
I have a method that I am testing, and everything seems fine. However, when I run the tests in GoLand, I can see in the output that the tests "PASS" but the test runner says "no tests were run".

Here's the sample method in calculator.go

package calculatorimport ("fmt"
)type Calculator struct {}func New() Calculator {return Calculator{}
}func (s *Calculator) AddTwoNumbers(num_one, num_two int) int {fmt.Printf("adding")return num_one + num_two

Here's the test in calculator_test.go:

package calculatorimport ("fmt""testing"
)func Test_Calculator_AddTwoNumbers(t *testing.T) {// Arrangecalculator := New()// Acttotal := calculator.AddTwoNumbers(1,2)// Assertif total != 3 {msg := fmt.Sprintf("total should have been %d but instead was %d", 3, total)t.Error(msg)}


Instead of fmt.Printf() in AddTwoNumbers try either fmt.Println() or fmt.Printf("foo\n')

The absence of the newline in the output of your AddTwoNumbers method is is causing the format of the test execution outputs to not have each test in a new line. The test runner is not being able to interpret that a test was run. Adding that newline, keeps a clean output.




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