
Notification settings are relatively complex on a modern iPhone or iPad. It’s possible for an app to play sounds or vibrate your phone without showing any visible notifications. Here’s how to pin down the offender.

在现代iPhone或iPad上,通知设置相对复杂。 应用可能会播放声音或振动手机而不会显示任何可见通知。 这是确定犯罪者的方法。

幻影振动(和声音) (Phantom Vibrations (and Sounds))

It’s worth remembering that phantom vibrations are a common phenomenon. Many people have felt their iPhone vibrate in their pocket, only to pull it out and realize it hadn’t vibrated at all. Phantom sounds can also occur, especially in noisy locations. Did your phone’s notification sound really play? Perhaps that was just another sound amidst the din of noise—or the same notification sound coming from someone else’s phone.

值得记住的是,幻像振动是一种普遍现象。 许多人感到iPhone的震动在口袋里,只是将其拉出并意识到它根本没有震动。 幻像声音也会发生,特别是在嘈杂的地方。 手机的通知声音确实播放了吗? 也许那只是喧闹声中的另一种声音,或者来自其他人电话的相同通知声音。

But that’s not the only issue. Your iPhone could have vibrated or played a sound even if there are no notifications on your notification center or lock screen when you check it.

但这不是唯一的问题。 即使检查时通知中心或锁定屏幕上没有通知,您的iPhone可能也会振动或播放声音。

应用程序有不可见的通知,会播放声音 (An App Has Invisible Notifications Playing Sounds)

Apps can have invisible notifications that vibrate your phone or play your notification sound.


To check for this, head to Settings > Notifications. If an app is set to “Sounds” without “Banners,” it will play a notification sound without showing you any visible notifications. If an app is set to “Sounds” without banners, but with “Badges,” it will show a red notification badge with a counter of new items on the app. It plays a sound when the badge increases, but it won’t show a visible notification.

要进行检查,请转到设置>通知。 如果将某个应用程序设置为“声音”而没有“横幅”,则它将播放通知声音而不会向您显示任何可见的通知。 如果将某个应用程序设置为“声音”(不带横幅,但带有“徽章”),它将显示一个红色通知徽章,其中带有应用程序上的新商品计数器。 徽章增加时,它会播放声音,但不会显示可见的通知。

Scroll through the list and look for any such sneaky apps. If you see one or more set only to “Sounds,” they’re likely the cause of your iPhone’s mysterious beeps and vibrations.

滚动列表,查找任何此类偷偷摸摸的应用程序。 如果您看到仅将一个或多个设置为“声音”,则可能是iPhone发出神秘的蜂鸣声和振动的原因。

If you find such an app, tap it, and then choose what you want to do. For example, you might want to disable notifications for that app entirely by toggling “Allow Notifications” or enable visible notification banners under “Alerts.”

如果找到这样的应用程序,请点击它,然后选择要执行的操作。 例如,您可能希望通过切换“允许通知”或在“警告”下启用可见的通知横幅来完全禁用该应用程序的通知。

出现通知并消失 (A Notification Appeared and Vanished)

It’s possible your phone might ding and wake up only for the notification to vanish a few moments later.


This isn’t too common, but it does happen. The same app that sent a notification to your phone can “unsend” it and clear it from your phone later. You can see this in action when using messaging apps on multiple platforms. If you view an unread message on another device, the app will often clear that message’s notification from your iPhone. After all, you’ve already seen it on another platform; you don’t need to see it again.

这不太常见,但确实发生了。 将通知发送到手机的同一应用可以“取消发送”该通知,并在以后将其从手机中清除。 您可以在多个平台上使用消息传递应用程序时看到此操作。 如果您在其他设备上查看未读消息,则该应用程序通常会从iPhone清除该消息的通知。 毕竟,您已经在另一个平台上看到了它。 您不需要再次看到它。

Some messaging apps might also allow someone to delete a message they sent to you. Depending on how the messaging service is programmed, the app may also clear the notification from your iPhone or iPad. In other words, if someone sends you a message and deletes it, your iPhone may beep or buzz, but the notification might vanish before you look at it.

一些消息传递应用程序还可能允许某人删除他们发送给您的消息。 根据消息传递服务的编程方式,该应用程序还可能会从您的iPhone或iPad清除通知。 换句话说,如果有人向您发送一条消息并将其删除,则您的iPhone可能会发出蜂鸣声或嗡嗡声,但是在您查看之前,通知可能会消失。

Again, this isn’t too common—even some apps that let people delete messages won’t automatically delete the notification associated with the message. There’s a good chance that vibration in your pocket was just a phantom vibration and not associated with a notification that’s since vanished.

再说一次,这种情况不太常见-甚至某些允许人们删除消息的应用程序也不会自动删除与消息相关的通知。 口袋里的震动很有可能只是幻影般的震动,与消失的通知无关。

On an Android phone, it’s possible to look at the notification history to determine whether this occurred and see the text of the notification. However, Apple’s iOS operating system offers no such feature. On an iPhone, there’s no way to discover which app is sending and clearing notifications unless you happen to be looking at the screen when the notification appears and then vanishes.

在Android手机上,可以查看通知历史记录以确定是否发生这种情况并查看通知文本。 但是,Apple的iOS操作系统不提供此类功能。 在iPhone上,除非您在通知出现然后消失时碰巧看着屏幕,否则无法发现哪个应用正在发送和清除通知。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/426602/why-did-your-iphone-beep-or-vibrate-heres-how-to-find-out/


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