
Read: 8051 Microcontroller programming using Keil Uvision IDE

阅读: 使用Keil Uvision IDE进行8051单片机编程

将HEX文件上传到微控制器 (Uploading a HEX file to Microcontroller)

Once you have developed the hex code for the program which is to upload to the microcontroller, the next major task is to burn the hex code properly into the device. If the microcontroller has an inbuilt bootloader then it is possible to upload the code using the serial port. Mostly you will require a USBASP programmer to dump your code. The programmer is a hardware device that contains inbuilt software to assist in transferring of codes to a microcontroller via PC.

为要上传到微控制器的程序开发十六进制代码后,下一个主要任务是将十六进制代码正确刻录到设备中。 如果微控制器具有内置的引导程序,则可以使用串行端口上载代码。 通常,您将需要USBASP程序员来转储代码。 编程器是一种硬件设备,其中包含内置软件,以帮助通过PC将代码传输到微控制器。

Here, we will be using ATMEL 8051 AVR USB ISP Programmer for burning our required code.

在这里,我们将使用ATMEL 8051 AVR USB ISP编程器来刻录所需的代码。

ATMEL 8051 AVR USB ISP Programmer

ProgISP (ProgISP)

  • It is a tool through which you can perform code uploading on all AVR chips, it also supports AT89S51, AT89S52.


  • Custom serial download programming.


  • Supports custom programmed chips.


  • Supports high voltage programmers.


  • Project Management.


  • Standalone tool – No installation required.


USB ISP编程器的功能 (Features of USB ISP Programmer)

  • Supports multiple platforms linux, Mac OS and Windows.

    支持多种平台的linux,Mac OS和Windows。

  • Jumper for 5V supply.


  • Contains Header Pin for easy interface of various ISP header pin.

    包含Header Pin,可轻松连接各种ISP Header引脚。

  • SCK option to support target with low clock speed.


将十六进制代码上传到微控制器的步骤 (Steps to upload HEX code to microcontroller)

  1. Download ProgISP, which is a zip file. Extract it in a folder. No need to install it, it is a self-executable software, click on progisp.exe to launch it.

    下载ProgISP,它是一个zip文件。 将其解压缩到一个文件夹中。 无需安装,它是可自行执行的软件,单击progisp.exe以启动它。

  2. USBASP should be connected to the AVR microcontroller development board using the 6 pin connectors. Make sure jumper J1 is connected.

    应使用6针连接器将USBASP连接到AVR微控制器开发板。 确保已连接跳线J1。

  3. Check the program state in the progisp interface, it should show colored icons of USB and ASP or else if it is faded then look for errors in connections, power supply or jumper connection.


  4. Select the type of chip you are working within our case it is AT89S52.


  5. In the task, windows look for the following to be checked with a tick.


    • Verify Signature
    • Chip Erase
    • Program Flash
    • Verify Flash
  6. Click on load flash from the leftmost tab, this tab is used to load the hex file. Click on the tab and locate the hex file.

    单击最左侧选项卡上的加载闪存,此选项卡用于加载十六进制文件。 单击选项卡并找到十六进制文件。

  7. Now click on Auto to begin the burning process. All the options which you have ticked from the task box will be performed during the process.

    现在单击自动开始刻录过程。 您在任务框中打勾的所有选项将在此过程中执行。

  8. Your code is successfully transferred to the microcontroller.


  9. In order to erase the code, untick all options from task box except Chip Erase.


How to upload HEX code to microcontrollers?

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/embedded-system/how-to-upload-hex-code-to-microcontrollers.aspx



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