
Inference means to find a conclusion based on the facts, information, and evidence. In simple words, when we conclude the facts and figures to reach a particular decision, that is called inference. In artificial intelligence, the expert system or any agent performs this task with the help of the inference engine. In the inference engine, the information and facts present in the knowledge base are considered according to the situation and the engine makes the conclusion out of these facts, based on which the further processing and decision making takes place in the agent.

推论是指根据事实,信息和证据找到结论 。 简而言之,当我们总结事实和数据以做出特定决策时,这称为推理。 在人工智能中,专家系统或任何代理在推理引擎的帮助下执行此任务。 在推理引擎中,根据情况考虑知识库中存在的信息和事实,引擎根据这些事实做出结论,并在此基础上在代理中进行进一步的处理和决策。

The inference process in an agent takes place according to some rules, which are known as the inference rules or rule of inference. Following are the major types of inference rules that are used:

在代理的推理过程根据一定的规则,其被称作推理规则推理规则进行。 以下是使用的推理规则的主要类型

1) Addition: This inference rule is stated as follows:


P v Q

2) Simplification: This inference rule states that:


     P ^ Q                               P ^ Q
----------                OR        ----------
P                                  Q

3) Modus Ponens: This is the most widely used inference rule. It states:

3)Modus Ponens:这是使用最广泛的推理规则。 它指出:


4) Modus Tollens: This rule states that:



5) Forward Chaining: It is a type of deductive Inference rule. It states that:

5)前向链接:这是一种演绎推理规则。 它指出:


6) Backward Chaining: This is also a type of deductive inference rule. This rule states that:

6)向后链接:这也是一种演绎推理规则。 该规则指出:


7) Resolution: In the reasoning by resolution, we are given the goal condition and available facts and statements. Using these facts and statements, we have to decide whether the goal condition is true or not, i.e. is it possible for the agent to reach the goal state or not. We prove this by the method of contradiction. This rule states that:

7)解决方案:在通过解决方案进行推理时,我们获得了目标条件以及可用的事实和陈述。 使用这些事实和陈述,我们必须确定目标条件是否正确,即,代理是否有可能达到目标状态。 我们用矛盾的方法证明了这一点。 该规则指出:

    P v Q
Q v R

8) Hypothetical Syllogism: This rule states the transitive relation between the statements:



9) Disjunctive Syllogism: This rule is stated as follows:


    P v Q




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