The Refresher provides pull-to-refresh functionality on a content component. Place the ion-refresher as the first child of your ion-content element.

</ion-header><ion-content><ion-refresher (ionRefresh)="refresh($event)"><ion-refresher-content pullingIcon="arrow-dropdown" pullingText="下拉刷新..." refreshingSpinner="circles"refreshingText="努力刷新数据中..."></ion-refresher-content></ion-refresher><ul><li><dl>写你自己的内容</dl></li></ul><ion-label>数据已加载完成</ion-label><ion-infinite-scroll (ionInfinite)="loadMore($event)"><ion-infinite-scroll-content loadingSpinner="bubbles" loadingText="努力加载中..."></ion-infinite-scroll-content></ion-infinite-scroll>

Pages can then listen to the refresher’s various output events. The refresh output event is fired when the user has pulled down far enough to kick off the refreshing process. Once the async operation has completed and the refreshing should end, call complete().

    refresh(refresher){this.newsService.findByPage().subscribe(result=>{this.newsList = result;refresher.complete();},(e)=>{console.log(e,'初始化错误 error');refresher.complete();});}

Note: Do not wrap the ion-refresher in a *ngIf. It will not render properly this way. Please use the enabled property instead to display or hide the refresher.


<ion-content><ion-refresher (ionRefresh)="doRefresh($event)"><ion-refresher-content></ion-refresher-content></ion-refresher>
export class NewsFeedPage {doRefresh(refresher) {console.log('Begin async operation', refresher);setTimeout(() => {console.log('Async operation has ended');refresher.complete();//刷新器结束关闭方法,注意不是close;这里是2000毫秒之后;}, 2000);}

Refresher Content
By default, Ionic provides the pulling icon and refreshing spinner that looks best for the platform the user is on. However, you can change the default icon and spinner, along with adding text for each state by adding properties to the child ion-refresher-content component.
默认情况下,Ionic 提供下拉图标和刷新指针,这样会看起来对开发者所在的平台最适宜;然而,你可以改变默认的图标和指针,并且可以给每个子刷新内容(ion-refresher-content)元件添加text文字;

<ion-content><ion-refresher (ionRefresh)="doRefresh($event)"><ion-refresher-contentpullingIcon="arrow-dropdown"//下拉图标pullingText="下拉刷新中..."//下拉可以看到的文字refreshingSpinner="circles"//刷新指针:圆形刷新动态效果refreshingText="Refreshing...">//刷新时显示的文字</ion-refresher-content></ion-refresher>

Further Customizing Refresher Content

The ion-refresher component holds the refresh logic. It requires a child component in order to display the content. Ionic uses ion-refresher-content by default. This component displays the refresher and changes the look depending on the refresher’s state. Separating these components allows developers to create their own refresher content components. You could replace our default content with custom SVG or CSS animations.

Instance Members

Changes the refresher’s state from refreshing to cancelling.

Call complete() when your async operation has completed. For example, the refreshing state is while the app is performing an asynchronous operation, such as receiving more data from an AJAX request. Once the data has been received, you then call this method to signify that the refreshing has completed and to close the refresher. This method also changes the refresher’s state from refreshing to completing.

The current touch or mouse event’s Y coordinate.

The distance between the start of the pull and the current touch or mouse event’s Y coordinate.

A number representing how far down the user has pulled. The number 0 represents the user hasn’t pulled down at all. The number 1, and anything greater than 1, represents that the user has pulled far enough down that when they let go then the refresh will happen. If they let go and the number is less than 1, then the refresh will not happen, and the content will return to it’s original position.

The Y coordinate of where the user started to the pull down the content.

The current state which the refresher is in. The refresher’s states include:

inactive - The refresher is not being pulled down or refreshing and is currently hidden.

pulling - The user is actively pulling down the refresher, but has not reached the point yet that if the user lets go, it’ll refresh.

cancelling - The user pulled down the refresher and let go, but did not pull down far enough to kick off the refreshing state. After letting go, the refresher is in the cancelling state while it is closing, and will go back to the inactive state once closed.

ready - The user has pulled down the refresher far enough that if they let go, it’ll begin the refreshing state.

refreshing - The refresher is actively waiting on the async operation to end. Once the refresh handler calls complete() it will begin the completing state.
completing - The refreshing state has finished and the refresher is in the process of closing itself. Once closed, the refresher will go back to the inactive state.


  1. inactive(未启动,即未下拉,未刷新)======>
  2. pulling(cancelling下拉中或取消中,未刷新)======>
  3. ready(下拉动作已完成,未刷新)======>
  4. refreshing(下拉动作完成,刷新中)======>
  5. completing(下拉动作和刷新动作均全部完成)



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