
Starting with iOS 7, Apple introduced a feature named Activation Lock for iOS devices. When you sign in with an iCloud account and enable the “Find My” feature, the phone becomes tied to your iCloud account. If you’re buying or selling a device, you’ll want to ensure that the Activation Lock is disabled so that it can then be activated by the new user.

从iOS 7开始,Apple为iOS设备引入了名为激活锁的功能。 当您使用iCloud帐户登录并启用“查找我”功能时,手机将绑定到您的iCloud帐户。 如果您要购买或出售设备,则需要确保禁用了激活锁,以便新用户可以激活它。

UPDATE: This article is no longer valid. Unfortunately, Apple removed their website for checking whether Activation Lock is enabled.

更新:本文不再有效。 不幸的是,Apple删除了他们的网站,以检查是否启用了激活锁。

The “Find My” feature allows you to track, disable, and wipe a lost device. Enabling it is one of the most important things you should do when setting up a new iOS device. When you enable the “Find My” feature, it also locks that device to your iCloud account. Your iCloud credentials are required before anyone can turn off the “Find My” feature, sign out of iCloud, or erase and reactivate the device. When you sell or give a device to someone else (or when you’re buying a used device), the current owner must disable Activation Lock before the new owner can activate it with their own iCloud account.

“查找我”功能可让您跟踪,禁用和擦除丢失的设备 。 启用它是设置新的iOS设备时应该做的最重要的事情之一。 启用“查找我”功能后,它还会将该设备锁定到您的iCloud帐户。 在任何人都可以关闭“查找我”功能,退出iCloud或擦除并重新激活设备之前,需要使用iCloud凭据。 当您出售设备或将设备转让给他人时(或购买二手设备时),当前所有者必须禁用激活锁,新所有者才能使用自己的iCloud帐户激活它。

Apple provides a handy site for sellers or buyers to double-check whether a device has Activation Lock enabled. It’s always good to check before you make the transfer, because it’s much easier for the current owner to erase the device and turn of Activation Lock while it’s still in their possession. Before getting started, you’ll need to find the device’s IMEI or serial number. With that in hand, head over to Apple’s Activation Lock page.

Apple为买卖双方提供了一个方便的站点,可以仔细检查设备是否启用了激活锁。 进行转移之前,最好检查一下,因为对于当前所有者而言,擦除设备并在仍然拥有激活锁的情况下更容易转动它。 在开始之前,您需要找到设备的IMEI或序列号 。 有了这个,转到Apple的激活锁页面。

Key in either the device’s IMEI or serial number, enter the CAPTCHA code, and then hit Continue.


You’ll be shown immediately whether the device has Activation Lock turned on or off.


If you find that Activation Lock is enabled, the previous owner of the phone must disable it before the new owner can activate it. The easiest way to do this is for the previous owner to erase their device (if they haven’t already) and then sign into iCloud when setting up the device to remove it from their account. If the new owner already has the phone and the previous owner isn’t nearby, the previous owner will need to sign in to their iCloud account on the web and remove their device from there.

如果您发现启用了激活锁,则手机的先前所有者必须先禁用它,然后新所有者才能激活它。 最简单的方法是让以前的所有者擦除其设备(如果尚未删除),然后在设置设备以从其帐户中删除设备时登录iCloud。 如果新所有者已经拥有电话,而先前的所有者不在附近,则先前的所有者将需要在网络上登录其iCloud帐户并从那里删除其设备。




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