1、Give hope, don't despair.

2、But do not despair entirely.

3、Jealousy drove her to despair.

4、His impotence to help made him despair.

5、One could sense despair, frustration, and pain.

6、He was in the depth of despair.

7、He gave up the attempt in despair.

8、Your very voice is in my heartbeat, sweeter than despair.

9、Yet this book is not a counsel of despair.

10、It is understandable that a realist would despair.

11、That said, aspiring junior sportspeople at school should not despair.

12、Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed.

13、However, sometimes a seemingly benign introduction creates environmental travesty and ecosystem despair.

14、Nobody in despair suffers from Problems, but from his own inner torment and fire.

15、Then he or she must deal with new forms of torture: resignation and despair.

16、He writes in despair, and the result is a demented book.

17、The important thing is to slog diligently through this quagmire of discouragement and despair.

18、"Do not insist on everlasting, only care about once owned." In fact, this is just a long time of despair.

19、It is not the life of despair, just can Ru Yang spirit, for the day after the required.

20、For a world in the depths of crisis and despair, another “Volcker moment” may well be at hand.

21、The history of the multilateral trading system is littered with rows, hiatuses, disillusion, despair-and sudden success.

22、Any actor who doesn't want to reek of despair should avoid such self-mockery at all costs.

23、However, miss the cold as snow. If daylight shines, you and I still have nothing in your hands. Please don't despair and take care of me.

24、In despair, casting about frantically among the magazines, he had sent it to the BILLOW, a society weekly in San Francisco.

25、Yet he was rarely in despair. He spoke later of his satisfaction at seeing signs he had designed hanging above a greengrocer's or butcher's shop.

26、Sleepless in Seattle allows the romantic to believe that love still heals the broken-heart, creates hope and fulfills dreams in an age of disillusionment and despair.

27、Sagging floors and ceiling joists, warped window casings, and uneven Spaces between cracks in the crown molding projected a sense of decay and despair.

28、Always want to cherish the hope, never despair, always want to be good at family, friendly friends, always want to be grateful, optimistic and upward. But there are always some difficulties in life.

29、The single largest group — about 50 percent — showed very little sign of shock, despair, anxiety or intrusive thoughts (the hallmark symptoms of acute grief) even six months after their loss.

30、It is not that we would not know what the loss meant if there was no expression; we would know, but we wouldn't feel it fully if medications soothed our despair.


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