
  1. Buffer RAM — The buffer RAM constitutes the volatile memory store required for EEE. Memory space
    in the buffer RAM not required for EEE can be partitioned to provide volatile memory space for
    缓冲RAM -缓冲RAM构成易失性存储器所需的EEE。EEE不需要的缓冲RAM中的内存空间可以被分区,为应用程序提供易失性内存空间。

  2. Command Write Sequence — An MCU instruction sequence to execute built-in algorithms (including
    program and erase) on the Flash memory

  3. D-Flash Memory — The D-Flash memory constitutes the nonvolatile memory store required for EEE.
    Memory space in the D-Flash memory not required for EEE can be partitioned to provide nonvolatile
    memory space for applications.

  4. D-Flash Sector — The D-Flash sector is the smallest portion of the D-Flash memory that can be erased.
    The D-Flash sector consists of four 64 byte rows for a total of 256 bytes.

  5. EEE (Emulated EEPROM) — A method to emulate the small sector size features and endurance
    characteristics associated with an EEPROM.
    EEE(仿真EEPROM) -一种模拟与EEPROM相关联的小扇区尺寸特征和持久特性的方法。

  6. EEE IFR — Nonvolatile information register located in the D-Flash block that contains data required to
    partition the D-Flash memory and buffer RAM for EEE. The EEE IFR is visible in the global memory map
    by setting the EEEIFRON bit in the MMCCTL1 register.
    EEE IFR -位于D-Flash块中的非易失性信息寄存器,该块包含为EEE划分D-Flash存储器和缓冲RAM所需的数据。通过设置MMCCTL1寄存器中的EEEIFRON位,EEEIFR在全局内存映射中是可见的。

  7. NVM Command Mode — An NVM mode using the CPU to setup the FCCOB register to pass parameters
    required for Flash command execution.

  8. Phrase — An aligned group of four 16-bit words within the P-Flash memory. Each phrase includes eight
    ECC bits for single bit fault correction and double bit fault detection within the phrase.

  9. P-Flash Memory — The P-Flash memory constitutes the main nonvolatile memory store for applications.

  10. P-Flash Sector — The P-Flash sector is the smallest portion of the P-Flash memory that can be erased.
    Each P-Flash sector contains 1024 bytes.

  11. Program IFR — Nonvolatile information register located in the P-Flash block that contains the Device
    ID, Version ID, and the Program Once field. The Program IFR is visible in the global memory map by
    setting the PGMIFRON bit in the MMCCTL1 register.
    程序IFR -位于包含设备的P-Flash块中的非易失性信息寄存器


  1. 384 Kbytes of P-Flash memory composed of one 256 Kbyte Flash block and one 128 Kbyte Flash
    block. The 256 Kbyte Flash block consists of two 128 Kbyte sections each divided into 128 sectors
    of 1024 bytes. The 128 Kbyte Flash block is divided into 128 sectors of 1024 bytes.

    384 Kbyte的P-Flash存储器,由一个256kbyte的Flash块和一个128kbyte的Flash块组成。256kbyte的闪存块由两个128kbyte的部分组成,每个部分分为1024字节的128个扇区。128kbyte的Flash块划分为128个扇区,每个扇区的大小为1024字节。

  2. Ability to program up to one phrase in each P-Flash block simultaneously


  3. Flexible protection scheme to prevent accidental program or erase of P-Flash memory


  4. Single bit fault correction and double bit fault detection within a 64-bit phrase during read


  5. Automated program and erase algorithm with verify and generation of ECC parity bits


  6. Fast sector erase and phrase program operation



  1. Up to 32 Kbytes of D-Flash memory with 256 byte sectors for user access


  2. Dedicated commands to control access to the D-Flash memory over EEE operation


  3. Ability to program up to four words in a burst sequence


  4. Single bit fault correction and double bit fault detection within a word during read operations


  5. Automated program and erase algorithm with verify and generation of ECC parity bits


  6. Fast sector erase and word program operation



  1. Up to 4 Kbytes of emulated EEPROM (EEE) accessible as 4 Kbytes of RAM

    多达4千字节的仿真EEPROM (EEE)可作为4千字节的RAM访问

  2. Flexible protection scheme to prevent accidental program or erase of data


  3. Automatic EEE file handling using an internal Memory Controller


  4. Automatic transfer of valid EEE data from D-Flash memory to buffer RAM on reset


  5. Ability to monitor the number of outstanding EEE related buffer RAM words left to be
    programmed into D-Flash memory


  6. Ability to disable EEE operation and allow priority access to the D-Flash memory


  7. Ability to cancel all pending EEE operations and allow priority access to the D-Flash memory


User Buffer RAM 特性

  1. Up to 4 Kbytes of RAM for user access



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