

Follow link (ctrl + click)Types of property 'backend' are incompatible.Type '{ occ: { baseUrl2: string; prefix: string; }; }' is not assignable to type '{ occ?: { baseUrl?: string; prefix?: string; useWithCredentials?: boolean; endpoints?: OccEndpoints; legacy?: boolean; }; media?: { baseUrl?: string; }; loadingScopes?: LoadingScopes; }'.Types of property 'occ' are incompatible.Type '{ baseUrl2: string; prefix: string; }' is not assignable to type '{ baseUrl?: string; prefix?: string; useWithCredentials?: boolean; endpoints?: OccEndpoints; legacy?: boolean; }'.Object literal may only specify known properties, but 'baseUrl2' does not exist in type '{ baseUrl?: string; prefix?: string; useWithCredentials?: boolean; endpoints?: OccEndpoints; legacy?: boolean; }'. Did you mean to write 'baseUrl'?ts(2326)
Peek Problem
No quick fixes available




SAP Spartacus里的StorefrontConfig静态类型相关推荐

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