• HardLink

    • 要求link和Target必须在同一个盘符下
    • 只能连接文件,不能连接文件夹
    • 区别于Copy,HardLink后的相互关联的文件可以更改同步
    • 创建: CreateHardLink : The security descriptor belongs to the file to which a hard link points. The link itself is only a directory entry, and does not have a security descriptor. Therefore, when you change the security descriptor of a hard link, you a change the security descriptor of the underlying file, and all hard links that point to the file allow the newly specified access. You cannot give a file different security descriptors on a per-hard-link basis.
    • 被Hard Link的文件的文件属性必须是share的。Flags, attributes, access, and sharing that are specified in CreateFile operate on a per-file basis. That is, if you open a file that does not allow sharing, another application cannot share the file by creating a new hard link to the file.
    • 文件属性的更改生效时刻是文件被改后首次打开时。When you create a hard link on the NTFS file system, the file attribute information in the directory entry is refreshed only when the file is opened, or when GetFileInformationByHandle is called with the handle of a specific file.
    • 如果CreateHardLink的参数Path是一个Symbolic link,那么CreateHardLink直接与Symbolic link的Target建立Hard link. Symbolic link behavior—If the path points to a symbolic link, the function creates a hard link to the target.
    • 删除hard link的顺序任意,不受创建顺序影响。 You can delete them in any order regardless of the order in which they are created.

For example, in a system where C: and D: are local drives and Z: is a network drive mapped to \fred\share, the following references are permitted as a hard link:
C:\dira\ethel.txt linked to C:\dirb\dirc\lucy.txt
D:\dir1\tinker.txt to D:\dir2\dirx\bell.txt
C:\diry\bob.bak linked to C:\dir2\mina.txt
The following are not:
C:\dira linked to C:\dirb
C:\dira\ethel.txt linked to D:\dirb\lucy.txt
C:\dira\ethel.txt linked to Z:\dirb\lucy.txt

  • Junctions

    • also called softlink
    • the storage objects it references are separate directories,
      a junction can link directories located on different local volumes on the same computer
    • Junctions are implemented through reparse points.
    • it should be noted that if the target is deleted, moved or renamed, all junctions which point to the target will break and continue to point to a non-existing directory.

Assuming the same conditions in the Hard Links section, the following references are permitted as junctions:
C:\dira linked to C:\dirb\dirc
C:\dirx linked to D:\diry
The following are not:
C:\dira\one.txt linked to C:\dirb\two.txt
C:\dir1 linked to Z:\dir2

  • Symbolic Link

    • Symbolic links are transparent to users; the links appear as normal files or directories, and can be acted upon by the user or application in exactly the same manner.
    • Symbolic links can point to any file or folder either on the local computer or using a SMB path to point at targets over a network
    • CreateSymbolicLink
    • Target删掉后,link应该都不好使了,与Junctions类似


  1. Microsoft mklink: https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/mklink?view=vs-2015
  2. https://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/hardlinkshellext.html


  1. https://www.2brightsparks.com/resources/articles/NTFS-Hard-Links-Junctions-and-Symbolic-Links.pdf

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