1 英语中表达将来的时间有四种主要方式:be going to, will, 现在进行时,一般现在时。

  2 Make a prediction. 若要预测将来, 可以使用 be going to 或者will, 此时两种词语的意思相同。

  If Luis doesn't do something, the board is going to(will) ask him to step down.

  3 will 在口语中与写作通常和代词一起使用。在日常口语也常和名词一起使用。

  The company will probably do better next quarter.

  If we don't work tonight, we won't have the report by morning.

  4 Talking about definite plans. 谈论确定计划时,使用 be going to, be planning to 或现在进行时。不能使用will。

  一般现在时也可以用来谈论将来的计划和安排,但是一般现在时只能使用一些特定的动词:arrive, leave, start, begin, end, finish, close, be.

  Rupert is going to leave(is planning to leave, is leaving, leaves) tonight for France.

  5 Expressing intention. 表达意向或者愿意做某事,使用will. 不能使用 be going to.

  Can you meet me for 5 minutes today? Sure, I'll meet you around 4.

  Don't worry about the report; I'll finish it tomorrow.

  if you have a question, call customer service; they'll be able to help you.  

  6 Using present simple to express future time. 单词 when, as soon as, before, after, until 在一般现在时中通常放在主语和动词之前,用于表明某事将在未来发生。这些动词标志出将要发生的事情的次序:

  首先Rupert到达,然后我们将开会。如果句子的某部分以 before, until 开始那么这部分通常出现在句尾。

  ① When(As soon as, After) Rupert arrives, we'll start the meeting.

  ② We'll start the meeting when(as soon as, after) Rupert arrives.

  ③ We can't begin the meeting before(until) Rupert arrives.


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