 0;

foreach ($this->children as $c) {

if ($tag==='*' || $tag===$c->tag) {

if (++$count==$key) {

$ret[$c->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]] = 1;







$end = (!empty($this->_[HDOM_INFO_END])) ? $this->_[HDOM_INFO_END] : 0;

if ($end==0) {

$parent = $this->parent;

while (!isset($parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END]) && $parent!==null) {

$end -= 1;

$parent = $parent->parent;


$end += $parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END];


for($i=$this->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN]+1; $i

$node = $this->dom->nodes[$i];

$pass = true;

if ($tag==='*' && !$key) {

if (in_array($node, $this->children, true))

$ret[$i] = 1;



// compare tag

if ($tag && $tag!=$node->tag && $tag!=='*') {$pass=false;}

// compare key

if ($pass && $key) {

if ($no_key) {

if (isset($node->attr[$key])) $pass=false;


else if (!isset($node->attr[$key])) $pass=false;


// compare value

if ($pass && $key && $val && $val!=='*') {

$check = $this->match($exp, $val, $node->attr[$key]);

// handle multiple class

if (!$check && strcasecmp($key, 'class')===0) {

foreach(explode(' ',$node->attr[$key]) as $k) {

$check = $this->match($exp, $val, $k);

if ($check) break;



if (!$check) $pass = false;


if ($pass) $ret[$i] = 1;




protected function match($exp, $pattern, $value) {

switch ($exp) {

case '=':

return ($value===$pattern);

case '!=':

return ($value!==$pattern);

case '^=':

return preg_match("/^".preg_quote($pattern,'/')."/", $value);

case '$=':

return preg_match("/".preg_quote($pattern,'/')."$/", $value);

case '*=':

if ($pattern[0]=='/')

return preg_match($pattern, $value);

return preg_match("/".$pattern."/i", $value);


return false;


protected function parse_selector($selector_string) {

// pattern of CSS selectors, modified from mootools

$pattern = "/([\w-:\*]*)(?:\#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+))?(?:\[@?(!?[\w-]+)(?:([!*^$]?=)[\"']?(.*?)[\"']?)?\])?([\/, ]+)/is";

preg_match_all($pattern, trim($selector_string).' ', $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

$selectors = array();

$result = array();


foreach ($matches as $m) {

$m[0] = trim($m[0]);

if ($m[0]==='' || $m[0]==='/' || $m[0]==='//') continue;

// for borwser grnreated xpath

if ($m[1]==='tbody') continue;

list($tag, $key, $val, $exp, $no_key) = array($m[1], null, null, '=', false);

if(!empty($m[2])) {$key='id'; $val=$m[2];}

if(!empty($m[3])) {$key='class'; $val=$m[3];}

if(!empty($m[4])) {$key=$m[4];}

if(!empty($m[5])) {$exp=$m[5];}

if(!empty($m[6])) {$val=$m[6];}

// convert to lowercase

if ($this->dom->lowercase) {$tag=strtolower($tag); $key=strtolower($key);}

//elements that do NOT have the specified attribute

if (isset($key[0]) && $key[0]==='!') {$key=substr($key, 1); $no_key=true;}

$result[] = array($tag, $key, $val, $exp, $no_key);

if (trim($m[7])===',') {

$selectors[] = $result;

$result = array();



if (count($result)>0)

$selectors[] = $result;

return $selectors;


function __get($name) {

if (isset($this->attr[$name])) return $this->attr[$name];

switch($name) {

case 'outertext': return $this->outertext();

case 'innertext': return $this->innertext();

case 'plaintext': return $this->text();

case 'xmltext': return $this->xmltext();

default: return array_key_exists($name, $this->attr);



function __set($name, $value) {

switch($name) {

case 'outertext': return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_OUTER] = $value;

case 'innertext':

if (isset($this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT])) return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = $value;

return $this->_[HDOM_INFO_INNER] = $value;


if (!isset($this->attr[$name])) {

$this->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][] = array(' ', '', '');



$this->attr[$name] = $value;


function __isset($name) {

switch($name) {

case 'outertext': return true;

case 'innertext': return true;

case 'plaintext': return true;


//no value attr: nowrap, checked selected...

return (array_key_exists($name, $this->attr)) ? true : isset($this->attr[$name]);


function __unset($name) {

if (isset($this->attr[$name]))



// camel naming conventions

function getAllAttributes() {return $this->attr;}

function getAttribute($name) {return $this->__get($name);}

function setAttribute($name, $value) {$this->__set($name, $value);}

function hasAttribute($name) {return $this->__isset($name);}

function removeAttribute($name) {$this->__set($name, null);}

function getElementById($id) {return $this->find("#$id", 0);}

function getElementsById($id, $idx=null) {return $this->find("#$id", $idx);}

function getElementByTagName($name) {return $this->find($name, 0);}

function getElementsByTagName($name, $idx=null) {return $this->find($name, $idx);}

function parentNode() {return $this->parent();}

function childNodes($idx=-1) {return $this->children($idx);}

function firstChild() {return $this->first_child();}

function lastChild() {return $this->last_child();}

function nextSibling() {return $this->next_sibling();}

function previousSibling() {return $this->prev_sibling();}


// simple html dom parser

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class simple_html_dom {

public $root = null;

public $nodes = array();

public $callback = null;

public $lowercase = false;

protected $pos;

protected $doc;

protected $char;

protected $size;

protected $cursor;

protected $parent;

protected $noise = array();

protected $token_blank = " \t\r\n";

protected $token_equal = ' =/>';

protected $token_slash = " />\r\n\t";

protected $token_attr = ' >';

// use isset instead of in_array, performance boost about 30%...

protected $self_closing_tags = array('img'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'meta'=>1, 'link'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'base'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'spacer'=>1);

protected $block_tags = array('root'=>1, 'body'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'table'=>1);

protected $optional_closing_tags = array(

'tr'=>array('tr'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1),




'dt'=>array('dt'=>1, 'dd'=>1),

'dd'=>array('dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1),

'dl'=>array('dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1),




function __construct($str=null) {

if ($str) {

if (preg_match("/^http:\/\//i",$str) || is_file($str))






function __destruct() {



// load html from string

function load($str, $lowercase=true) {

// prepare

$this->prepare($str, $lowercase);

// strip out comments


// strip out cdata

$this->remove_noise("''is", true);

// strip out



// strip out



// strip out preformatted tags


// strip out server side scripts

$this->remove_noise("'(<\?)(.*?)(\?>)'s", true);

// strip smarty scripts

$this->remove_noise("'(\{\w)(.*?)(\})'s", true);

// parsing

while ($this->parse());

// end

$this->root->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;


// load html from file

function load_file() {

$args = func_get_args();

$this->load(call_user_func_array('file_get_contents', $args), true);


// set callback function

function set_callback($function_name) {

$this->callback = $function_name;


// remove callback function

function remove_callback() {

$this->callback = null;


// save dom as string

function save($filepath='') {

$ret = $this->root->innertext();

if ($filepath!=='') file_put_contents($filepath, $ret);

return $ret;


// find dom node by css selector

function find($selector, $idx=null) {

return $this->root->find($selector, $idx);


// clean up memory due to php5 circular references memory leak...

function clear() {

foreach($this->nodes as $n) {$n->clear(); $n = null;}

if (isset($this->parent)) {$this->parent->clear(); unset($this->parent);}

if (isset($this->root)) {$this->root->clear(); unset($this->root);}




function dump($show_attr=true) {



// prepare HTML data and init everything

protected function prepare($str, $lowercase=true) {


$this->doc = $str;

$this->pos = 0;

$this->cursor = 1;

$this->noise = array();

$this->nodes = array();

$this->lowercase = $lowercase;

$this->root = new simple_html_dom_node($this);

$this->root->tag = 'root';

$this->root->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN] = -1;

$this->root->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_ROOT;

$this->parent = $this->root;

// set the length of content

$this->size = strlen($str);

if ($this->size>0) $this->char = $this->doc[0];


// parse html content

protected function parse() {

if (($s = $this->copy_until_char('<'))==='')

return $this->read_tag();

// text

$node = new simple_html_dom_node($this);


$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = $s;

$this->link_nodes($node, false);

return true;


// read tag info

protected function read_tag() {

if ($this->char!=='<') {

$this->root->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;

return false;


$begin_tag_pos = $this->pos;

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

// end tag

if ($this->char==='/') {

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next


$tag = $this->copy_until_char('>');

// skip attributes in end tag

if (($pos = strpos($tag, ' '))!==false)

$tag = substr($tag, 0, $pos);

$parent_lower = strtolower($this->parent->tag);

$tag_lower = strtolower($tag);

if ($parent_lower!==$tag_lower) {

if (isset($this->optional_closing_tags[$parent_lower]) && isset($this->block_tags[$tag_lower])) {

$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;

$org_parent = $this->parent;

while (($this->parent->parent) && strtolower($this->parent->tag)!==$tag_lower)

$this->parent = $this->parent->parent;

if (strtolower($this->parent->tag)!==$tag_lower) {

$this->parent = $org_parent; // restore origonal parent

if ($this->parent->parent) $this->parent = $this->parent->parent;

$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;

return $this->as_text_node($tag);



else if (($this->parent->parent) && isset($this->block_tags[$tag_lower])) {

$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;

$org_parent = $this->parent;

while (($this->parent->parent) && strtolower($this->parent->tag)!==$tag_lower)

$this->parent = $this->parent->parent;

if (strtolower($this->parent->tag)!==$tag_lower) {

$this->parent = $org_parent; // restore origonal parent

$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;

return $this->as_text_node($tag);



else if (($this->parent->parent) && strtolower($this->parent->parent->tag)===$tag_lower) {

$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;

$this->parent = $this->parent->parent;



return $this->as_text_node($tag);


$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = $this->cursor;

if ($this->parent->parent) $this->parent = $this->parent->parent;

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

return true;


$node = new simple_html_dom_node($this);

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_BEGIN] = $this->cursor;


$tag = $this->copy_until($this->token_slash);

// doctype, cdata & comments...

if (isset($tag[0]) && $tag[0]==='!') {

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '<' . $tag . $this->copy_until_char('>');

if (isset($tag[2]) && $tag[1]==='-' && $tag[2]==='-') {

$node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_COMMENT;

$node->tag = 'comment';

} else {

$node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_UNKNOWN;

$node->tag = 'unknown';


if ($this->char==='>') $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT].='>';

$this->link_nodes($node, true);

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

return true;


// text

if ($pos=strpos($tag, '<')!==false) {

$tag = '<' . substr($tag, 0, -1);

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = $tag;

$this->link_nodes($node, false);

$this->char = $this->doc[--$this->pos]; // prev

return true;


if (!preg_match("/^[\w-:]+$/", $tag)) {

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '<' . $tag . $this->copy_until('<>');

if ($this->char==='<') {

$this->link_nodes($node, false);

return true;


if ($this->char==='>') $node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT].='>';

$this->link_nodes($node, false);

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

return true;


// begin tag

$node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_ELEMENT;

$tag_lower = strtolower($tag);

$node->tag = ($this->lowercase) ? $tag_lower : $tag;

// handle optional closing tags

if (isset($this->optional_closing_tags[$tag_lower]) ) {

while (isset($this->optional_closing_tags[$tag_lower][strtolower($this->parent->tag)])) {

$this->parent->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;

$this->parent = $this->parent->parent;


$node->parent = $this->parent;


$guard = 0; // prevent infinity loop

$space = array($this->copy_skip($this->token_blank), '', '');

// attributes

do {

if ($this->char!==null && $space[0]==='') break;

$name = $this->copy_until($this->token_equal);

if($guard===$this->pos) {

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next



$guard = $this->pos;

// handle endless '<'

if($this->pos>=$this->size-1 && $this->char!=='>') {

$node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_TEXT;

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '<'.$tag . $space[0] . $name;

$node->tag = 'text';

$this->link_nodes($node, false);

return true;


// handle mismatch '<'

if($this->doc[$this->pos-1]=='<') {

$node->nodetype = HDOM_TYPE_TEXT;

$node->tag = 'text';

$node->attr = array();

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = substr($this->doc, $begin_tag_pos, $this->pos-$begin_tag_pos-1);

$this->pos -= 2;

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

$this->link_nodes($node, false);

return true;


if ($name!=='/' && $name!=='') {

$space[1] = $this->copy_skip($this->token_blank);

$name = $this->restore_noise($name);

if ($this->lowercase) $name = strtolower($name);

if ($this->char==='=') {

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

$this->parse_attr($node, $name, $space);


else {

//no value attr: nowrap, checked selected...


$node->attr[$name] = true;

if ($this->char!='>') $this->char = $this->doc[--$this->pos]; // prev


$node->_[HDOM_INFO_SPACE][] = $space;

$space = array($this->copy_skip($this->token_blank), '', '');




} while($this->char!=='>' && $this->char!=='/');

$this->link_nodes($node, true);

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_ENDSPACE] = $space[0];

// check self closing

if ($this->copy_until_char_escape('>')==='/') {

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_ENDSPACE] .= '/';

$node->_[HDOM_INFO_END] = 0;


else {

// reset parent

if (!isset($this->self_closing_tags[strtolower($node->tag)])) $this->parent = $node;


$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

return true;


// parse attributes

protected function parse_attr($node, $name, &$space) {

$space[2] = $this->copy_skip($this->token_blank);

switch($this->char) {

case '"':


$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

$node->attr[$name] = $this->restore_noise($this->copy_until_char_escape('"'));

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next


case '\'':


$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

$node->attr[$name] = $this->restore_noise($this->copy_until_char_escape('\''));

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next




$node->attr[$name] = $this->restore_noise($this->copy_until($this->token_attr));



// link node's parent

protected function link_nodes(&$node, $is_child) {

$node->parent = $this->parent;

$this->parent->nodes[] = $node;

if ($is_child)

$this->parent->children[] = $node;


// as a text node

protected function as_text_node($tag) {

$node = new simple_html_dom_node($this);


$node->_[HDOM_INFO_TEXT] = '' . $tag . '>';

$this->link_nodes($node, false);

$this->char = (++$this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

return true;


protected function skip($chars) {

$this->pos += strspn($this->doc, $chars, $this->pos);

$this->char = ($this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next


protected function copy_skip($chars) {

$pos = $this->pos;

$len = strspn($this->doc, $chars, $pos);

$this->pos += $len;

$this->char = ($this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

if ($len===0) return '';

return substr($this->doc, $pos, $len);


protected function copy_until($chars) {

$pos = $this->pos;

$len = strcspn($this->doc, $chars, $pos);

$this->pos += $len;

$this->char = ($this->pos<$this->size) ? $this->doc[$this->pos] : null; // next

return substr($this->doc, $pos, $len);


protected function copy_until_char($char) {

if ($this->char===null) return '';

if (($pos = strpos($this->doc, $char, $this->pos))===false) {

$ret = substr($this->doc, $this->pos, $this->size-$this->pos);

$this->char = null;

$this->pos = $this->size;

return $ret;


if ($pos===$this->pos) return '';

$pos_old = $this->pos;

$this->char = $this->doc[$pos];

$this->pos = $pos;

return substr($this->doc, $pos_old, $pos-$pos_old);


protected function copy_until_char_escape($char) {

if ($this->char===null) return '';

$start = $this->pos;

while(1) {

if (($pos = strpos($this->doc, $char, $start))===false) {

$ret = substr($this->doc, $this->pos, $this->size-$this->pos);

$this->char = null;

$this->pos = $this->size;

return $ret;


if ($pos===$this->pos) return '';

if ($this->doc[$pos-1]==='\\') {

$start = $pos+1;



$pos_old = $this->pos;

$this->char = $this->doc[$pos];

$this->pos = $pos;

return substr($this->doc, $pos_old, $pos-$pos_old);



// remove noise from html content

protected function remove_noise($pattern, $remove_tag=false) {

$count = preg_match_all($pattern, $this->doc, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER|PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);

for ($i=$count-1; $i>-1; --$i) {

$key = '___noise___'.sprintf('% 3d', count($this->noise)+100);

$idx = ($remove_tag) ? 0 : 1;

$this->noise[$key] = $matches[$i][$idx][0];

$this->doc = substr_replace($this->doc, $key, $matches[$i][$idx][1], strlen($matches[$i][$idx][0]));


// reset the length of content

$this->size = strlen($this->doc);

if ($this->size>0) $this->char = $this->doc[0];


// restore noise to html content

function restore_noise($text) {

while(($pos=strpos($text, '___noise___'))!==false) {

$key = '___noise___'.$text[$pos+11].$text[$pos+12].$text[$pos+13];

if (isset($this->noise[$key]))

$text = substr($text, 0, $pos).$this->noise[$key].substr($text, $pos+14);


return $text;


function __toString() {

return $this->root->innertext();


function __get($name) {

switch($name) {

case 'outertext': return $this->root->innertext();

case 'innertext': return $this->root->innertext();

case 'plaintext': return $this->root->text();



// camel naming conventions

function childNodes($idx=-1) {return $this->root->childNodes($idx);}

function firstChild() {return $this->root->first_child();}

function lastChild() {return $this->root->last_child();}

function getElementById($id) {return $this->find("#$id", 0);}

function getElementsById($id, $idx=null) {return $this->find("#$id", $idx);}

function getElementByTagName($name) {return $this->find($name, 0);}

function getElementsByTagName($name, $idx=-1) {return $this->find($name, $idx);}

function loadFile() {$args = func_get_args();$this->load(call_user_func_array('file_get_contents', $args), true);}






require_once 'simple_html_dom.php';

require_once 'common.php';

$dom =new simple_html_dom();

$url = isset($_POST['jdurl']) ? $_POST['jdurl'] : '';

$html = str_get_html($url);//获取html


$plist=$dom->find('div[id=plist] li');//获取所有的li

foreach ($plist as $key => $value) {

$goods_id_node=$value->find('div[class=gl-i-wrap j-sku-item]',0);

$goods_id= $goods_id_node->getAttribute('data-sku');//获取data-sku 就是商品id

$name_node=$value->find('div[class=p-name] em',0);//获取商品名称节点


$href_node=$value->find('div[class=p-name] a',0);//获取路径节点





* @method 获取商品价格

* @param $id 商品id


function getPrice($id){

$ch = curl_init();


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);


$data = curl_exec($ch);



return $data[0]['p'];





function getkucun($url){

$ch = curl_init();


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);


$data = curl_exec($ch);


if (strpos($data, 'charset="utf8') === false) {

$data = mb_convert_encoding($data, "UTF-8", "gbk");


preg_match('/无货/', $data, $kucun);


return 0;//无货


return 10;//有货 默认给个10个






* 下载远程图片保存到本地

* @access public

* @since 1.0

* @return string

* @params string $url 远程图片地址

* @params string $filename 保存文件名


function download($url,$head='thumb_')






return array('file_name'=>'','save_path'=>'','error'=>5);

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // 信任任何证书

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);

$file = curl_exec($ch);


$filename =pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_BASENAME);

$filename=$head. $filename;

@$resource = fopen($save_dir . $filename, 'a');

if (!$resource){

return 0;


@fwrite($resource, $file);



return $returnstr.$filename;




* 获取商品详情信息

* @param $url

* @return mixed


function getdetail($url){

$ch = curl_init();


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);


$data = curl_exec($ch);


if(strpos($data,'charset="utf8') === false){

$data = mb_convert_encoding($data,"UTF-8","gbk");






for ($i=0;$i

$preg = "/^http(s)?:\\/\\/.+/";






$returnstr=str_replace($content[$i],'/'.$url, $returnstr);


for ($i=0;$i

$preg = "/^http(s)?:\\/\\/.+/";








$returnstr=str_replace('data-lazyload','src', $returnstr);

$returnstr=str_replace('\'','\"', $returnstr);

return $returnstr;


function get_content_css_img($str){

preg_match_all("/.*background[^;\"]+url\(([^\)]+)\).*/im", $str, $matches);

return $matches[1];


function get_content_img($str)


preg_match_all("/]*data-lazyload=[\"]([^\"]+)[\"][^<>]*>/im", $str, $matches); //这个规则也可以

return $matches[1];



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