/*******************by Jiangong SUN*******************************/

卸载windows 7,安装windows xp过程中出现0x0000007B(0xF78D2524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)错误。


1. 杀毒软件杀毒

2. 硬盘错误,重置硬盘分区

3. CHKDSK c: /f 未发现问题(/f 用于找回文件或分区)


Checking file system on C:

The type of the file system is NT

A disk check has been scheduled.

Windows will now check the disk.

79232 file records processed.

332 large file records processed.

0 bad file records processed.

2 EA records processed.

44 reparse records processed.

105198 index entries processed.

0 unindexed files processed.

79232 security descriptors processed.

Cleaning up 1 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.

Cleaning up 1 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.

Cleaning up 1 unused security descriptors.

12984 data files processed.

CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...

35789792 USN bytes processed.

Usn Journal verification completed.

Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.

78175231 KB total disk space.

12902428 KB in 54029 files.

36068 KB in 12985 indexes.

0 KB in bad sectors.

187407 KB in use by the system.

65536 KB occupied by the log file.

65049328 KB available on disk.

4096 bytes in each allocation unit.

19543807 total allocation units on disk.

16262332 allocation units available on disk.

4. 修改BIOS参数。 把AHCI  -> ATA



AHCI: Advanced Host Controller Interface

ATA: Advanced Technology Attachment

SATA: Serial ATA (SATA)(Serial Advanced Technology Attachment)

PATA: Parallel ATA (PATA)


1. SATA is a relatively new interface standard commonly used for storage media while AHCI is a programming interface that adds extra functionalities
2. AHCI introduces NCQ and hot-plugging capabilities
3. SATA can operate on IDE or AHCI
4. Certain hardware can support SATA without AHCI
5. AHCI is a bit more complicated to implement

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