Using the Keyboard 使用键盘

GUI Elements (GUI元素)

The keyboard will appear automatically when a user taps on editable GUI elements. Currently, GUI.TextField, GUI.TextArea andGUI.PasswordField will display the keyboard; see the GUI class documentation for further details.


Manual Keyboard Handling 手动键盘操作

Use the iPhoneKeyboard.Open function to open the keyboard. Please see the iPhoneKeyboard scripting reference for the parameters that this function takes.


Keyboard Type Summary 键盘类型总结

The Keyboard supports the following types:


  • iPhoneKeyboardType.Default
    Letters. Can be switched to keyboard with numbers and punctuation.
  • iPhoneKeyboardType.ASCIICapable
    Letters. Can be switched to keyboard with numbers and punctuation.
  • iPhoneKeyboardType.NumbersAndPunctuation
    Numbers and punctuation. Can be switched to keyboard with letters.
  • iPhoneKeyboardType.URL
    Letters with slash and .com buttons. Can be switched to keyboard with numbers and punctuation.
  • iPhoneKeyboardType.NumberPad
    Only numbers from 0 to 9. 仅0-9九个数字按键。
  • iPhoneKeyboardType.PhonePad
    Keyboard used to enter phone numbers. 拨号键盘。
  • iPhoneKeyboardType.NamePhonePad
    Letters. Can be switched to phone keyboard. 
  • iPhoneKeyboardType.EmailAddress
    Letters with @ sign. Can be switched to keyboard with numbers and punctuation.

Text Preview 文本预览

By default, an edit box will be created and placed on top of the keyboard after it appears. This works as preview of the text that user is typing, so the text is always visible for the user. However, you can disable text preview by setting iPhoneKeyboard.hideInput to true. Note that this works only for certain keyboard types and input modes. For example, it will not work for phone keypads and multi-line text input. In such cases, the edit box will always appear. iPhoneKeyboard.hideInput is a global variable and will affect all keyboards.


Keyboard Orientation 键盘方向

By default, the keyboard automatically follows the device orientation. To disable or enable rotation to a certain orientation, use the following properties available in iPhoneKeyboard:


  • autorotateToPortrait
    Enable or disable autorotation to portrait orientation (button at the bottom).
  • autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown
    Enable or disable autorotation to portrait orientation (button at top).
  • autorotateToLandscapeLeft
    Enable or disable autorotation to landscape left orientation (button on the right).
    启用或禁用自动旋转到左横向(键盘在右侧) 。
  • autorotateToLandscapeRight
    Enable or disable autorotation to landscape right orientation (button on the left).

Visibility and Keyboard Size 键盘可见性和尺寸

There are three keyboard properties in iPhoneKeyboard that determine keyboard visibility status and size on the screen.


  • visible 可见性
    Returns true if the keyboard is fully visible on the screen and can be used to enter characters.
  • area 区域
    Returns the position and dimensions of the keyboard.
  • active 激活
    Returns true if the keyboard is activated. This property is not static property. You must have a keyboard instance to use this property.

Note that iPhoneKeyboard.area will return a rect with position and size set to 0 until the keyboard is fully visible on the screen. You should not query this value immediately after iPhoneKeyboard.Open. The sequence of keyboard events is as follows:


  • iPhoneKeyboard.Open is called. returns true. iPhoneKeyboard.visible returns false. iPhoneKeyboard.area returns (0, 0, 0, 0). 
  • Keyboard slides out into the screen. All properties remain the same. 
  • Keyboard stops sliding. returns true. iPhoneKeyboard.visible returns true. iPhoneKeyboard.area returns real position and size of the keyboard. 

Secure Text Input 安全的文本输入

It is possible to configure the keyboard to hide symbols when typing. This is useful when users are required to enter sensitive information (such as passwords). To manually open keyboard with secure text input enabled, use the following code:


iPhoneKeyboard.Open("", iPhoneKeyboardType.Default, false, false, true);

Hiding text while typing 输入时隐藏文本

Alert keyboard 警醒键盘

To display the keyboard with a black semi-transparent background instead of the classic opaque, call iPhoneKeyboard.Open as follows:


iPhoneKeyboard.Open("", iPhoneKeyboardType.Default, false, false, true, true);

Classic keyboard 经典键盘

Alert keyboard 警醒键盘


Unity Android reuses the iOS API to display system keyboard. Even though Unity Android supports most of the functionality of its iPhone counterpart, there are two aspects which are not supported:

Unity Android 在显示系统键盘方面重用了IOS的API,虽然Unity Android支持大部分的与IPhone对应的功能,但是有以下两点功能不支持:

  • iPhoneKeyboard.hideInput
  • iPhoneKeyboard.area

Please also note that the layout of a iPhoneKeyboardType can differ somewhat between devices.

请注意:iPhoneKeyboardType 的样式在不同的设备上有所不同。

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