One of PowerPoint’s charms is its ability to play music during the presentation. Adding music to your presentation is simple, but using a song from your iTunes library requires a few extra steps. Here’s how to use iTunes music in PowerPoint.

PowerPoint的魅力之一就是在演示过程中可以播放音乐。 将音乐添加到演示文稿很简单,但是使用iTunes资料库中的歌曲需要一些额外的步骤。 这是在PowerPoint中使用iTunes音乐的方法。

将iTunes的AAC文件转换为MP3 (Converting iTunes’ AAC Files to MP3)

When you purchase a song from the iTunes store, it arrives in your library as a 256 kbps AAC file. There’s no argument that this file format isn’t popular. As you may have guessed, PowerPoint doesn’t support this type of file. So how do you use music from your iTunes library in your presentation? You’ll need to convert the files to MP3 format.

从iTunes商店购买歌曲时,歌曲以256 kbps AAC文件的形式到达您的音乐库。 毫无疑问,这种文件格式并不流行。 您可能已经猜到了,PowerPoint不支持这种类型的文件。 那么,如何在演示文稿中使用iTunes资料库中的音乐? 您需要将文件转换为MP3格式。

To do this, open iTunes, select the “Edit” tab, and select “Preferences” from the drop-down menu.


The “General Preferences” window will appear. In the “General” tab, select “Import Settings.”

将出现“常规首选项”窗口。 在“常规”标签中,选择“导入设置”。

Select the arrow next to the “Import Using” option and choose “MP3 Encoder” from the list. Click “Ok.”

选择“导入使用”选项旁边的箭头,然后从列表中选择“ MP3编码器”。 点击“确定”。

Next, select the song from your library you want to use in your PowerPoint presentation. In this example, we’ll use Kyle Landry’s rendition of Howl’s Moving Castle Theme.

接下来,从库中选择要在PowerPoint演示文稿中使用的歌曲。 在此示例中,我们将使用凯尔·兰德里(Kyle Landry)对《哈尔的移动城堡主题》的演绎。

Once selected, head over to the “File” tab and select “Convert” from the drop-down menu.


Next, select “Create MP3 Version” from the sub-menu.


You’ll now see a copy of the same song appear in your library.


Let’s make sure it’s actually an MP3 file. Right-click it and select “Song Info” from the menu.

让我们确保它实际上是一个MP3文件。 右键单击它,然后从菜单中选择“歌曲信息”。

Go to the “File” tab and check the information next to “Format.” If it says “MPEG-1, Layer 3,” you’ve successfully converted the file.

转到“文件”标签,然后检查“格式”旁边的信息。 如果显示“ MPEG-1,Layer 3”,则说明您已成功转换文件。

Alternatively, you could check the format of the file by navigating to the location of the file in Windows Explorer. The file path is usually:

或者,您可以通过导航到Windows资源管理器中文件的位置来检查文件的格式。 文件路径通常为:

C:\Users\username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music

C:\Users\username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music

将音乐添加到PowerPoint (Adding Music to PowerPoint)

Now you can add the MP3 file to your PowerPoint presentation. To do so, open PowerPoint and navigate to the slide on which you would like to insert the song. Next, go to the “Media” group of the “Insert” tab and select “Audio.” From the drop-down menu that appears, select “Audio on My PC.”

现在,您可以将MP3文件添加到PowerPoint演示文稿中。 为此,请打开PowerPoint并导航到要在其中插入歌曲的幻灯片。 接下来,转到“插入”标签的“媒体”组,然后选择“音频”。 从出现的下拉菜单中,选择“我的电脑上的音频”。

Navigate to the aforementioned file path to locate the recently converted MP3 file. Select the file, and then select “Insert.”

导航到上述文件路径以找到最近转换的MP3文件。 选择文件,然后选择“插入”。

There are also several ways to customize the audio inserted in your slideshow. Use these tips to create the perfect presentation.

还有几种方法可以自定义幻灯片中插入的音频。 使用这些技巧来创建完美的演示文稿。



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