今天启动集群tidb时出现一个错误,是某个tikv节点报错:node_exporter-9100.service  failed



Jan 16 15:35:05 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd-logind: New session 2045 of user tidb.
Jan 16 15:35:05 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: Started Session 2045 of user tidb.
Jan 16 15:35:05 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: Starting Session 2045 of user tidb.
Jan 16 15:35:05 ip-172-31-26-133 ansible-stat: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=False follow=False path=/home/tidb/deploy get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True
Jan 16 15:35:05 ip-172-31-26-133 ansible-stat: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=False follow=False path=/data/data_tidb get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True
Jan 16 15:35:08 ip-172-31-26-133 ansible-systemd: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=node_exporter-9100.service enabled=False daemon_reload=False state=started user=False masked=None
Jan 16 15:35:09 ip-172-31-26-133 ansible-wait_for: Invoked with host= send=GET /metrics HTTP/1.0#015#012#015#012 port=9100 delay=0 state=present sleep=1 timeout=300 exclude_hosts=None search_regex=200 OK path=None connect_timeout=5
Jan 16 15:35:17 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: node_exporter-9100.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Jan 16 15:35:17 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: Started node_exporter-9100 service.
Jan 16 15:35:17 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: Starting node_exporter-9100 service...
Jan 16 15:35:17 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: Failed at step EXEC spawning /home/tidb/deploy/scripts/run_node_exporter.sh: No such file or directory
Jan 16 15:35:17 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: node_exporter-9100.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
Jan 16 15:35:17 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: Unit node_exporter-9100.service entered failed state.
Jan 16 15:35:17 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: node_exporter-9100.service failed.
Jan 16 15:35:32 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: node_exporter-9100.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Jan 16 15:35:32 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: Started node_exporter-9100 service.
Jan 16 15:35:32 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: Starting node_exporter-9100 service...
Jan 16 15:35:32 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: Failed at step EXEC spawning /home/tidb/deploy/scripts/run_node_exporter.sh: No such file or directory
Jan 16 15:35:32 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: node_exporter-9100.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
Jan 16 15:35:32 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: Unit node_exporter-9100.service entered failed state.
Jan 16 15:35:32 ip-172-31-26-133 systemd: node_exporter-9100.service failed.



这里的 -l 后面的ip是报错的这个节点的IP。





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