本文翻译自:Python dictionary from an object's fields

Do you know if there is a built-in function to build a dictionary from an arbitrary object? 你知道是否有一个内置函数来从任意对象构建一个字典? I'd like to do something like this: 我想做这样的事情:

>>> class Foo:
...     bar = 'hello'
...     baz = 'world'
>>> f = Foo()
>>> props(f)
{ 'bar' : 'hello', 'baz' : 'world' }

NOTE: It should not include methods. 注意:它不应包括方法。 Only fields. 只有字段。




Late answer but provided for completeness and the benefit of googlers: 迟到的答案,但提供了完整性和googlers的好处:

def props(x):return dict((key, getattr(x, key)) for key in dir(x) if key not in dir(x.__class__))

This will not show methods defined in the class, but it will still show fields including those assigned to lambdas or those which start with a double underscore. 这不会显示在类中定义的方法,但它仍将显示包括分配给lambdas的字段或以双下划线开头的字段。


I think the easiest way is to create a getitem attribute for the class. 我认为最简单的方法是为类创建一个getitem属性。 If you need to write to the object, you can create a custom setattr . 如果需要写入对象,则可以创建自定义setattr 。 Here is an example for getitem : 以下是getitem的示例:

class A(object):def __init__(self):self.b = 1self.c = 2def __getitem__(self, item):return self.__dict__[item]# Usage:
a = A()
a.__getitem__('b')  # Outputs 1
a.__dict__  # Outputs {'c': 2, 'b': 1}
vars(a)  # Outputs {'c': 2, 'b': 1}

dict generates the objects attributes into a dictionary and the dictionary object can be used to get the item you need. dict将对象属性生成到字典中,字典对象可用于获取所需的项目。


I thought I'd take some time to show you how you can translate an object to dict via dict(obj) . 我想我会花一些时间向你展示你如何通过dict(obj)将一个对象翻译成dict。

class A(object):d = '4'e = '5'f = '6'def __init__(self):self.a = '1'self.b = '2'self.c = '3'def __iter__(self):# first start by grabbing the Class itemsiters = dict((x,y) for x,y in A.__dict__.items() if x[:2] != '__')# then update the class items with the instance itemsiters.update(self.__dict__)# now 'yield' through the itemsfor x,y in iters.items():yield x,ya = A()
# prints "{'a': '1', 'c': '3', 'b': '2', 'e': '5', 'd': '4', 'f': '6'}"

The key section of this code is the __iter__ function. 该代码的关键部分是__iter__函数。

As the comments explain, the first thing we do is grab the Class items and prevent anything that starts with '__'. 正如评论所解释的那样,我们要做的第一件事就是抓住Class项并防止任何以'__'开头的内容。

Once you've created that dict , then you can use the update dict function and pass in the instance __dict__ . 一旦你创建了那个dict ,那么你可以使用update dict函数并传入实例__dict__

These will give you a complete class+instance dictionary of members. 这些将为您提供完整的成员类+实例字典。 Now all that's left is to iterate over them and yield the returns. 现在剩下的就是迭代它们并产生回报。

Also, if you plan on using this a lot, you can create an @iterable class decorator. 此外,如果您打算大量使用它,您可以创建一个@iterable类装饰器。

def iterable(cls):def iterfn(self):iters = dict((x,y) for x,y in cls.__dict__.items() if x[:2] != '__')iters.update(self.__dict__)for x,y in iters.items():yield x,ycls.__iter__ = iterfnreturn cls@iterable
class B(object):d = 'd'e = 'e'f = 'f'def __init__(self):self.a = 'a'self.b = 'b'self.c = 'c'b = B()


而不是x.__dict__ ,使用vars(x)实际上更加pythonic。


If you want to list part of your attributes, override __dict__ : 如果要列出部分属性,请覆盖__dict__

def __dict__(self):d = {'attr_1' : self.attr_1,...}return d# Call __dict__
d = instance.__dict__()

This helps a lot if your instance get some large block data and you want to push d to Redis like message queue. 如果您的instance获得一些大块数据并且您希望将d推送到Redis(如消息队列),这会有很大帮助。


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