Recently I bought a new desktop system and installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit on it. Being a Java Developer, the first thing I did after the regular setup is to download and install JDK.

最近,我购买了一个新的台式机系统,并在其上安装了Windows 7 Ultimate 64位。 作为Java开发人员,常规设置后我要做的第一件事是下载并安装JDK 。

I was using Windows XP, Solaris, or Mac OS for my development purpose till now. I was installing Java for the first time on Windows 7 64-bit OS.

到目前为止,我一直使用Windows XP,Solaris或Mac OS进行开发。 我是在Windows 7 64位操作系统上首次安装Java。

在Windows 7上安装Java (Install Java on Windows 7)

Here I am providing steps to download, install, and configure Java in Windows 7 64-bit operating system.

在这里,我提供了在Windows 7 64位操作系统中下载,安装和配置Java的步骤。

Step 1: Go to JDK 14 Release Page. Download the zip file for the “Windows/x64” build.

步骤1 :转到JDK 14 Release Page 。 下载用于“ Windows / x64”构建的zip文件。

JDK 14 Build for Windows
Windows的JDK 14 Build

Step 2: Unzip the downloaded ZIP file (jdk-14.0.1) and copy it to the program files folder.

步骤2 :解压缩下载的ZIP文件( jdk-14.0.1 ),并将其复制到program files文件夹中。

Step 3: Setting up environment variables so that we can execute java commands from the command prompt.

For this, go to Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings. In the “System Properties” pop up, go to the Advanced tab and click on the “Environment Variables” button.

In the System Variables section, we have to set JAVA_HOME and edit the Path variable. Variable name and values are:

JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\jdk-14.0.1

Add “;%JAVA_HOME%\bin” to the Path variable. Click on the Ok button to save it.

步骤3 :设置环境变量,以便我们可以从命令提示符处执行Java命令。

为此,请转到控制面板>系统>高级系统设置。 在“系统属性”弹出窗口中,转到“高级”选项卡,然后单击“环境变量”按钮。

在系统变量部分,我们必须设置JAVA_HOME并编辑 Path变量。 变量名称和值是:

JAVA_HOME = C:\ Program Files \ jdk-14.0.1

将“;%JAVA_HOME%\ bin”添加到Path变量。 单击确定按钮将其保存。

Step 4: Now we can run java commands from the command prompt. You can check it by executing the “java -version” command. It will print the current Java version.

步骤4:现在我们可以从命令提示符下运行Java命令。 您可以通过执行“ java -version ”命令进行检查。 它将打印当前的Java版本。

重要事项 (Important Points)

  • From JDK 12 onwards, Oracle JDK requires a license to use in production and commercial applications. So, if you want to use Java free of cost, use OpenJDK.从JDK 12开始,Oracle JDK需要许可证才能在生产和商业应用程序中使用。 因此,如果您想免费使用Java,请使用OpenJDK。
  • If you need paid support, then you can use OracleJDK and opt for their paid license.如果您需要付费支持,则可以使用OracleJDK并选择其付费许可。


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