


macro value(宏值) description(描述)
FE_DIVBYZERO Pole error: division by zero, or some other asymptotically infinite result (from finite arguments).(极点错误:除以零,或其他渐进无穷大的结果(来自有限的实参)。)
FE_INEXACT Inexact: the result is not exact.(不精确:结果不精确。)
FE_INVALID Domain error: At least one of the arguments is a value for which the function is not defined.(定义域错误:至少有一个实参是函数没有定义的值。)
FE_OVERFLOW Overflow range error: The result is too large in magnitude to be represented as a value of the return type.(上溢范围错误:结果的绝对值大小太大,不能用返回类型的值表示。)
FE_UNDERFLOW Underflow range error: The result is too small in magnitude to be represented as a value of the return type.(下溢范围错误:结果的绝对值大小太小,无法用返回类型的值表示。)
FE_ALL_EXCEPT All exceptions (selects all of the exceptions supported by the implementation).(所有异常(选择实现支持的所有异常)。)

C++ 11

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