
[root@mypc01 soft]# yum repolist all
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile* base: mirrors.163.com* epel: epel.01link.hk* extras: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn* updates: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
源标识                                         源名称                                                                        状态
C7.0.1406-base/x86_64                          CentOS-7.0.1406 - Base                                                        禁用
C7.0.1406-centosplus/x86_64                    CentOS-7.0.1406 - CentOSPlus                                                  禁用
C7.0.1406-extras/x86_64                        CentOS-7.0.1406 - Extras                                                      禁用
C7.0.1406-fasttrack/x86_64                     CentOS-7.0.1406 - Fasttrack                                                   禁用
C7.0.1406-updates/x86_64                       CentOS-7.0.1406 - Updates                                                     禁用


[root@mypc01 soft]# yum repolist enabled
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile* base: mirrors.163.com* epel: mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn* extras: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn* updates: mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
源标识                                                  源名称                                                                     状态
base/7/x86_64                                           CentOS-7 - Base                                                            10,072
docker-ce-stable/x86_64                                 Docker CE Stable - x86_64                                                      95
*epel/x86_64                                            Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64                             13,494
extras/7/x86_64                                         CentOS-7 - Extras                                                             448
kubernetes                                              Kubernetes                                                                    624
mysql-connectors-community/x86_64                       MySQL Connectors Community                                                    185
mysql-tools-community/x86_64                            MySQL Tools Community                                                         123
mysql57-community/x86_64                                MySQL 5.7 Community Server                                                    484
openresty/7/x86_64                                      Official OpenResty Open Source Repository for CentOS                          256
updates/7/x86_64                                        CentOS-7 - Updates


yum命令大全——yum命令使用示例 - 简书

yum repolist命令相关推荐

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  4. 使用yum报错:There are no enabled repos. Run “yum repolist all“ to see the repos you have.

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  5. Redhat7 yum安装有问题+yum无法使用+There are no enabled repos. Run “yum repolist all“ to see the repos you ha

    已加载插件:product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager This system is not registered with an ...

  6. yum 无法安装gcc 出现Run “yum repolist all” to see the repos you have异常

    1.错误信息 已加载插件:langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager This system is not r ...

  7. There are no enabled repos. Run “yum repolist all“ to see the repos you have. You can enable repos问题

    今天安装yum后使用yum安装软件,报There are no enabled repos. Run "yum repolist all" to see the repos you ...

  8. linux netstat安装包,linux软件管理之rpm、yum netstat命令

    应用程序: 程序:Architecture C语言:源代码-->(编译)二进制格式 脚本:解释器(二进制程序) 源代码-->编译-->链接-->运行 程序: 库: 静态 动态 ...

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