就一般日常Assignment写作而言,高效查找文献,最重要的不是有什么独家网站,重要技能。最重要的是缩小范围。毕竟google scholar在,难的是查找资源吗?难的是如何查找到需要的文献资料~难的是如何在海量的文献中,高效筛选出所需的权威有用的文献。这才是大家最需要掌握的高效秘诀。所以,留学小编小编此次就专门来讲讲,学术Assignment写作中同学们需要找什么样的文献?

  In terms of general daily assignment writing,the most important thing for efficient literature search is not to have any exclusive website or important skills.The most important thing is to narrow the scope.After all,Google Scholar is here.Is it difficult to find resources?The difficulty is how to find the required literature.The difficulty is how to efficiently screen the required authoritative and useful literature from the massive literature.This is the most effective secret you need to master.Therefore,the study abroad editor will specially talk about what kind of literature students need to find in academic assignment writing this time?


  1.Determine the level of academic assignment writing


  In students'daily writing,what level should academic assignment writing reach?It is not necessary to make a breakthrough so that it can be published in journals.For the daily academic writing of foreign students,it is mainly to show their understanding and views on relevant fields in combination with relevant literature.


  Assignment writing is mainly for you to prove that you really study the course materials well and have your own views and thoughts.As for originality,"my own opinion"is the most important.Therefore,for such daily Assignment,literature retrieval is relatively easy and simple.The scope of literature retrieval is also more closely related to the teaching materials.


  2.How to select literature for academic assignment writing?


  On the whole,English literature is higher than Chinese literature,and classical textbooks are higher than ordinary works/literature.The latest frontier is higher than the old history.Industry leaders are higher than ordinary researchers.The literature with high citation rate is higher than the literature with low citation rate.However,quoting Chinese literature does require special attention.If it is better to quote all English literature written in China,the proportion of literature cited should not exceed 10%.In addition,before quoting Chinese literature,we must communicate with teachers.Some teachers do not recognize Chinese journal literature.Be careful about this.


  3.What documents cannot be selected in academic assignment writing?


  Please give up Wikipedia.In addition,for the precautions of Wikipedia,the level of English Wikipedia in general is comparable to that of excellent master's theses,and the documents cited by various entries will be relatively authoritative,but Wikipedia is not an academic document,which is not in line with the rules in terms of the academic rigor of the papers.


  Therefore,wikis are only suitable for learning and understanding.You can expand and learn more through wikis and various references listed below,but it is not recommended that you directly cite wikis.


  In addition,just think about some open classes,popular science articles,professional discussions in forums,even online buzzwords,Baidu Encyclopedia in China,and you can see how embarrassed these contents will be when they appear in Reference.(Don't do such silly things.)

  不是什么都可以用作参考文献,学术写作引用文章最好也是学术文献。如果不确定什么是学术文献,google scholar你值得拥有!这又要拓展一个要点了,国外学术写作的严谨性是非常高的。也就是对论文抄袭是看的非常重的。无论是否是自己的话进行概述,都要注明来源。不然,被查出来,判定为学术不端,那就是可以严重到被清退的重大事件了。请一定要谨慎对待,每一个非原创内容。

  Not everything can be used as a reference.It is better to quote articles in academic writing as well as academic documents.If you are not sure what academic literature is,google scholar is worth having!This is another important point to expand.The preciseness of foreign academic writing is very high.That is to say,plagiarism is very important.No matter whether the summary is in your own words or not,the source should be indicated.Otherwise,if it is found out and judged as academic misconduct,it is a major event that can be serious enough to be dismissed.Please be careful with every non original content.


  4.What kind of literature should be the best for academic assignment writing?


  The students need to find the difficulty and scope that match the literature they have learned.Here are three key points:

  ①、reading list

  ①、reading list

  别小看老师给的reading list,这相当于老师给你画的考试范围,很多题目都是出自这里。找文献,第一步就是先看reading list,把重要内容吃的透透的。

  Don't underestimate the reading list given by the teacher.This is equivalent to the exam range drawn by the teacher for you.Many questions come from here.The first step in looking for literature is to read the reading list first,so as to fully understand the important content.


  Think about what the teacher said before,what is the biggest purpose of setting Assignment?It is to test your knowledge!Does he expect that the students who just started to contact academic writing can make any breakthrough?Nonono,don't take Essay's writing too hard,and don't be too prepared for academic writing.


  What students should do is to give teachers what they want to see.That is to show your understanding and views on these literature readings.It is not a rambling ignorance.This is very important.


  ②,Tutor's works


  On"flattery"-is there a more insidious way to praise people than to quote,study and study the works of tutors?(Well,maybe it is not without trace.)As long as the moves are good,even if they are old!The tutor will also set questions according to his/her own scope of expertise,that is,find the tutor's literature and works,and the probability of finding available literature will be greater.The understanding and overview based on this will also be more consistent with the tutor's mind.


  Academic archives of teachers that can be found through Google Academic,including citation rate and article year


  Just pay attention to that,and don't mess up what doesn't fit.In addition,attracting extra attention means more careful inspection.If you are not sure that you have mastered this skill,you should use it carefully!That is to flatter the horse and teach the axe.


  ③Daniel's important works and documents:


  The cited literature is just like a tiger.When their persuasiveness is not strong enough,students should use authority to enhance their persuasiveness.

  那么怎么知道那些人是大牛呢?有一个很简单的方法看教材,最后一页的Reference以及LINKED CITATIONS,列出了哪些人的文献和著作,这些都是可以牵出萝卜带出泥。一带一箩筐。就会有Reference,一般是有几页。甚至还会有LINKED CITATIONS,并贴心给出链接和提示。看文献的参考文献,无限循环下去,你会收获满满一堆权威和著作。以及一个密集的学术关联网,有趣极了。

  How do you know those people are Daniel?There is a very simple way to read the textbook.The Reference and LINKED CITIONS on the last page list the literature and works of those people,which can lead the radish out of the mud.A lot of them.There will be a Reference,usually several pages.There will even be LINKED CITIONS,with links and tips.Look at the references of the literature,and if you continue to circulate indefinitely,you will reap a lot of authorities and works.And a dense academic network,which is extremely interesting.

  直接用Google scholar也很方便,可以试试【label:关键词】的方法找出一些相关领域的大牛。

  It is also very convenient to use Google Scholar directly.You can try the[label:keyword]method to find some big names in related fields.


  If you want to write Assignment,you'd better find it in the above three areas.In these directions,it is very likely that you can find the documents you need,and the documents are"clever"enough.If the required documents cannot be found in the above scope,we will search them by means of search.The time with high correlation degree is near.


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