Deleting files from your Recycle Bin doesn’t mean they are gone forever since a myriad of file restoration programs exist to recover deleted data; which is why you may need to use a program like Eraser to securely delete your personal data.

从回收站删除文件并不意味着它们永远消失了,因为存在大量的文件恢复程序可以恢复删除的数据; 因此,您可能需要使用橡皮擦之类的程序来安全删除您的个人数据。

Note: While we will focus on Eraser today, there are actually several different free and paid programs you can use to securely delete your data. The advantage of this particular freeware application is that it integrates into Windows Explorer so you can just right-click on the Recycle Bin and securely delete the trash.

注意:尽管我们今天将重点关注橡皮擦,但实际上有几个不同的免费和付费程序可用于安全删除数据。 这个特定的免费软件应用程序的优点是它集成到Windows资源管理器中,因此您只需右键单击回收站并安全地删除垃圾箱。

什么是橡皮擦? (What is Eraser?)

Eraser is an easy to use program that allows you to delete files and folders securely while overwriting the files with carefully selected random data, rendering them useless. Eraser allows you to delete files on demand or schedule file deletion at a specified time in the future.

橡皮擦是一个易于使用的程序,可让您安全删除文件和文件夹,同时使用精心选择的随机数据覆盖文件,从而使它们无用。 橡皮擦允许您按需删除文件,或计划在将来的指定时间删除文件。

The program offers 13 different deleting techniques that will ensure that your deleted data is completely irrecoverable. The first method is Eraser’s default setting and the two DoD methods are the second and third most commonly used methods.

该程序提供13种不同的删除技术,可确保您删除的数据完全不可恢复。 第一种方法是橡皮擦的默认设置,而两种DoD方法是第二种和第三种最常用的方法。

  1. Gutmann method 35-pass Method古特曼法35次通过法
  2. US DoD 5220.22-M standard 3-pass Method美国DoD 5220.22-M标准3次通过方法
  3. US DoD 5220.22-M standard 7-pass Method美国DoD 5220.22-M标准7次通过方法

While many websites will try to perpetuate the myth that you need to perform a multi-pass deletion technique, a single pass secure delete for a disk is generally sufficient.


下载并安装橡皮擦 (Downloading and Installing Eraser)

Eraser is available in two main forms. The first is the portable version which only takes up 3 MB when installed to a flash drive or on your computer. You can download it from PortableApps. Simply copy the executable file to your flash drive and run it to perform the portable install.

橡皮擦有两种主要形式。 第一个是便携式版本,将其安装到闪存驱动器或计算机上时仅占用3 MB。 您可以从PortableApps下载它。 只需将可执行文件复制到您的闪存驱动器,然后运行它即可执行便携式安装。

The full version of Eraser comes in three main forms. There are the nightly builds which are precursors for beta testing versions and the beta versions for testing. In addition to these, they offer the latest stable build on their website.

完整版的橡皮擦有三种主要形式。 有每晚构建的版本,它们是Beta测试版本和Beta版本测试的先驱。 除了这些,他们还在其网站上提供最新的稳定版本。

For the purposes of this example, we will download the latest stable build of Eraser from their official SourceForge page, but do be careful because SourceForge has recently been bundling crapware into their installers.


Once you have downloaded the program installation file, run the installer to completion, making sure to carefully read just in case SourceForge decides to bundle this application in the future. The benefits of the full version of the program compared to the portable app is that you can add Eraser to the Context menu so that you can also erase files securely without having to send them to the Recycle Bin first.

下载完程序安装文件后,请运行安装程序以完成安装,并确保仔细阅读以防万一SourceForge决定将来捆绑此应用程序。 与便携式应用程序相比,该程序完整版的好处在于,您可以将“橡皮擦”添加到“上下文”菜单中,以便还可以安全地擦除文件,而不必先将它们发送到回收站。

选择删除方法 (Selecting Your Deletion Method)

Unless you are working on ultra-classified, if I told you, I’d have to kill you, type of documents, the US DoD 5220.22-M standard 3-pass or 7-pass methods are a faster choice than the default Eraser setting of: the Gutmann method 35-pass. For speed reasons, we will change the settings of Eraser to use the 3-pass DoD method instead.

除非您使用的是超分类文件,否则如果我告诉您,我将不得不杀死您,文档类型,US DoD 5220.22-M标准的3遍或7遍方法是比默认橡皮擦设置更快的选择作者:古特曼(Gutmann)方法35次通过。 出于速度原因,我们将更改橡皮擦的设置,改为使用3遍DoD方法。

Simply double-click on the Eraser desktop icon and click on “Settings.” Change the erasure setting, and then press the “Save Settings” button.

只需双击橡皮擦桌面图标,然后单击“设置”。 更改删除设置,然后按“保存设置”按钮。

在资源管理器或回收站中安全删除文件 (Secure Delete Files in Explorer or From Your Recycle Bin)

If you don’t want to create a schedule, and you just want to delete individual files from Explorer, you can do that with the right-click context menu. Simply find a file you want to delete, then right-click on it. After that, select the Eraser context menu and choose whether you want to erase the file now or on the next computer restart.

如果您不想创建时间表,而只想从资源管理器中删除单个文件,则可以通过右键单击上下文菜单来实现。 只需找到要删除的文件,然后右键单击它。 之后,选择“橡皮擦”上下文菜单,然后选择是要立即擦除文件还是在下次重启计算机时擦除文件。

You can also do the same thing with files in the recycle bin by following the same process described above.


可选:创建删除计划 (Optional: Creating a Delete Schedule)

Once you have installed Eraser, simply double-click the desktop icon to run the program. The first screen you see is the Erase schedule. If you click on the arrow on the top, you can create new tasks and import or  export task lists.

安装橡皮擦后,只需双击桌面图标即可运行该程序。 您看到的第一个屏幕是擦除时间表。 如果单击顶部的箭头,则可以创建新任务以及导入或导出任务列表。

This is useful if you want to schedule regular deletion of files or folders like your Windows history. For this example, we will select the browsing history folder for Google Chrome and schedule it to be deleted once every week.

如果您要计划定期删除文件或文件夹(例如Windows历史记录),这将很有用。 在此示例中,我们将选择Google Chrome浏览器的浏览历史记录文件夹,并计划每周删除一次。

Windows XP – C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\
Windows Vista – C:\users\USER\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\
Windows 7 and 8 - C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
Windows XP – C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\
Windows Vista – C:\users\USER\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\
Windows 7 and 8 - C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

Create a new task, give the task a name, then select the schedule command for deletion, and lastly, click on “Add Data” to specify folders.


Now you can select a deletion method or simply leave it as is to use the default method. Select the folder where your chrome browsing history is stored. Lastly, deselect the “Delete folder if empty” option.

现在,您可以选择一种删除方法,或直接保留它以使用默认方法。 选择用于存储Chrome浏览历史记录的文件夹。 最后,取消选择“如果为空则删除文件夹”选项。

Next, you will press OK and then create a schedule by editing the Schedule. For this example, we will delete the history every Friday at midnight.

接下来,您将按OK,然后通过编辑时间表来创建时间表。 对于此示例,我们将在每个星期五的午夜删除历史记录。

Simply implement the changes and you will see your task in the schedule as a recurring task that will be carried out weekly. If you ever want to remove a task, simply go to the Erase Schedule, right-click on the task and select the “Delete Task” option.

只需实施更改,您便会在计划表中看到您的任务,它将作为每周执行的重复任务。 如果要删除任务,只需转到“擦除时间表”,右键单击该任务,然后选择“删除任务”选项。

可选:使用便携式应用 (Optional: Using the Portable App)

Using the scheduler on the portable app works in the same manner, but you will need to have your flash drive plugged in at the time when the tasks are supposed to be carried out. As we mentioned earlier, the portable version of Eraser has no right-click context menu entry, which makes it a bit harder to erase files in Explorer; but not too much harder. You will first need to run the app by double-clicking the “EraserPortable.exe” from the folder where it is installed.

在可移植应用程序上使用调度程序的工作方式相同,但是在应该执行任务时,您需要插入闪存驱动器。 正如我们前面提到的,Eraser的便携式版本没有右键单击上下文菜单项,这使得在资源管理器中删除文件更加困难。 但不会太难。 首先,需要从安装文件夹中双击“ EraserPortable.exe”来运行该应用程序。

Once you have opened the app find the files you want to securely delete using Windows Explorer and drag them into the Eraser window. After they show up on the list, simply click the green play button to securely delete the files.

打开应用程序后,使用Windows资源管理器找到要安全删除的文件,并将其拖到“橡皮擦”窗口中。 它们显示在列表上后,只需单击绿色的播放按钮即可安全删除文件。

Now that you know how to securely delete your files, you can proceed with your top secret spy work with the peace of mind that the rebels will never be able to access your documents.


Image Credit: Will Taylor on Flickr

图片来源: Flickr上的Will Taylor



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