
Bytes and Megabytes are used in computing to specify the size as units. Bytes and Megabytes can be used in different areas of computing like memory, GPU, hard disk drive, programming, etc. As we can see that the main size unit in comping is bytes and megabytes. In this tutorial, we will examine and compare “How many bytes are in a megabyte?” in different cases.

字节和兆字节用于计算以大小为单位。 字节和兆字节可用于不同的计算领域,例如内存,GPU,硬盘驱动器,编程等。正如我们所看到的,进行组合的主要大小单位是字节和兆字节。 在本教程中,我们将检查和比较“一个兆字节中有多少个字节?” 在不同情况下。

什么是字节? (What Is Byte?)

A byte is the atom of the computing which can not be divided. Every component size starts with 1 byte and grows accordingly. Actually, 1 byte is 8 bit. But it is not meaningful to use some of 8 bits. By the way, there is also nibble which is 4 bit which is equal to half a byte but it is not popular. In programming, a char data type is 1 byte which can store single ASCII character like “P”, “f”  etc.

字节是不可分割的计算原子。 每个组件的大小都从1个字节开始,并相应地增加。 实际上,1个字节是8位。 但是使用8位中的某些位是没有意义的。 顺便说一下,还有一个四位的半字节,它等于半个字节,但是并不流行。 在编程中,char数据类型为1个字节,可以存储单个ASCII字符,例如“ P”,“ f”等。

什么是兆字节(MB)? (What Is Megabyte (MB)?)

Mega means very large, huge but in real life “1.000.000” times the stated unit. Megabyte also stated MB as short. With this calculation, 1Megabyte means 1.000.000 bytes but in computing, things work with binary so 1 MB is 2014 Kilobyte and 1 Kilobyte is 1024 byte. Simply 1 MB is 1,048,576 Byte.

Mega表示非常大,巨大,但在现实生活中是“ 1.000.000”乘以指定单位。 兆字节还表示MB太短。 有了这个计算,1Megabyte意味着1.000.000字节,但在计算,事情二进制工作,所以1 MB为2014年5千字节1千字节为1024字节。 1 MB就是1,048,576字节。

1 Kb = 1024 Byte1 Mb = 1024 Kb1 Mb = 1024x1024 Byte1 Mb = 1 048 576 Byte

什么是兆字节? (What Is Mebibyte?)

Computer hardware manufacturers produce a different type of hardware like CD, DVD, Hard Disk Drive, SSD’s which have their sizes. Also, the price of these products are set according to their sizes in MB but uses a bit different calculations. 1 KB is set as 1000 byte and 1 MB is set as 1.000.000 byte. This trick metric is called as Mebibyte which is derived from Megabyte.

计算机硬件制造商生产大小不同的其他类型的硬件,例如CD,DVD,硬盘驱动器,SSD。 同样,这些产品的价格是根据它们的大小(以MB为单位)设置的,但使用的计算方式略有不同。 将1 KB设置为1000字节,将1 MB设置为1.000.000字节。 这个技巧度量称为兆字节,它是从兆字节派生的。

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图像大小(以字节和兆字节为单位) (Image Size In Byte and MegaByte)

Image sizes are around a megabyte which changes according to format, compresses, content, and quality of the images. We can see that the following example images are in kilobyte size.

图像大小大约为一兆字节,该大小根据图像的格式,压缩,内容和质量而变化。 我们可以看到以下示例图像的大小为千字节。

Image Size In Byte and MegaByte

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-many-bytes-in-a-megabyte-mb/



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