
  • 项目概述
  • 数据集
  • 问题
    • 需要回答的问题
    • 需要有互动式体验
  • 项目流程
    • 导入库及数据集
    • 生成初始页面(接受用户输入的城市、月份、日期)
    • 根据用户的输入,读取相应的数据
    • 展示用户使用单车的时长中,出现频率最多的时长
    • 展示用户经过最多的行程(起始站-终点站)
    • 展示用户骑行的总时间、平均时间
    • 展示使用单车的用户类型、性别、年龄状况
    • 设置主函数
  • 如何下载并使用
  • 参考资料


在此项目中,将利用 Python 探索与以下三大美国城市的自行车共享系统相关的数据:芝加哥纽约华盛顿特区


提供了三座城市 2017 年上半年的数据。三个数据文件都包含相同的核心六 (6) 列

  • 起始时间 Start Time(例如 2017-01-01 00:07:57)
  • 结束时间 End Time(例如 2017-01-01 00:20:53)
  • 骑行时长 Trip Duration(例如 776 秒)
  • 起始车站 Start Station(例如百老汇街和巴里大道)
  • 结束车站 End Station(例如塞奇威克街和北大道)
  • 用户类型 User Type(订阅者 Subscriber/Registered 或客户Customer/Casual)


  • 性别 Gender
  • 出生年份 Birth Year




  • 起始时间(Start Time 列)中哪个月份最常见?
  • 起始时间中,一周的哪一天(比如 Monday, Tuesday)最常见? 提示:可以使用 datetime.weekday() (点击查看文档)
  • 起始时间中,一天当中哪个小时最常见?
  • 总骑行时长(Trip Duration)是多久,平均骑行时长是多久?
  • 哪个起始车站(Start Station)最热门,哪个结束车站(End Station)最热门?
  • 哪一趟行程最热门(即,哪一个起始站点与结束站点的组合最热门)?
  • 每种用户类型有多少人?
  • 每种性别有多少人?
  • 出生年份最早的是哪一年、最晚的是哪一年,最常见的是哪一年?




  1. 你想分析哪个城市的数据?输入:芝加哥,纽约,华盛顿 ( Would you like to see data for Chicago, New York, or Washington?)
  2. 你想分析几月的数据?输入:全部,一月,二月…六月 ( Which month? all, january, february, … , june?)
  3. 你想分析星期几的数据?输入:全部,星期一,星期二…星期日 (Which day? all, monday, tuesday, … sunday?)

这几个问题的答案将用来确定进行数据分析的城市,同时选择过滤某个月份或星期的数据。在相应的数据集过滤和加载完毕后,用户会看到数据的统计结果,并选择重新开始或退出。输入的信息应当大小写不敏感,比如"Chicago", “CHICAGO”, “chicago”, “chiCago”都是有效输入。你可以使用 lower(), upper(), title() 等字符串方法对输入值进行处理。



import time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as npCITY_DATA = { 'chicago': 'chicago.csv','new york city': 'new_york_city.csv','washington': 'washington.csv' }


def get_filters():"""Asks user to specify a city, month, and day to analyze.Returns:(str) city - name of the city to analyze(str) month - name of the month to filter by, or "all" to apply no month filter(str) day - name of the day of week to filter by, or "all" to apply no day filter"""print('\nHello! Let\'s explore some US bikeshare data!')# TO DO: get user input for city (chicago, new yor.k city, washington). HINT: Use a while loop to handle invalid inputsdef input_mod(input_print, enterable_list):ret = input(input_print)while ret.lower() not in enterable_list:ret = input(input_print)return ret# TO DO: get user input for city (chicago, new york city, washington). HINT: Use a while loop to handle invalid inputscity = input_mod('\nPlease input the name of city which you want to analyze: Chicago, New york city, Washington or all!\n', list(CITY_DATA.keys()) + ['all'])# TO DO: get user input for month (all, january, february, ... , june)month = input_mod('\nPlease input the month you want to analyze: all, january, february, ... , june!\n', ['january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'all'])# TO DO: get user input for day of week (all, monday, tuesday, ... sunday)day = input_mod('\nPlease input the day-of-week you want to analyze: all, monday, tuesday, ... sunday!\n', ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday', 'all'])print('-'*40)return city, month, day


def load_data(city, month, day):"""Loads data for the specified city and filters by month and day if applicable.Args:(str) city - name of the city to analyze(str) month - name of the month to filter by, or "all" to apply no month filter(str) day - name of the day of week to filter by, or "all" to apply no day filterReturns:df - Pandas DataFrame containing city data filtered by month and day"""#read the csv, create two new columns named 'month' and 'day_of_week' to filter the data needed by usertry:df = pd.read_csv(CITY_DATA[city.lower()])except:#if user input 'all', merge three csv into one to analyzedf_chicago = pd.read_csv(CITY_DATA['chicago'])df_new_york_city = pd.read_csv(CITY_DATA['new york city'])df_washington = pd.read_csv(CITY_DATA['washington'])#把三个数据表汇总到一起df = df_chicago.append([df_new_york_city, df_washington], ignore_index = True, sort = False)#将df表中的时间数据转为pandas中的时间数据类型df['Start Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Start Time'])df['month'] = df['Start Time'].dt.monthdf['day_of_week'] = df['Start Time'].dt.weekday_nameif month.lower() != 'all':months = ['january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june']month = months.index(month.lower()) + 1df = df[df['month'] == month]if day.lower() != 'all':df = df[df['day_of_week'] == day.title()]return df


def time_stats(df):"""Displays statistics on the most frequent times of travel."""print('\nCalculating The Most Frequent Times of Travel...\n')start_time = time.time()# TO DO: display the most common monthpopular_month = df['month'].mode()[0]print('The most common month is:', popular_month)# TO DO: display the most common day of weekpopular_day = df['day_of_week'].mode()[0]print('The most common day of week is:', popular_day)# TO DO: display the most common start hourdf['start hour'] = df['Start Time'].dt.hourpopular_start_hour = df['start hour'].mode()[0]print('The most common start hour is:', popular_start_hour)print("\nThis took %s seconds." % (time.time() - start_time))print('-'*40)


def station_stats(df):"""Displays statistics on the most popular stations and trip."""print('\nCalculating The Most Popular Stations and Trip...\n')start_time = time.time()# TO DO: display most commonly used start stationpopular_start_station = df['Start Station'].mode()[0]print('The most common start station is:', popular_start_station)# TO DO: display most commonly used end stationpopular_end_station = df['End Station'].mode()[0]print('The most common end station is:', popular_end_station)# TO DO: display most frequent combination of start station and end station triptop = df.groupby(['Start Station', 'End Station']).size().idxmax()print("The most frequent combination of start station and end station trip is \'{}\' to \'{}\'".format(top[0], top[1]))print("\nThis took %s seconds." % (time.time() - start_time))print('-'*40)


def trip_duration_stats(df):"""Displays statistics on the total and average trip duration."""print('\nCalculating Trip Duration...\n')start_time = time.time()# TO DO: display total travel timetotal_time = df['Trip Duration'].sum()print('The total travel time is:', total_time, 'minutes.')# TO DO: display mean travel timemean_time = df['Trip Duration'].mean()print('The mean travel time is:', mean_time, 'minutes.')print("\nThis took %s seconds." % (time.time() - start_time))print('-'*40)


def user_stats(df):"""Displays statistics on bikeshare users."""print('\nCalculating User Stats...\n')start_time = time.time()# TO DO: Display counts of user typesuser_types = df['User Type'].value_counts()print('The counts of user types is:', '\n', user_types)# TO DO: Display counts of genderdf = df.dropna()try:gender = df['Gender'].value_counts()print('\nThe counts of gender is:', '\n', gender)except:print('\nSorry,there\'s no such data to analyze.')# TO DO: Display earliest, most recent, and most common year of birthtry:earliest_birth = df['Birth Year'].min()most_recent_birth = df['Birth Year'].max()most_common_year = df['Birth Year'].mode()[0]print('\nThe earlierst year of birth is:', earliest_birth)print('The most recent year of birth is:', most_recent_birth)print('The most common year of birth is:', most_common_year)except:print('\nSorry,there\'s no data of \'Birth Year\' to analyze.')print("\nThis took %s seconds." % (time.time() - start_time))print('-'*40)


def main():while True:city, month, day = get_filters()df = load_data(city, month, day)time_stats(df)station_stats(df)trip_duration_stats(df)user_stats(df)restart = input('\nWould you like to restart? Enter yes or no.\n')if restart.lower() != 'yes':break
if __name__ == "__main__":main()




终端运行:Windows用户打开cmd,进入到存储文件,使用ipython bikeshare.py进入,根据文字提示操作即可。




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