I still remember when I decided to become a programmer. It was a summer break, and like every year, we used to visit our maternal uncle. My cousins were both older than me. They were studying engineering and computer science.

我仍然记得当我决定成为一名程序员的时候。 那是一个暑假,和每年一样,我们过去经常拜访我们的叔叔。 我的堂兄都比我大。 他们正在研究工程学和计算机科学。

I used to spend around two months with them every year. They taught me pretty cool stuff related to computers, which I used to flex in front of my school friends.

我以前每年和他们在一起大约两个月。 他们教给我关于计算机的一些很酷的知识,我以前在我的学校朋友面前展示这些知识。

They were pretty fluent in programming and always advised me to follow suit. During my first year as a programmer, I had my doubts. But over the years, I’ve fallen in love with programming and it keeps giving me more reasons to feel that way.

他们的编程很流利,总是建议我也照做。 在我成为程序员的第一年,我感到怀疑。 但是多年来,我爱上了编程,它不断给我更多的理由。

Today, I am going to share those reasons with you. I hope this will help beginners to see the actual benefits of being a programmer and will encourage others to go for it.

今天,我将与您分享这些原因。 我希望这将有助于初学者了解成为程序员的实际好处,并鼓励其他人去做。

1.每天带来新的学习体验 (1. Every Day Brings a New Learning Experience)

Being a programmer allows you to learn something new every day. I have learned so many things over the last five years, but still, I face new challenges now and then.

作为程序员,您可以每天学习新知识。 在过去的五年中,我学到了很多东西,但是仍然,我时不时地面临着新的挑战。

Programming keeps you interested in your work. All those hurdles and logical challenges are perks of the job. You were paid to solve puzzles, to make software better.

编程使您对工作保持兴趣。 所有这些障碍和合乎逻辑的挑战都是这项工作的福利。 您获得酬劳来解决难题,使软件变得更好。

“Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.” — Steve Jobs

“这个国家的每个人都应该学习如何编程计算机,因为它教会了您如何思考。” —史蒂夫·乔布斯

A challenge with one module will be your experience for the next module. That’s how programming works. The knowledge compounds while working on different modules.

一个模块的挑战将是您学习下一个模块的经验。 这就是编程的工作方式。 在不同模块上工作时,这些知识会加深。

2.编程是探究思想的天堂 (2. Programming Is a Paradise for Inquiring Minds)

If you love experimenting with things and have an inquiring mind, then programming is the right field for you. You can do unimaginable things sitting behind that system.

如果您喜欢尝试事物并有好奇心,那么编程是适合您的领域。 您可以在该系统后面执行不可思议的事情。

Programming allows you to connect the real and virtual world. You can create anything that can help millions of people. Your creativity is your limit. Surprise the world with it.

通过编程,您可以连接真实世界和虚拟世界。 您可以创建任何可以帮助数以百万计的人的东西。 您的创造力是您的极限。 用它给世界惊喜。

All the big tech giants started with their programming skills. Programming gives you the power to build the next Facebook, Windows, or something the world hasn’t seen yet.

所有大型科技巨头都始于他们的编程技能。 编程使您能够构建下一个Facebook,Windows或其他世界尚未看到的东西。

3.您几乎可以在任何地方完成工作 (3. You Can Do Your Job From Almost Anywhere)

You don’t need to show up at the office to get your work done. Programmers can work remotely, and they were already doing that long before the pandemic.

您无需出现在办公室即可完成工作。 程序员可以远程工作,而且他们早在大流行之前就已经做了。

You can work as a programmer for a client while sitting in another corner of the world. Programmers can work remotely and remain close to their families or even while traveling the world.

您可以坐在世界的另一个角落,担任客户的程序员。 程序员可以远程工作,并与家人保持紧密联系,甚至在环游世界时也可以。

All you need is a system and internet connection, and you are good to go. That’s why the software industry is the sector least impacted by this global pandemic.

您所需要的只是一个系统和Internet连接,一切顺利。 这就是为什么软件行业是受此全球大流行影响最小的行业的原因。

4.成为自己的老板 (4. Being Your Own Boss)

Programmers don’t need to restrict themselves to a job. Freelancing has become the hottest trend of the 21st century. There are several freelancing projects for a programmer to pick from.

程序员不需要将自己局限于工作。 自由职业已成为21世纪最热门的趋势。 有几个自由职业者项目可供程序员选择。

They can work on multiple projects at a time and earn a fortune. A lot of people take on side projects in addition to their full-time jobs for extra money.

他们可以同时从事多个项目并赚到一笔。 除了全职工作外,很多人还从事副业,以赚取额外的钱。

A programmer can choose whether they want to do a full-time job or they can pick up the work that interests them. There are various websites like Toptal, Upwork, and Fiverr with clients looking to hire programmers.

程序员可以选择是要从事全职工作,还是可以选择自己感兴趣的工作。 有各种各样的网站,例如Toptal , Upwork和Fiverr ,其客户希望雇用程序员。

You can always look out for the right opportunity for your skills on these freelancing websites.


5.成为艺术家 (5. Become an Artist)

A programmer is nothing less than an artist. They are creative and let the world enjoy their imagination.

程序员无非是艺术家。 他们富有创造力,让世界尽享他们的想象力。

They have a fair idea of how things around us work. Whether you’re adding something to your shopping cart or booking a flight ticket, they know what’s happening in the background.

他们对我们周围的事物有一个很好的了解。 无论您是向购物车中添加商品还是预订机票,他们都知道后台发生了什么。

It is good to know how the technology works. Programmers are aware of things around them and they have a vision that differentiates them. Programming helps your brain to function in different ways, which gives you an edge over the others.

很高兴知道这项技术是如何工作的。 程序员意识到周围的事物,并具有使它们与众不同的愿景。 编程可以帮助您的大脑以不同的方式发挥功能,从而使您比其他人更具优势。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

These are the reasons why I became a programmer. Every programmer has their own. Over time, you will find your reasons to fall in love with programming.

这些就是我成为程序员的原因。 每个程序员都有自己的。 随着时间的流逝,您会发现爱上编程的原因。

Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/5-reasons-i-chose-to-become-a-programmer-cc490ec1a40f



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