Runtime attributes allow you to extend the capabilities of Integration Objects.

扩展integration object的属性。

You can add runtime attributes to Types from the Type System for Integration Objects to extend the capabilities of Integration Objects. Runtime attributes integration allows you to configure Integration Objects to perform additional tasks at runtime without having to restart and reinitialize SAP Commerce because runtime attributes are not defined in an items.xml file.

这些属性并不是定义在items.xml里的,因此不需要restart和reinitialize SAP Commerce Cloud.

When a runtime attribute is added, it’s treated like a standard attribute for an Integration Object Item for Integration APIs.

这些runtime attribute在系统initialize时会被删除,也不会被重新创建。

Runtime attributes are removed and not recreated during a system initialization. If you require runtime attributes to be included when initializing SAP Commerce, export their definitions into an items.xml file.




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