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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>【荐】JS实现类似星球仿flash效果的动态菜单_网页代码站(www.webdm.cn)</title>
<style type="text/css">body {cursor:crosshair;margin:0; padding:0; position:absolute; overflow:hidden; background:#000; left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%;}.obj {position:absolute;font-size:1px;left:-1000;cursor:pointer;}.chi {position:absolute;cursor:pointer;font-family:verdana;}</style><script type="text/javascript"><!--// ================ MENU CONTENT ===================================HDM = [['SAURISCHIANS',   'THEROPODS<br>Bipedal<br>predators',         'Herrerasauria',       'Saltopodidae',           'Saltopus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Eoraptor'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Staurikosaurus',         ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Herrerasaurus',          ''],
['',               '',                                          'Ceratosauria',        'Coelophysids',           'Coelophysis'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Saltopus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Ceratosaurus',           ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Podokesaurus',           ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Abelisaurids',           'Abelisaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Indosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Noasaurus',              ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Segisauridae',           'Segisaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Dilophosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          'Coelurosauria',       'Coelurids',              'Coelurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Ornitholestes'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Dryptosaurus',           ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Compsognathus',          ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Oviraptor',              ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Caenagnathids',          'Caenagnathus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Microvenator'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Avimimus',               ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Ornithomimus',           ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Garudimimids',           'Garudimimus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Harpymimus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Deinocheirus',           ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Dromaeosaurids',         'Caudipteryx'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Deinonychus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Dromaeosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Protarchaeopteryx'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Sinornithosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Sinosauropteryx'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Unenlagia'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Utahraptor'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Velociraptor'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Tyrannosaurids',         'Tyrannosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Albertosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Nanotyrannus'],
['',               '',                                          'Carnosauria',         'Allosaurids',            'Allosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Yangchuanosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Carcharodontosaurids',   'Carcharodontosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Giganotosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Spinosaurus',            ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Baryonyx',               ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Megalosaurids',          'Megalosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Altispinax'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Erectopus'],
['',               '',                                          'Segnosauria',         'Therizinosaurus',        ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Segnosaurus',            ''],
['',               'SAUROPODS<br>Quadrupedal<br>herbivorous',   'Prosauropoda',        'Anchisaurus',            ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Plateosaurus',           ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Melanorosaurus',         ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Massospondylus',         ''],
['',               '',                                          'Sauropoda',           'Cetiosaurus',            ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Camarasaurus',           ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Dicraeosaurids',         'Amargasaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Dicraeosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Rebbachisaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Euhelopodus',            ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Titanosaurids',          'Aegyptosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Alamosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Andesaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Argentinosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Hypselosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Quaesitosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Saltasaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Titanosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Diplodocids',            'Diplodocus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Apatosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Barosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Supersaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Seismosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Brachiosaurids',         'Astrodon'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Brachiosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Ultrasauros'],
['ORNITHISCHIANS', 'ORNITHOPODS<br>herbivorous',                'Fabrosauria',         'Fabrosaurids',           'Fabrosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Lesothosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Xiaosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Heterodontosaurus',      ''],
['',               '',                                          'Ornithopoda',         'Hypsilophodon',          ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Dryosaurus',             ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Iguanodontids',          'Iguanodon'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Ouranosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Anoplosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Camptosaurus',           ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Hadrosaurids',           'Hadrosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Maiasaura'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Anatotitan'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Edmontosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Saurolophus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Trachodon'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Lambeosaurids',          'Lambeosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Bactrosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Corythosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Jaxartosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Parasaurolophus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Thescelosaurus',         ''],
['',               'MARGINOCEPHALIA<br>herbivorous',            'Pachycephalosauria',  'Pachycephalosaurids',    'Pachycephalosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Stegoceras'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Stygimoloch'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Vannanosorus',           ''],
['',               '',                                          'Ceratopsia',          'Protoceratopsids',       'Protoceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Bagaceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Leptoceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Montanoceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Notoceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Zuniceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Ceratopsidae',           'Anchiceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Avaceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Arrhinoceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Brachyceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Ceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Monoclonius'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Styracosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Torosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Triceratops'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Psittacosaurus',         ''],
['',               'THYREOPHORA<br>armored<br>quadrupeds',      'Scriptosoria',        'ObjectOrientus',         'MPietrus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'G1Dootus', 'http://www.dhteumeuleu.com'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Evolvus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Bizarrus',               'CybZarbius'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'JackFlashus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'JimmyBeamus'],
['',               '',                                          'Stegosauria',         'Huayangosaurus',         ''],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Stegosaurinae',          'Stegosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Dacentrurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Kentrosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Tuojiangosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Yingshanosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Craterosaurus',          ''],
['',               '',                                          'Ankylosauria',        'Nodosaurids',            'Nodosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Acanthopholis'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Brachyspondosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Edmontonia'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Hoplitosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Minmi'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Hylaeosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Polacanthus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Sauropelta'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    '',                       'Struthiosaurus'],
['',               '',                                          '',                    'Ankylosaurus',          '']
];// ============================================================
//     ========== Experimental GALACTIC Menu =============
// SCRIPT by Gerard Ferrandez - Ge-1-doot - NOV 2001
// ============================================================// -------- global var --------------
var nx;
var ny;
var xm = 0;
var ym = 0;
var nx2;
var ny2;
var cir;
var E;
var m;
var HP = 0;
var HS = new Array();
// ===============================
var A  = .0044; // rotation speed
var Cselected  = "#FF0000";
var Cnode      = "#00FF00";
var Chyperlink = "#FFFF00";
var Cparent    = "#0000FF";
// ===============================
var cA = Math.cos(A);
var sA = Math.sin(A);
var Zoom  = 0;
var ZoomF = 1;
var Xd  = 0;
var Yd  = 0;
var XdF = 0;
var YdF = 0;
var oB;
var root;
var tempx = 0;
var tempy = 0;
var drag = false;
var hcli = false;
// ------------------- main loop ------------------------------------------------------
function main(){if(XdF >= Xd) Xd -= (Xd - XdF) *.1; else Xd += (XdF - Xd) *.1;if(YdF >= Yd) Yd -= (Yd - YdF) *.1; else Yd += (YdF - Yd) *.1;if(ZoomF > Zoom) Zoom -= (Zoom - ZoomF) *.05; else Zoom += (ZoomF - Zoom) *.05;m.rotate();cir.left = oB.obj.pL - E - 3;cir.top  = oB.obj.pT - E - 3;setTimeout(main, 16);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function SFMenu(label, parent) {// ======== create Elements =========obj = document.createElement("div");obj.className="obj";chi = document.createElement("div");chi.className="chi";chi.innerHTML = "    " + labelobj.appendChild(chi);document.body.appendChild(obj);// ======== Attributes ============this.ref     = obj;this.doot    = obj.style;this.ola     = chi.style;this.ref.obj = this;this.parent  = parent;this.inscr   = true;this.visible = true;this.pL      = 0;this.pT      = 0;this.m       = new Array();this.X       = 0;this.Y       = 0;this.lev     = 0;this.w       = 0;this.label   = label;// ==================== functions ==========================// ------- children creation -------this.dot = function(c) {this.m[this.m.length] = newItem = new SFMenu(c, this);newItem.lev = this.lev + 1;return newItem;}// ------- click Event ------------this.ref.onmousedown = function() {hcli = true;with(this.obj){if(m[0]){url = m[0].label;if(url.indexOf("http")>=0){window.open(url,"_blank");} else {HS[HP++] = parent;oB  = this;Mdoot(root,true);Mdoot(this.obj,false);XdF = X;YdF = Y;ZoomF = m[0].lev;}}}return false;}// --------- Rotation ------------this.rotate = function () {with(this){// --- look Ma! no hands! ---Ax = X - Xd;Ay = Y - Yd;X = Ax * cA - Ay * sA + Xd;Y = Ay * cA + Ax * sA + Yd;// ---- children rotation ------for(var i=0 in m) m[i].rotate();// --- exclude invisible dotsif(visible){pL = Zoom * (X - Xd) + nx2;pT = Zoom * (Y - Yd) + ny2;if(pL<0 || pL>nx || pT<0  || pT>ny){if(inscr){inscr = false;doot.left = -1E4;return;}} else inscr = true;// --- move dootsif(inscr){doot.left = pL - w * .25;doot.top  = pT - w * .25;}}}}
// ---- transfer & colors -------------
function Mdoot(o,s){with(o){if(s){// --- Graphic Attributsw = Math.max(2,Math.min(64,(12 - lev * 2) * (oB.obj.lev + 2))) * .8;doot.zIndex = 100 - lev + 1;if(w<=8)ola.visibility="hidden";else {ola.fontSize =  w;ola.visibility="visible";}doot.width = doot.height = w * 0.5;// --- view depth clampingif(lev<oB.obj.lev - 1 || lev>oB.obj.lev + 2){visible = false;doot.left = -1E4;} else visible=true;}// --- color parentif(parent)if(o == oB.obj){parent.doot.background = Cparent;parent.ola.color = "white";}// --- color selecteddoot.background=(s)?"white":Cselected;if(!s)ola.color = "white";// --- color childrenfor(var i = 0 in m){with(m[i]){doot.background=(s)?"white":(m[0])?Cnode:Chyperlink;ola.color=(s)?"gray":"white";}if(s)Mdoot(m[i],s);}}
}// ---- Polar to X,Y coordinates calculation ------
function PoXY(o){with(o){for(var i = 0 in m){// --- automatic angulationangle = ((30 * m[i].lev) + i * (360 / m.length)) / (180 / Math.PI);m[i].X = X + Math.cos(angle) * (E / m[i].lev);m[i].Y = Y + Math.sin(angle) * (E / m[i].lev);// -- childrenPoXY(m[i]);}}
// ------ anti-select -------------------
document.onselectstart = function () {return false;}
// -------- drag STARFIELD --------------
document.onmousemove = function(e){if (window.event) e = window.event;xm = (e.x || e.clientX);ym = (e.y || e.clientY);if(drag){XdF=tempx+(nx-xm);YdF=tempy+(ny-ym);}return false;
document.onmousedown = function () {if(!hcli){tempx=XdF-(nx-xm);tempy=YdF-(ny-ym);document.body.style.cursor="move";drag = true;}hcli = false;return false;
document.onmouseup = function () {document.body.style.cursor="";drag = false;return false;
// =============== generating menu ====================
function makeDots(){nbrl  = HDM.length;var I = new Array();for(i=0;i<nbrl;i++)I[i] = new Array();N=-1;for(j=0;j<10;j++){for(i=0;i<nbrl;i++){if(j<=HDM[i].length){if(HDM[i][j]!="") if(j==0)N++; else if(HDM[i][j-1]!="")N=0; else N++;I[i][j+1]=N;}}N=0;}for(var i = 0 in HDM){command = "m";for(var j = 0 in HDM[i]){dot = HDM[i][j];if(dot!=""){for(k=0;k<j;k++)command+='.m['+(I[i][k+1])+']';command+='.dot("'+dot+'")';eval(command);command = "m";}}}
}// --- yo! zyva ! -----------
onload = function() {m = new SFMenu("DYNOSAURS");nx = document.body.offsetWidth;ny = document.body.offsetHeight;nx2 = nx * .5;ny2 = ny * .5;E = ny2 * .5;makeDots();PoXY(m);root = m;oB = m.ref;cir = document.getElementById("circle").style;cir.width=ny2+6;cir.height=ny2+6;Mdoot(m,true);Mdoot(m,false);main();
<img id="circle" src="http://www.webdm.cn/images/20100822/200803272236370.gif" style="position:absolute;left:-1000"><div style="position:relative;font-family:verdana;color:#ccc;font-size:8pt;padding:10px;z-index:1000;">
Experimental hyper-object oriented Galactic Menu<br><br>
- click the dots to navigate<br>
- drag&drop to change your position<br>
- lost in space? <span onClick="m.ref.onmousedown();" style="cursor:pointer;color:#FF0000;">click</span><br>
- back <span onClick="if(HP>0)HS[--HP].ref.onmousedown();" style="cursor:pointer;color:#FF0000"><<<</span><br><br>
<p><a href="http://www.webdm.cn">网页代码站</a> - 最专业的代码下载网站 - 致力为中国站长提供有质量的代码!</p>




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