(2012-10-23 01:23:17)


Action.c(58): Error -27796: Failed to connect to server "www.baidu.com:80": [10048] Address already in use
Try changing the registry value
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\tcpip\Parameters\TcpTimedWaitDelay to 30
and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\tcpip\Parameters\MaxUserPort to 65534
and rebooting the machine
See the readme.doc file for more information


网上的提示多为:LR压力测试遇到如上错误,跟据提示在注册表中已将TcpTimedWaitDelay  改为 1;MaxUserPort 改为 65534;并且重启电脑。运行后仍出现上面的错误。。。。但还是无法解决。

在 run-time setting/browser emulation中将simulate a new user on each iteration  选项去掉(默认是选中的)。重新运行一切正常,没有错误出现。



长连接:建立连接-----发送和接收报文1.。。。2.。。。3-----关闭连接 】



Error -27796: Failed to connect to server "": [10061]

Connection refused..



1、通过让每次迭代不启用新的连接,我想就可以解决此问题,经过验证,发现这个问题确实不发生了。操作如下,在controller的运行时设置中的-->browser Emulation-->不扣选simulate a new user on each iteration,这样运行时并发人数是多少,那么就启动多少个端口。还是上面的问题,是否勾选这个选项就一定会报27796错误么?

2、回答上面的提问,答案是不一定。如果你每次迭代启用新的端口,但是由于迭代次数*并发数<65534就不会报这个错误。如果设置的迭代次数*并 发数>65534,也不一定会出现这个错误,例如:并发人数为1000,平均响应时间为1s,那么也就是说1s会占用1000个端口,也就是说不到 66s时端口就会占满,如果服务器能在65s内关闭之前占用的端口之间的连接,也就是说65s超时时间,或者会话保持为65s以内,那么就能解决此问题。



Message Code 27796
Failed to connect to server 'hostname';port_ld': 'reason'.
Unable to connect to the specified server and port.
o     Try to address the reason provided for the connection failure.
o     Try to access the application with a browser from the injector machine and from another machine (such as the recording machine).
o     Check that you accurately specified the correct host name and port.
o     Ping the host/port.
o     Check if the server application you are trying to access is running.
o     If you used a hostname, check if it was resolved to the correct address.
o     Check if the server application is listening to the right port.
----------------------------------------------------connection time out---------------
Error -27796: Failed to connect to server "ip地址": [10060] Connection timed out的解决办法:


(1)1. 修改run time setting中的请求超时时间Preferences 中点击Options 其中有三项的参数可以一次都修改了,HTTP-request connect timeout,HTTP-request receieve timeout,Step download timeout,分别建议修改为1000、1000、10000;run time setting设置完了后记住还需要在control组件的option的run time setting中设置相应的参数;

2. Browser Emulation 中的Download non-HTML resources 选项去掉,点击OK即可


  设置runt time setting中的internet protocol-preferences中的advaced区域有一个winlnet replay instead of sockets选项,选项后再回放就成功了。切记此法只对windows系统起作用,此法来自zee的资料。

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