• 具体错误:
configure: error: Xcode 4 is required to build JDK 8, the version found was 10.1. Use --with-xcode-path to specify the location of Xcode 4 or make Xcode 4 active by using xcode-select.
configure exiting with result code 1
  • 解决办法:


搜索Xcode 4 is require,把as_fn_error改为echo即可.

    # Fail-fast: verify we're building on Xcode 4, we cannot build with Xcode 5 or laterXCODE_VERSION=`$XCODEBUILD -version | grep '^Xcode ' | sed 's/Xcode //'`XC_VERSION_PARTS=( ${XCODE_VERSION//./ } )if test ! "${XC_VERSION_PARTS[0]}" = "4"; thenecho $? "Xcode 4 is required to build JDK 8, the version found was $XCODE_VERSION. Use --with-xcode-path to specify the location of Xcode 4 or make Xcode 4 active by using xcode-select." "$LINENO" 5fi

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