
The javascript to java bridge on 2.3 Gingerbread is causing crashes.  This is 100% reproducible using the WebViewDemo application from here: http://code.google.com/p/apps-for-android/source/browse/#svn/trunk/Samples/WebViewDemo.
Note: The project file for that app is a little messed up, however, if you recreate the project, keeping the code the same, you can reproduce the error.  The sample is old, but the code should still run as none of these interfaces have been deprecated.It is also easily reproducible by creating a simple application that creates a webview, enables javascript, adds a JS interface, then loads a script into the webview. The code for this even simpler app is attached as well as WebViewTest and a secondary Test class as the "bridge".The demos work as expected when using 2.2This is a serious issue as it will cause crashes for any app using the webview to do any serious work.  Thanks in advance for taking a look at this.Attached is the output from logcat as well as the output from adb bugreport.
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