What would heavy python unit testers say is the best framework?

I''ve seen a few mentions that maybe the built in unittest framework

isn''t that great. I''ve heard a couple of good things about py.test and

nose. Are there other options? Is there any kind of concensus about

the best, or at least how they stack up to each other?


解决方案Brendan Miller

What would heavy python unit testers say is the best framework?

I''ve seen a few mentions that maybe the built in unittest framework

isn''t that great.

That''s right, there are many flaws in a??unittesta??. It nevertheless has

the overwhelming advantage of being present in any standard Python


Using a??nosea?? at least builds upon the standard library a??unittesta??

module, so can easily integrate existing unit tests. It can also be

used as a unit test discovery and runner framework, which doesn''t

impact the usefulness of the tests themselves on machines that don''t

have a??nosea?? installed.


\ a??Holy contributing to the delinquency of minors, Batman!a?? a??Robin |

`\ |

_o__) |

Ben Finney

Brendan Miller

What would heavy python unit testers say is the best framework?

I''ve seen a few mentions that maybe the built in unittest framework

isn''t that great. I''ve heard a couple of good things about py.test and

nose. Are there other options? Is there any kind of concensus about

the best, or at least how they stack up to each other?


I find nose to be the best. It''s simple, easy, and doesn''t sacrifice

power. All good things if you value your time. :)

In article

<5f**********************************@d42g2000prb. googlegroups.com>,

Brendan Miller

What would heavy python unit testers say is the best framework?

I''ve seen a few mentions that maybe the built in unittest framework

isn''t that great. I''ve heard a couple of good things about py.test and

nose. Are there other options? Is there any kind of concensus about

the best, or at least how they stack up to each other?


I''ve been using unittest for years. I''m happy with it. I''ve looked at a

couple of the other ones (I don''t remember exactly which ones) and came to

the conclusion that they didn''t seem to provide enough advantage over

unittest to make it worth switching.

Just my opinion.


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