
Python math.pow()方法 (Python math.pow() method)

math.pow() method is a library method of math module, it is used to calculate the given power of a base, it accepts two numbers and returns the first number to the power of the second number in the float.


Syntax of math.pow() method:


    math.pow(a, b)

Parameter(s): a, b – the numbers whose power needs to be calculated (Here, a is the base and b is the power to calculate the result a to the power of b).

参数: a,b –需要计算其幂的数字(此处, a是基数, b是将结果a乘以b的幂的幂)。

Return value: float – it returns a float value that is the a to the power of b.

返回值: 浮法 -它返回一个浮点值,它是A到B的力量。



a = 2
b = 3
# function call
print(math.pow(a, b))

Python代码演示math.pow()方法的示例 (Python code to demonstrate example of math.pow() method)

# python code to demonstrate example of
# math.pow() method
# importing math module
import math
# numbers
a = 2
b = 3
# calculate a to the power of b
print(a, " to the power of ", b, " is = ", math.pow(a,b))
# numbers
a = 2.2
b = 3.0
# calculate a to the power of b
print(a, " to the power of ", b, " is = ", math.pow(a,b))
# numbers
a = 2
b = 0
# calculate a to the power of b
print(a, " to the power of ", b, " is = ", math.pow(a,b))
# numbers
a = 0
b = 3
# calculate a to the power of b
print(a, " to the power of ", b, " is = ", math.pow(a,b))



2  to the power of  3  is =  8.0
2.2  to the power of  3.0  is =  10.648000000000003
2  to the power of  0  is =  1.0
0  to the power of  3  is =  0.0




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