python 查找归档邮件

It is an established fact that email archiving is beneficial to your business. Email archiving in the cloud allows preserving all your emails without having to worry about losing them ever. Limitless storage capacity of the cloud enables you to store all your emails efficiently. You can even archive your Lotus Notes in the cloud. This improves the performance of your computer and software.

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Not only you are able to store any messages you receive but also any messages you send. These emails are indexed in the cloud and can be easily accessed by any authorized person of your company. You need not worry about doing anything. Your input is not required for storing or indexing your emails. Everything is taken care of by the email archiving solution. All businesses, whether small or big can benefit from email archiving.

Features of Email Archiving

The most striking feature of email archiving is that your emails are automatically stored without requiring any input from you. The fact that all your emails are stored means that you have limitless Lotus Notes archive.

Why Invest in Email Archiving

Investing in email archiving can prove very beneficial for your business at it makes email management very easy. Email archiving in the cloud is a very reliable way of safely storing your emails. All your communications are stored automatically in the cloud and easily available. You can store gigabytes of data for a very minimal cost. All your emails are indexed in the cloud and you can even search through the content of the mails.

Your business can be prepared for any audits, legal inquiries or client inquiries, as all the emails are securely stored. You can easily look up any previous emails from clients. Email archiving improves your response time and allows you to react quicker to client requests. All in all there are too many benefits of email archiving in cloud to overlook the minimal cost incurred by it.

The benefits of email archiving are numerous. Not only does it indirectly save your expenditure on additional account space but provides you with better email management for your business. For freeing up account space you can also archive your Lotus Notes. With features like unlimited storage, indexing and automatic storage of emails, email archiving makes up for every penny spent. So, do not keep your clients waiting and improve your response time with email archiving in cloud.

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You no longer need to worry about your account space for keeping emails. You can delete emails from your account without any concern. There will always be a backup available in cloud, from where you can easily recover any lost file. Due to the indexing feature, it is really easy to look up any file in the cloud by keyword searches. You are able to respond quicker to any requests by your client. You can be ready for any audits in the future.

Easy email management is ensured with email archiving. All emails are readily available whenever you need then and you can access them from anywhere. You can allow your employees to access these emails as well. It enables for faster response to your client requests. There is no requirement of any additional hardware or software for archiving your emails in the cloud.

This article in written by Robert F., about Lotus Notes archive.


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