美颜相机window 开源

X窗口系统 (The X-Window System)

The X-Window System is a GUI that sits over Linux. Not at all like Microsoft Windows, the X Window System can glance and work in an enormously wide range of ways. It can work smoothly or lag, look excellent or disastrous, be smooth and quick or enlarged and moderate.

X-Window系统是一个位于Linux之上的GUI。 X窗口系统完全不像Microsoft Windows,可以以多种方式浏览和工作。 它可以正常工作或滞后,看起来出色或灾难性,平稳快速或放大中等。

Getting X working appropriately can run from easy to hair-pulling confused! It is a typical grievance among clients who are new to Linux. Luckily, such an arrangement is turning out to be simpler and increasingly robotized in the latest distributions of Linux. Truth be told, if you are utilizing Red Hat 6.1, you will presumably not need to stress over this issue.

X正常工作可能会让人感到困惑,容易上当! 这是Linux新客户之间的典型不满。 幸运的是,在最新的Linux发行版中,这种安排变得更简单并且越来越机器人化。 实话实说,如果您使用的是Red Hat 6.1,则可能无需强调此问题。

Even though in a dominant part of cases X can be arranged naturally, there are exemptions; I would suggest you know or discover the kind of video card and measure of video RAM your System has in it, just as the sort of monitor and its horizontal and vertical sync rates.

即使在案件的主要部分中, X可以自然安排,但也有例外。 我建议您知道或发现系统中包含的视频卡类型以及视频RAM的度量,就像显示器及其水平和垂直同步速率一样。

An X-Window system can look the way you want it to work, it can work the way you want it to work, the load you want to put on it. Nothing is limited while using an X-Windows System. Giving you leverages of a windows system with a base of a Linux Distribution.

X-Window系统可以按照您希望的方式工作,可以按您希望的方式工作,也可以承受您要承受的负载。 使用X-Windows系统时,没有任何限制。 充分利用基于Linux发行版的Windows系统。

使X-Window系统与X-Configurator一起使用 (Making the X-Window System work with X-Configurator)

There are two principle strategies for getting X working under Red Hat's Linux. The first and most straightforward strategy is to utilize Red Hat's own ''Xconfigurator'' utility. The utility attempts to distinguish your equipment and installs the appropriate X programming with the proper settings.

使X在Red Hat的Linux下工作的方法有两种。 第一个也是最直接的策略是利用Red Hat自己的“ Xconfigurator”实用程序 。 该实用程序将尝试区分您的设备,并使用正确的设置安装适当的X程序。

On the off chance that you are as yet ineffective after evaluating different settings with Xconfigurator, you may have better luck with the ''xf86config'' utility. Although not as easy to use or alluring as Xconfigurator may be, it gives you better authority over the configuration procedure.

如果使用Xconfigurator评估了不同的设置后,您仍然没有效率,可以使用``xf86config''实用程序来获得更好的运气。 尽管不像Xconfigurator那样容易使用或吸引人,但它为您提供了更好的配置过程授权。

使用X-Desktop Manager (Working with the X-Desktop Manager)

On the off chance that you wish, you may utilize the X Desktop Manager (''xdm'') to start up the X Window System at OS boot time. This enables your Linux to consistently run under X (despite the fact that you can change from the GUI to the standard consoles with <Ctrl>-<Alt>-<F1>, and afterward back again to the GUI with <Alt>-<F7> varying). This is a pleasant method for giving an alluring and well-disposed condition for you and your clients, and stay away from typing ''startx'' constantly.

如果您愿意,可以利用X桌面管理器 (“ xdm ”)在操作系统启动时启动X Window系统。 这使您的Linux能够始终在X下运行(尽管您可以使用<Ctrl>-<Alt>-<F1>从GUI更改为标准控制台,然后再使用<Alt>-< F7>变化)。 这是一种令人愉悦的方法,可为您和您的客户提供诱人且处置良好的条件,并且避免不断键入“ startx ”。

如何使X的字体更好看? (How to make X look better in terms of its fonts?)

Without a doubt, X has never been known for having especially appealing font styles. Indeed, numerous individuals give up their idea of working with X just because of its not so good-looking font styles.

毫无疑问,X从未以其特别吸引人的字体风格而闻名。 确实,许多人仅仅因为X看起来不太好看就放弃了使用X的想法。

Luckily, it is conceivable to drastically improve the appearance of, and increase the no. of font styles you can use, under X. If you claim a duplicate of Windows, you can even duplicate over the TrueType font styles from that stage and use them under X also! Such font style support is practiced by utilizing a font style server, for example, ''xfstt'' or ''xfs''.

幸运的是,可以想像地大大改善外观并增加编号。 在X下可以使用的字体样式。如果您声明Windows的副本,甚至可以从该阶段复制TrueType字体样式,然后在X下使用它们! 这种字体样式支持是通过使用字体样式服务器来实现的,例如“ xfstt ”或“ xfs ”。

Red Hat 6.1 currently incorporates support for ''xfs'' worked in, and accordingly gives appealing font style support directly out of the container. Consequently, in case you're utilizing this release of Linux, you might be happy with the state of affairs. There are two or three things you can do to improve things even more, just as utilize your TrueType font styles if you have them accessible.

Red Hat 6.1当前结合了对“ xfs ”的支持,因此可以直接从容器中提供吸引人的字体样式支持。 因此,如果您使用的是此版本的Linux,则可能会对事务状态感到满意。 您可以做两三件事来进一步改善,就像可以使用TrueType字体样式一样。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/foss/x-window-system-free-and-open-source-software.aspx

美颜相机window 开源

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