Install :

You just have to unzip the ‘’ archive in a folder
of your choice.

Note : packages needed : tcl8.4 tclx8.4 tk8.4.

USB CDC Serial driver mount procedure :

1/ Login with administrator rights

2/ Unload usbserial module if it is already running

#rmmod usbserial

3/ Load usbserial kernel module

#modprobe usbserial vendor=0x03eb product=0x6124

4/ Verify that the USB connection is established

#lsusb -d 03eb:6124

Bus 004 Device 006: ID 03eb:6124 Atmel Corp

5/ Know which USB connection is established


kernel: usb 4-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 5
kernel: usb 4-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
kernel: usbserial_generic 4-2:1.0: generic converter detected
kernel: usbserial_generic: probe of 4-2:1.0 failed with error -5
kernel: usbserial_generic 4-2:1.1: generic converter detected
kernel: usb 4-2: generic converter now attached to ttyUSBx

=> you will have to use /dev/ttyUSBx to connect to your board

Running SAM-BA CDC Serial version :

Launch ‘sam-ba_cdc_x.y.linux_zz’ file, and select your board and the /dev/ttyUSBx
device where your board in mounted on.


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