Lectrue 12

1. Inheritance

inheritance 指的是不仅要建立class,还要在一个class中建立许多的subclass,让它们都可以共享主class中的standard。

1.1 Using inheritance

  • Let’s build an application that organizes info about people!
    – Person: name, birthday

    • Get last name
    • Sort by last name
    • Get age
import datetimeclass Person(object):def __init__(self, name):'''create a person called name'''self.name = nameself.birthday = Noneself.lastName = name.split(' ')[-1]def getLastName(self):"""return self's last name"""return self.lastNamedef __lt__(self, other):'''return True if self's ame is lexicographically less thanother's name, and False otherwise'''if self.lastName == other.lastName:return self.name < other.namereturn self.lastName < other.lastNamedef setBirthday(self,month, day, year):'''sets selfs birthday to birthDate'''self.birthday =datetime.date(year, month, day)def getAge(self):'''returns self's current age in days'''if self.birthday == None:raise ValueErrorreturn (datetime.date.today() - self.birthday).daysdef __str__(self):"""return self's name"""return self.name

1.2 how sort() work in python
用了一个叫做 __lt__的内置method
1.3 进一步丰富此例子

class MITPerson(Person): # This is a subclass of Person -- inheritancenextIdNum = 0 # Next ID number to assign,\# this is a class attribute, not an attribute for instancesdef __init__(self, name):Person.__init__(self, name) #initialize Person attributes# new MITPerson attribute: a unique ID numberself.idNum = MITPerson.nextIdNum # idNum is an instance attribute# 此处idNum需要调用class attribute nextIdNum的值MITPerson.nextIdNum += 1def getIdNum(self):return self.idNum# sorting MIT people uses their ID number, not name!def __lt__(self, other):return self.idNum < other.idNump1 = MITPerson('Eric')
p2 = MITPerson('John')
p3 = MITPerson('John')
p4 = Person('John')>p1 < p2 # 判断哪个在前哪个在后
>>> True
>p3 < p2
>>> False
>p4 < p1
>>> False
>p1 < p4
>>>报错 AttributeError
This __lt__ method "shadows" the Person method, meaning that if we compare an MITPerson object,since its environment inherits from the MITPerson class environment, Python will see this version of __lt__ not the Person version. 但是反过来,在MITPerson中定义的__lt__method,只有局部的视野,并不能看到Person中定义的__lt__,所以调用会报错。下图更清晰地解释了:

1.4 继承的两个好处(from 廖雪峰教程)

  • 获得父类的全部功能

  • 多态




1.5 作业题中启示

  • 关于父类与子类的调用关系:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Spell(object):def __init__(self, incantation, name):self.name = nameself.incantation = incantationdef __str__(self):return self.name + ' ' + self.incantation + '\n' + self.getDescription()def getDescription(self):return 'No description'def execute(self):print self.incantation    class Accio(Spell):def __init__(self):Spell.__init__(self, 'Accio', 'Summoning Charm')class Confundo(Spell):def __init__(self):Spell.__init__(self, 'Confundo', 'Confundus Charm')def getDescription(self):return 'Causes the victim to become confused and befuddled.'def studySpell(spell):print spellspell = Accio()
# note 这里输出Accio 是因为Spell 的 __init__函数里面的参数写反了!
# note spell 的 name = Summoning Charm incantation = Accio
# note print函数会去调用 __str__ 将__str__返回的结果输出,
# note __str__ 函数返回的是  Summoning Charm Accio \nNo description  (\n 是换行符号)
# note Confundo 是继承自 Spell的,但是它重载override 了父类的函数, getDescription()
# note 但是由于他没有重载父类的 __str__ 函数,所以print函数依然会调用 Spell里面的__str__ 函数
# note __str__函数里面调用了getDescription函数,因为Confundus自己有getDescription函数,这里会去调用自己的这个函数
# note 返回的就是 Confundus Charm Confundo \n Causes the victim to become confused and befuddled.
Summoning Charm Accio
No description
Confundus Charm Confundo
Causes the victim to become confused and befuddled.

2.1 进一步丰富前文例子,形成Class Hierarchy结构

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetimeclass Person(object):def __init__(self, name):'''create a person called name'''self.name = nameself.birthday = Noneself.lastName = name.split(' ')[-1]def getLastName(self):"""return self's last name"""return self.lastNamedef __lt__(self, other):'''return True if self's ame is lexicographically less thanother's name, and False otherwise'''if self.lastName == other.lastName:return self.name < other.namereturn self.lastName < other.lastNamedef setBirthday(self,month, day, year):'''sets selfs birthday to birthDate'''self.birthday =datetime.date(year, month, day)def getAge(self):'''returns self's current age in days'''if self.birthday == None:raise ValueErrorreturn (datetime.date.today() - self.birthday).daysdef __str__(self):"""return self's name"""return self.nameclass MITPerson(Person): # This is a subclass of Person -- inheritancenextIdNum = 0 # Next ID number to assign,\# this is a class attribute, not an attribute for instancesdef __init__(self, name):Person.__init__(self, name) #initialize Person attributes# new MITPerson attribute: a unique ID numberself.idNum = MITPerson.nextIdNum # idNum is an instance attribute# 此处idNum需要调用class attribute nextIdNum的值MITPerson.nextIdNum += 1def getIdNum(self):return self.idNum# sorting MIT people uses their ID number, not name!def __lt__(self, other):return self.idNum < other.idNumclass UG(MITPerson):def __init__(self, name, classYear):MITPerson.__init__(self, name)self.year = classYeardef getClass(self):return self.yearclass Grad(MITPerson):# 这里虽然没有定义任何东西,但因为可以直接继承MITPerson中的method和attribute# 此处建立grad的原因是为了区别grad和undergraduate两种学生passdef isStudent(obj):return isinstance(obj, UG) or isinstance(obj, Grad)

  • 如果此时需要添加一种transfer student类别,再次进行isStudent校验时就会出现错误,必须要再修改isStudent函数中的判断才行。——> 这时其实最好的办法是改变整个hierarchy,在mitstudent下再建立一个subclass:student,让三种学生都成为student的subclass。如下图所示:

2.2 Be careful when overriding methods in a subclass!

  • Sbusititution principle
    Important behaviors of superclass should be supported by all subclasses

2.3 在hierarchy中如何调用method以及attribute的取值

class A(object):def __init__(self):self.a = 1def x(self):print "A.x"def y(self):print "A.y"def z(self):print "A.z"class B(A):def __init__(self):A.__init__(self)self.a = 2self.b = 3def y(self):print "B.y"def z(self):print "B.z"class C(object):def __init__(self):self.a = 4self.c = 5def y(self):print "C.y"def z(self):print "C.z"class D(C, B):def __init__(self):C.__init__(self)B.__init__(self)self.d = 6def z(self):print "D.z"> obj = D()
# 找attribute的顺序:按照代码执行的顺序,从最下面开始,一层一层往上找
# 先找D,无a;再找C,a = 4;再找B,B找A,a = 1;再找B自己的,a = 2
> print obj.a
>>> 2
> print obj.b
>>> 3
> print obj.c
>>> 5
> print obj.d
>>> 6# 找method的顺序:从最下面开始找,找到的第一个便直接执行,不再继续向上寻找
> obj.x()
>>> A.X
> obj.y()
>>> C.y
> obj.z()
>>> D.z

2.4 继续补全上述代码,并形成完整example- A Gradebook

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# A Gradebookimport datetimeclass Person(object):def __init__(self, name):"""create a person called name"""self.name = nameself.birthday = Noneself.lastName = name.split(' ')[-1]def getLastName(self):"""return self's last name"""return self.lastNamedef setBirthday(self,month,day,year):"""sets self's birthday to birthDate"""self.birthday = datetime.date(year,month,day)def getAge(self):"""returns self's current age in days"""if self.birthday == None:raise ValueErrorreturn (datetime.date.today() - self.birthday).daysdef __lt__(self, other):"""return True if self's ame is lexicographicallyless than other's name, and False otherwise"""if self.lastName == other.lastName:return self.name < other.namereturn self.lastName < other.lastNamedef __str__(self):"""return self's name"""return self.name# me = Person("William Eric Grimson")
# print me
# me.getLastName()
# me.setBirthday(1,2,1927)
# me.getAge()
# her = Person("Cher")
# her.getLastName()
# plist = [me, her]
# for p in plist: print p
# plist.sort()
# for p in plist: print pclass MITPerson(Person):nextIdNum = 0 # next ID number to assigndef __init__(self, name):Person.__init__(self, name) # initialize Person attributes# new MITPerson attribute: a unique ID numberself.idNum = MITPerson.nextIdNumMITPerson.nextIdNum += 1def getIdNum(self):return self.idNum# sorting MIT people uses their ID number, not name!def __lt__(self, other):return self.idNum < other.idNum# p1 = MITPerson('Eric')
# p2 = MITPerson('John')
# p3 = MITPerson('John')
# p4 = Person('John')# print p1# p1.getIdNum()
# p2.getIdNum()
# p1 < p2
# p3 < p2
# p4 < p1# p1 < p4class UG(MITPerson):def __init__(self, name, classYear):MITPerson.__init__(self, name)self.year = classYeardef getClass(self):return self.yearclass Grad(MITPerson):passdef isStudent(obj):return isinstance(obj,UG) or isinstance(obj,Grad)#s1 = UG('Fred', 2016)
#s2 = Grad('Angela')
#isStudent(s2)class TransferStudent(MITPerson):pass# go back and define
# class Student(MITPerson)
# change inheritance for UG, Grad and TransferStudent
# change def isStudent(obj):
#            return isinstance(obj, Student)class Grades(object):"""A mapping from students to a list of grades"""def __init__(self):"""Create empty grade book"""self.students = [] # list of Student objectsself.grades = {} # maps idNum -> list of grades# grades这个dictionary的key是学生学号,value是一个list of gradesself.isSorted = True # true if self.students is sorteddef addStudent(self, student):"""Assumes: student is of type StudentAdd student to the grade book"""if student in self.students:raise ValueError('Duplicate student')self.students.append(student)self.grades[student.getIdNum()] = []self.isSorted = Falsedef addGrade(self, student, grade):"""Assumes: grade is a floatAdd grade to the list of grades for student"""try:self.grades[student.getIdNum()].append(grade)except KeyError:raise ValueError('Student not in grade book')def getGrades(self, student):"""Return a list of grades for student"""try: # return copy of student's gradesreturn self.grades[student.getIdNum()][:]#just make a copy of the grade listexcept KeyError:raise ValueError('Student not in grade book')def allStudents(self):"""Return a list of the students in the grade book"""if not self.isSorted:self.students.sort()self.isSorted = Truereturn self.students[:]# return copy of list of studentsdef gradeReport(course):"""Assumes: course if of type grades"""report = []for s in course.allStudents():tot = 0.0numGrades = 0for g in course.getGrades(s):tot += gnumGrades += 1try:average = tot/numGradesreport.append(str(s) + '\'s mean grade is '+ str(average))except ZeroDivisionError:report.append(str(s) + ' has no grades')return '\n'.join(report)ug1 = UG('Jane Doe', 2014)
ug2 = UG('John Doe', 2015)
ug3 = UG('David Henry', 2003)
g1 = Grad('John Henry')
g2 = Grad('George Steinbrenner')six00 = Grades()
six00.addStudent(g2)for s in six00.allStudents():six00.addGrade(s, 75)
for s in six00.students:print s
但是倾向于不这么做,因为this violates the data hiding aspect of an object,
and exposes internal representation.
-- If I were to change how I want to represent a grade book, I should only needto change the methods within that object, not external procedures that use it"""
six00.addGrade(g1, 100)
six00.addGrade(g2, 25)six00.addStudent(ug3)# print gradeReport(six00)
3. generator

1. definition

  • Any procedure or method with a yield statement is called a generator
def genTest():yield 1yield 2> genTest()
>>> <generator object genTest at 0x201b 878>
  • Generators have a next() method which starts/resumes execution of the procedure. Inside of generator(在call generator的next()时可能发生的两种情况):
    yield suspends execution and returns a value
    – Returning from a generator raises a StopIteration exception

next() 的作用是先从程序的开头开始执行,直到reach a “yield” statement,这是会推迟执行,并且返回一个value。
当我们准备好执行接下来的代码时,就再call这个generator的next() function。如果在yield后没有其他语句执行,则会返回一个StopIteration

def genTest():yield 1yield 2> foo = genTest()
> foo.next()
>>> 1 # 返回了第一个yield后面的value
> foo.next()
>>> 2 # 继续执行了语句,并返回了第二个yield后面的value
> foo.next()
StopIterationTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-43-93eccb67fafc> in <module>()
----> 1 foo.next()StopIteration:

2. 用途

2.1 using inside a looping structure
We can use a generator inside a looping structure, as it will continue until it gets a StopIteration exception:

> for n in genTest():print n
>>> 1
>>> 2
# a Fancier example - 计算斐波那契数列
def genFib():fibn_1 = 1 #fib(n-1)fibn_2 = 0 #fib(n-2)while True:#fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)next = fibn_1 + fibn_2yield nextfibn_2 = fibn_1fibn_1 = next# 每次call genFib_instance.next()都会出现数列中下一个数
for n in genFib():print n
# 使用此方法可不断打印出此数列中的数,直到键盘中断为止

** 2.2 Why Generators**

** 相比之下,第一种方法要一次性列出所有人,如果学生很多就会非常低效,而第二种方法每次只给出一个学生的名字,更加的efficient。

2.3 generator例子

Write a generator, genPrimes, that returns the sequence of prime numbers on successive calls to its next() method: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ...
'''def genPrimes():prime_list = []next = 1while True:next += 1for p in prime_list:if next % p == 0:breakelse:prime_list.append(next)yield next'''
for else 用法:
Loop statements may have an else clause;
it is executed when the loop terminates through exhaustion of the iterable (with for)
or when the condition becomes false (with while),
but not when the loop is terminated by a break statement.
'''def genPrimes():primes = [2]yield primes[0]guess = 3while True:if all(guess%x != 0 for x in primes):primes.append(guess)        if guess == primes[-1]:yield primes[-1]guess += 2
而不是直接在generator后面+next。如下方法才是正确的!primeGenerator = genPrimes()

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