
如果横竖屏切换只是替换样式, 请用第4种,

如果横竖屏切换, 需要执行某些方法,最简单粗暴的就使用 第5种方式。【小米4c,微信浏览器,小米浏览器,360浏览器亲测没有问题】






1. 浏览器自带事件 orientationchange

var updateOrientation = function() {

var orientation = window.orientation;

switch(orientation) {

case 90: case -90:

orientation = 'landscape';



orientation = 'portrait';


// set the class on the HTML element (i.e. )

document.body.parentNode.setAttribute('class', orientation);


// event triggered every 90 degrees of rotation

window.addEventListener('orientationchange', updateOrientation, false);

2. CSS样式的

@media all and (orientation: portrait) {

body div { width: 10%; }


@media all and (orientation: landscape) {

body div { width: 15%; }


3. 定时器判断页面宽高

var updateOrientation = function() {

// landscape when width is biggest, otherwise portrait

var orientation = (window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight) ? 'landscape': 'portrait';

// set the class on the HTML element (i.e. )

document.body.parentNode.setAttribute('class', orientation);


// initialize the orientation


// update every 5 seconds

setInterval(updateOrientation, 5000);

4. 方法1 和 2 两种的结合, 因为1 存在兼容性问题,比如微信浏览器不触发, 那么就可以用定时器,判断CSS。


var supportsOrientation = (typeof window.orientation == 'number' && typeof window.onorientationchange == 'object');

var HTMLNode = document.body.parentNode;

var updateOrientation = function() {

// rewrite the function depending on what's supported

if(supportsOrientation) {

updateOrientation = function() {

var orientation = window.orientation;

switch(orientation) {

case 90: case -90:

orientation = 'landscape';



orientation = 'portrait';


// set the class on the HTML element (i.e. )

HTMLNode.setAttribute('class', orientation);


} else {

updateOrientation = function() {

// landscape when width is biggest, otherwise portrait

var orientation = (window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight) ? 'landscape': 'portrait';

// set the class on the HTML element (i.e. )

HTMLNode.setAttribute('class', orientation);





var init = function() {

// initialize the orientation


if(supportsOrientation) {

window.addEventListener('orientationchange', updateOrientation, false);

} else {

// fallback: update every 5 seconds

setInterval(updateOrientation, 5000);



window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false);


5. 最简单粗暴的 onresize 事件【注意,不能加载 document 或者 body 上】,**必须加在 window对象上** ,因为 body 和 document 的大小可能因为HTML内容而变化, 这样会造成不必要的触发。

$(window).on('resize', function () {




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