By default, Apple runs your Mac’s fans automatically—with no way to configure them—and it ramps them up when your system gets too hot. The free Macs Fan Control app lets you manually control your fans. There are two reasons you’d want to do this—to allow your Mac to run faster but louder, or slower but quieter. Apple’s auto control aims for somewhere in the middle.

默认情况下,Apple会自动运行Mac的风扇(无法对其进行配置),并且在系统温度过高时将其启动。 免费的Macs Fan Control应用程序可让您手动控制风扇。 您要执行此操作有两个原因-允许Mac运行更快但更大声,或更慢但更安静。 苹果的自动控制的目标是中间的某个地方。

一些警告 (A Few Warnings)

Your Mac throttles your CPU when it gets too hot, slowing it down significantly until the temperature gets under control. Usually, this kicks in before the temperature gets too high, but you can manually push your CPU farther by turning the fan speed up farther than Apple usually allows. This makes a lot of noise, which is why the auto-control tries to slow it down.

Mac会在温度过高时调节CPU的速度,从而大大降低其速度,直到温度得到控制为止。 通常,这会在温度过高之前开始,但是您可以通过将风扇速度调高到Apple通常不允许的水平来手动将CPU推得更远。 这会产生很大的噪音,这就是为什么自动控制会降低速度的原因。

On the other hand, if you hate fan noise, you can manually turn them down. Keep in mind that this will make your system run a lot hotter, and could lead to system instability if you let it go too far.

另一方面,如果您讨厌风扇噪音,可以手动将其调低。 请记住,这会使您的系统运行温度更高,如果让它走得太远,则可能导致系统不稳定。

With either option, you should monitor the temperatures of your CPU and other components and make sure you’re not causing damage to your system. It’s also possible that running fans at max speed for extended periods could lead to damage, so try not to torture your laptop.

无论使用哪种方法,都应该监视CPU和其他组件的温度,并确保不会对系统造成损坏。 风扇长时间以最大速度运转也可能会导致损坏,因此请不要折磨您的笔记本电脑。

控制风扇 (Controlling Fans)

Get started by downloading the Macs Fan Control app and moving it to the Applications folder. When it starts, you’ll see a list of all your fans and the option to set custom controls. “Auto” keeps the default behavior, but opening up “Custom” allows you to set a specific RPM value, or set a target temperature.

通过下载Macs Fan Control应用并将其移至Applications文件夹来开始使用。 启动时,您会看到所有粉丝的列表以及用于设置自定义控件的选项。 “自动”保留默认行为,但是打开“自定义”可让您设置特定的RPM值或设置目标温度。

The sensor-based value option mimics the automatic behavior but lets you select how hot you want your system to be. You can push the maximum temperature higher if you want more performance, or lower if you’d like your fans to be quieter.

基于传感器的值选项模仿了自动行为,但让您选择希望系统的温度。 如果要提高性能,可以将最高温度提高;如果希望风扇更安静,则可以降低最高温度。

As a nice touch, the app also lets you monitor the temperature sensors in your system. The main ones to look out for are the CPU Core temperatures.

作为一个不错的选择,该应用程序还允许您监视系统中的温度传感器。 要注意的主要是CPU核心温度。

If you don’t want to have the application open all the time, you can set one of the fans and sensors to display in the menubar with the app icon; click the “Preferences” button in the bottom right corner to get to those settings.

如果您不想一直打开应用程序,则可以将风扇和传感器之一设置为使用应用程序图标显示在菜单栏中。 单击右下角的“首选项”按钮以进行这些设置。

This adds a nice sensor in the menubar, and it doesn’t take up too much space if you display it on two lines.


Under the general preferences, you’ve also got the option of having the application launch on startup and displaying the temperatures in Fahrenheit.


Image Credits: Anake Seenadee/Shutterstock

图片来源: Anake Seenadee / Shutterstock



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